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CW map June 2024

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.

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Trends for Last Month Հունիս 2024

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In The News

19 Մայիս 2024
[China and Taiwan] are far away from a basis for dialogue that both sides can accept. New York Times

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
26 Apr 2024
[U.S.] Secretary Blinken's meetings in China underscored both the continuation of the tactical thaw in bilateral relations and the accumulation of fundamental stresses. Buisness Insider

Ali Wyne

Senior Research and Advocacy Adviser, U.S.-China
14 Հուն 2024
Taiwanese are increasingly having a very distinctive identity different from the mainland China, and... we are seeing a Beijing that is increasingly more powerful. AFP

Ivy Kwek

Former Giustra Fellow, China
13 Հուն 2024
This election [in Taiwan] marks a change in leadership at a moment when cross-strait tensions are high, and preserving stability has become more of a challenge. CNN

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
7 Հուն 2024
The more Beijing employs coercion on Taiwan, the less effective these actions will [be] on striking fear in the Taiwanese public. AFP

Ivy Kwek

Former Giustra Fellow, China
30 Նոյ 2023
The Indian Ocean has become the main theatre for the great power rivalry between the US and China. And Moscow would like to enhance its strategic presence in the region. Voice of America

Praveen Donthi

Senior Analyst, India

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Christopher Green

Senior Consultant, Korean Peninsula
Christopher Green

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
Amanda Hsiao

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