Georgi Engelbrecht

Georgi Engelbrecht

Senior Analyst, Philippines

Crisis Group Role

Georgi Englebrecht joined Crisis Group in late September 2019. As Senior Analyst for the Philippines, he focuses mostly on the various conflicts and peace processes within the country. In addition, he carries out research and analysis of topics relevant to the Philippine neighbourhood, such as the South China Sea or the Sulu Sea.

Professional Background

Georgi Engelbrecht worked for around 8 years on the Southern Philippines, mostly on conflict prevention and civilian protection. He was part of the International Monitoring Team (IMT) in Mindanao until 2019. He has master’s degrees in international law and international relations.

Areas of Expertise

  • Philippines
  • International Humanitarian Law
  • Human Rights
  • Armed Groups
  • Civilian Protection

Select Publications

  • The West and Russia in the Mediterranean: Towards a Renewed Rivalry? in: Mediterranean Politics, Vol.13, Nr.3 2009, p.385-406, co-authored with Derek Lutterbeck.
  • Community-Based Protection Mechanisms, in: Peace Review, Vol.27, Nr.1 2015, p.43-51, co- authored with Vidushi Kaushik.
  • Prospects for the normalisation process in the Southern Philippines: An architecture of uncertainty? In: From Aquino II to Duterte (2010-2018): Change, Continuity-and Rupture, p.239-262, Ch. 8., edited by. Imelda Deinla and Bjoern Dressel (Singapore:Iseas-Yusof Ishak Institute).

In The News

6 मे 2022
Time has passed since the time of Martial Law, and if you look at the demographics, it is mostly older Filipinos who remember and are opposed to BBM. Foreign Policy

Georgi Engelbrecht

Senior Analyst, Philippines

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