
In The News

12 jul 2024
With the United States reinvigorating its core alliances and partnerships in Europe and Asia … China seeks to demonstrate that it can assemble coalitions of its own. Voice of America

Ali Wyne

Senior Research and Advocacy Adviser, U.S.-China
19 mei 2024
[China and Taiwan] are far away from a basis for dialogue that both sides can accept. New York Times

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
26 apr 2024
[U.S.] Secretary Blinken's meetings in China underscored both the continuation of the tactical thaw in bilateral relations and the accumulation of fundamental stresses. Buisness Insider

Ali Wyne

Senior Research and Advocacy Adviser, U.S.-China
30 nov 2023
The Indian Ocean has become the main theatre for the great power rivalry between the US and China. And Moscow would like to enhance its strategic presence in the region. Voice of America

Praveen Donthi

Senior Analyst, India
18 jun 2023
Washington seeks to lower the risks of competition [with China] by establishing clearer guardrails and identifying areas of cooperation. Axios

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
19 dec 2022
At the moment, we think that China has not fully developed the capability to guarantee a sure victory if it chooses to launch a military option on Taiwan. CNA

Ivy Kwek

Former Giustra Fellow, China

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Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
Amanda Hsiao

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