CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Parliament finally approved composition of new electoral commission, but compromise went against recommendations of U.S. envoy James Baker aimed at preventing electoral fraud in Nov. 2003 elections. Little progress made in negotiations over future status of Abkhazia.


Region’s wealthiest and most stable country continues to attract attention for poor treatment of journalists and opposition figures. Kazakh authorities reportedly refusing request for pardon from Ghalymzhan Zhaqiyanov, jailed co-founder of Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan, until he promises to stay out of politics.


Serbian parliament adopted declaration on 26 August reaffirming claim to Kosovo. 2 Serb teenagers killed and 6 injured in attack by unknown assailants on 13 August. UN police officer killed in ambush on 2 August. Kosovo Serb arrested. Unknown how much of violence was response to Belgrade’s declaration on Kosovo, coming as it did during transition to new UNMIK Chief, Harri Holkeri.


Dissatisfaction with Government remains high, particularly in south. President Akayev consolidated power by pushing through widely-criticised constitutional referendum, but promises not to run in next election, due in 2005. Conviction of popular opposition leader Feliks Kulov upheld by Supreme Court.


Moldovan and Transdniestrian forces took first demilitarisation step in years, withdrawing 37 armoured vehicles from Security Zone separating sides. EU and NATO discussing OSCE proposal to send peacekeepers Moldova to help settle dispute and bring order to region.


Montenegrin politics continue to be overshadowed by allegations of smuggling and human trafficking.

North Macedonia

Increase in violent incidents as ethnic tensions persist. Albanian National Army fired 2 rocket-propelled grenades on 25 August at guard tower on Kosovo-Macedonia border; grenade attacks by unknown assailants on Skopje government buildings and bomb explosion on railway tracks north of Skopje on 28 August. No one injured. 2 police officers briefly kidnapped by ethnic Albanian gunmen on 27 August. Mandate of EU peacekeeping mission extended until 15 December 2003; EU police mission to strengthen rule of law under consideration.


At least 8 attacks in predominantly ethnic-Albanian Presevo Valley, including mortar attacks on Serbian army base on 12 August, police checkpoint on 15 August, and in Presevo centre on 23 and 27 August. Albanian National Army (ANA) thought to be behind at least some attacks. May be reaction to declaration on Kosovo adopted by Serbian parliament as draft on 11 August and in full on 26 August. Belgrade increased Kosovo rhetoric, perhaps to turn public attention away from corruption scandals. Commission investigating assassination of Serbian premier Djindjic named 44 suspects; allegations of links to government figures.


Following Kyrgyz president’s example, President Rakhmonov held referendum on package of constitutional changes, one of which could allow him to remain in power until 2020. Government said amendments approved by over 93% of voters.


Central Asia’s most repressive and isolated country showing no signs of progress. President Niyazov maintains strict control over general population, limiting access to information, restricting travel abroad, and using systematic human rights abuses to stifle dissent. Parliament, until recently rubber-stamping body, now stripped even of that function.

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