David Wood

David Wood

Senior Analyst, Lebanon

Crisis Group Role

David joined Crisis Group in April 2022 as the Senior Analyst for Lebanon. He conducts research to help understand the current and future consequences of Lebanon's ongoing economic, political and social crises. David works with Crisis Group's Middle East & North Africa team to propose recommendations aimed at preventing conflict over resources and political control.

Professional Background

Before joining Crisis Group, David was the managing editor at Triangle, a Beirut-based think tank advocating for progressive reform in the Middle East & North Africa region. David has led in-depth studies on a range of issues affecting Lebanon, including IMF funding, legal reform, the energy and banking sectors, and corruption. Since 2015, David has also worked as a freelance journalist in Lebanon, Egypt and Ghana, writing for outlets such as The Guardian, Foreign Policy and Al Jazeera. David holds a M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Texas at Austin.

Areas of Expertise

  • Lebanon
  • Egypt
  • Legal reform
  • Macroeconomic reform 
  • Corruption


  • English
  • Arabic

In The News

3 Led 2024
Israel and Hezbollah have pursued a new dynamic of tit-for-tat retaliation – launching strikes against each other below the threshold of triggering an all-out war. The New Arab

David Wood

Senior Analyst, Lebanon
11 Říj 2023
Hizbollah hitting the Shebaa Farms and Israel shelling some areas in the south — these are within the expected rules of engagement. Financial Times

David Wood

Senior Analyst, Lebanon
30 Srp 2023
This year's [UNIFIL] mandate renewal discussion comes at an especially tense moment for the peacekeeping force [in Lebanon]. The New Arab

David Wood

Senior Analyst, Lebanon

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