
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Latin America & Caribbean


Wave of attacks in north killed 21, wounded over 100 as leftist FARC rebels marked 40th anniversary. Senior FARC commander Ricardo Palmera sentenced to 35 years in prison for kidnapping, rebellion. Suspected paramilitaries killed 11 alleged collaborators with leftist rebels. Leaders of AUC paramilitary group agreed to remain in rural area with OAS observers while negotiations continue with government.

Latin America & Caribbean


President Uribe proposed amended legislation for demobilisation of right-wing paramilitaries; to require jail time for worst offenders. Former leader of AUC paramilitary group, Carlos Castaño, missing after gun battle with rival paramilitaries killed number of bodyguards; later reported dead. Former general threatening to expose links between army and leftist FARC rebel group. Congress considering whether to amend constitution to allow Uribe to run for second term.

Latin America & Caribbean


At White House meeting 23 March, President Bush commended President Uribe for efforts against drug traffickers and terrorists, and called for Congress to increase U.S. military support for efforts. Coca production declined by 21% in 2003. AUC paramilitary group asked U.S. to join negotiations to disarm AUC fighters, seeking to get round U.S. extradition requests for its leaders - U.S. rejected.

Latin America & Caribbean


Government claims paramilitary groups have killed more than 250 since ceasefire announced December 2002, but that killings down by 44% over previous year. U.S and UN complained of continuing paramilitary violence. 22 members of AUC paramilitary group and 10 soldiers killed in fighting 21 February. Government claimed some 17 members of FARC rebel group and 8 members of ELN rebel group killed in clashes with armed forces on weekend of 21 February. FARC responded 25 February with attack in south, killing 12 soldiers and kidnapping 3 businessmen – President Uribe sacked general in command of region. U.S. added leaders of FARC and AUC to its list of international drugs traffickers.

Latin America & Caribbean


Senior FARC rebel leader, Simón Trinidad, captured in Ecuador 2 January – most senior rebel leader captured in FARC’s 40-year history. In new campaign, army began pushing into rebel-held parts of country. Leader of AUC paramilitary unit that disarmed in November gave unprecedented address to Congress, calling for legislation to protect paramilitaries who disarmed. Organization of American States agreed 25 January to monitor disarmament of paramilitaries. EU called on government to respect rule of law, in veiled criticism of emergency detention powers for military, approved by Congress in December.

Latin America & Caribbean


Leftist rebel group ELN rejected conditional offer by government to open peace talks. ELN released remaining 5 foreign hostages kidnapped September. One of alleged leaders of FARC rebel group captured by police. FARC and ELN rebels attacked paramilitary village 30 December, killing 40.

Latin America & Caribbean


Government shake-up following 25 October elections has seen resignations of defence, interior and environment ministers. Armed forces commander and police chief also resigned and another general sacked. Resignations have damaged perceived strength of President Uribe. Colombia also facing economic problems. 800 members of rightwing AUC paramilitary group disarmed in public ceremony. Leftist ELN rebels released two of seven foreign tourists taken hostage in September. Other leftist rebel group, FARC, blamed for grenade attacks on two Bogota bars 15 November, killing one and injuring over 70. Each side accused other of planning violence during campaigns.

Latin America & Caribbean


Car bomb killed six and injured 12 on 8 October in central Bogota: FARC blamed. Two mayors slain after secret meeting with FARC, totalling nine mayors assassinated this year. Ceasefire between government and right-wing paramilitary group put in doubt by 13 October deadly clashes. Regional FARC number two leader killed by Colombian army 19 October. In run up to 25 October national referendum and 26 October local elections, at least 30 candidates killed by illegal groups; others intimidated into dropping out. 25 politicians detained as government claims rebel ties. Package of measures failed in referendum due to low voter turnout, and leftist candidate won election as mayor of Bogota, in setback to President Uribe.

Latin America & Caribbean


Bomb outside nightclub in southern city of Florencia on 28 September killed ten and injured 50 – FARC rebels blamed. Eight foreign tourists kidnapped, one British tourist later escaped – leftist rebel group ELN claimed responsibility. FARC stepped up attacks in north, bombing freight train and blowing up gas pipeline. Heavy fighting between right-wing paramilitaries caused hundreds to flee homes in north. Human Rights Watch reported more than 11,000 child soldiers may be fighting for rebels and paramilitaries. President Uribe strongly criticised NGOs and human rights groups after they challenged government’s human rights record.

Latin America & Caribbean


FARC and ELN rebels announced decision for joint military operations against Government and ruled out peace talks. This followed President Uribe’s public request to Venezuelan President Chavez to convey Colombia’s willingness to negotiate with FARC if they agreed to ceasefire, implicitly suggesting Chavez Government links to FARC. Colombian Air Force to resume forcing down planes suspected of carrying drugs or weapons. U.S. to renew assistance to CAF for that purpose after new procedures put in place. Demobilisation talks with some paramilitaries move forward. Government introduced legislation to grant amnesty to illegal fighters whose groups agree to ceasefire or peace talks. UN criticised proposed amnesty. Dozens of civilians killed in rebel bomb attacks across country following first anniversary of Uribe’s election.