Protesters gather during a nationwide strike to protest against tax hikes and the Finance Bill 2024 in downtown Nairobi, on June 25, 2024.

What is Behind Kenya’s Protest Movement?

Kenyan police have killed dozens of protesters since demonstrations against proposed new taxes began on 18 June. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Meron Elias explains the roots of the discontent and calls for meaningful dialogue with young people demanding accountability from the country’s leaders. 

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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.

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The ceasefire deal the U.S. has tabled represents the best – and perhaps last – hope for both ending the Gaza war and getting the hostages held in the strip back any time soon. Israeli and Hamas leaders should accept it.

The gruelling war in Ukraine continues, with Russian forces creeping forward amid fierce fighting. To stop Russia’s immediate momentum and withstand its assault, Kyiv and its backers will need to move quickly to fix problems that have hindered the Ukrainian effort to date.

In The News

14 ජුලි 2024
It is likely Somalia will still require foreign troops’ assistance for at least the next couple of years in order to avoid a security reversal. The East African

Omar Mahmood

Senior Analyst, Eastern Africa
12 ජුලි 2024
With the United States reinvigorating its core alliances and partnerships in Europe and Asia … China seeks to demonstrate that it can assemble coalitions of its own. Voice of America

Ali Wyne

Senior Research and Advocacy Adviser, U.S.-China
11 ජුලි 2024
India’s most trusted … bilateral relationship is probably with Russia. It’s been at the heart of India’s foreign and strategic policy for a long time. Andalou Agency

Praveen Donthi

Senior Analyst, India
9 ජුලි 2024
The big question many have is if [Ethiopian Prime Minister] Abiy Ahmed could position himself as a mediator between [Sudan's army chief] Burhan and the UAE. Reuters

Alan Boswell

Project Director, Horn of Africa
28 ජුනි 2024
Russia is dead-set on breaking up the sanctions regime [on North Korea] and China has not done much to restrain Moscow. Reuters

Richard Gowan

UN Director
26 ජුනි 2024
The jihadists have deeply ingrained themselves into the local landscape [in northern Mali]. [That] has made it much harder to uproot them. New York Times

Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim

Deputy Project Director, Sahel

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