East Mediterranean (MENA)

This page links only to Crisis Group publications on Syria, Lebanon and Israel/Palestine, as researched and written by our Middle East and North Africa Program. For publications about Eastern Mediterranean energy, maritime boundaries, Turkey-Greece tensions and the Cyprus problem, please see our Eastern Mediterranean Rivalries page.

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In The News

24 Jun 2024
It’s very unlikely Israel will allow any fully fledged civil entity to take over [in Gaza.] At best we’re looking at dysfunctional governance run by aid organizations. Wall Street Journal

Tahani Mustafa

Senior Analyst, Palestine
19 Jun 2024
Nobody in the Israeli political establishment is willing to say ‘stop the war’. The New Arab

Mairav Zonszein

Senior Analyst, Israel
9 Jun 2024
There is an Israeli narrative in the [Gaza] war, and an international narrative, and they don’t really meet. The Guardian

Mairav Zonszein

Senior Analyst, Israel
8 Jun 2024
The Egyptian acts are pushed on the one hand by a sense of solidarity with the Palestinian cause but on the other hand as a matter of security. Al-Monitor

Riccardo Fabiani

Project Director, North Africa
21 May 2024
I think, hopefully, [the ICC arrest warrants] should give Israel's backers — the U.S., U.K., Germany, those providing arms to Israel — cause to reconsider that support. CBC

Brian Finucane

Senior Adviser, U.S.
10 May 2024
This resolution [for Palestinian UN membership] is a very clear signal to Israel and the US that it is time to take Palestinian statehood seriously. AFP

Richard Gowan

UN Director

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Joost Hiltermann

Program Director, Middle East and North Africa
Joost Hiltermann
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Rami Dajani

Project Director, Israel & Palestine

Heiko Wimmen

Project Director, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon
Heiko Wimmen

Nanar Hawach

Senior Analyst, Syria

Tahani Mustafa

Senior Analyst, Palestine

David Wood

Senior Analyst, Lebanon
David Wood

Mairav Zonszein

Senior Analyst, Israel
Mairav Zonszein

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