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We’re proud to launch the complete redesign of our website We’re sure you’ll find it quicker, smarter, and far more intuitive to use.

Our new site’s strong search functions will rapidly guide you to the information you really want, whether you’re looking for one of our hallmark reports, an op-ed piece by one of our analysts, or a cross-cutting overview of our work on the threat posed by radical, often transnational groups like the Islamic State and al-Qaeda.

Best of all, the rebuild will allow you to read our comprehensive reports far more easily – whether on your desktop, your tablet or your smartphone. Footnotes can be accessed or hidden with a simple click or tap. Extras, like our analysts’ interviews or commentaries, will be discreetly suggested alongside the document’s flow. You can highlight text to share with your peers by email or social media. A paragraph or article that you might need later can be saved straight to a personal workbook, accompanied by your own comments – an innovative feature we’ve called “My Reading List”.

We’ve also focused on making everything fresh we’ve got to say about a country, conflict or crisis immediately accessible in one place, including timely alerts and commentaries. Striking photographs will illustrate the problems on which we work. You’ll have easier access to slideshows and our emerging line of video explainers and mini-documentaries.

With the launch of our new website we will also be putting a greater focus on our mission and our methodology. We are now publishing our growing library of Impact Notes. Initiated in 2015, they give an informal glimpse into how we work and what we strive to achieve.

Our popular interactive map is back, helping you navigate to trouble spots around the globe.

One of our most-read outputs, CrisisWatch, a monthly tracker of over 70 conflicts and vulnerable countries, has been completely revamped. Our popular interactive map is back, helping you navigate to trouble spots around the globe. Improved and deteriorated situations will be easier to see, as will conflict resolution opportunities or conflict risk alerts. Whether you’re looking for information on looming conflict in Burundi in the month ahead, or a reliable account of fighting in an Afghan town a decade ago, you’ll quickly find it in our searchable database.

We’re extraordinarily grateful to our partners in building this website, Code and Theory Manila. They not only delivered the project in record time and on schedule, but also often understood our needs before we had done so ourselves. You may also notice that this website marks our transition to a new brand identity developed with the great pro bono assistance of Edelman UK.

We trust that the new website, by making our reports, updates and field analysis even clearer and more engaging to read, will enable you as a supporter to make even better use of Crisis Group’s work. We invite you to join us as we recommit to our mission to prevent, manage and resolve the dramatic global rise in deadly conflicts. Discover the new!

Slideshow: Crisis Group's Website Through the Years CRISIS GROUP


Former Senior Online Editor

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