Richard Horsey

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar

In The News

31 āļ¸āˇāļēāˇ’ 2024
Myanmar’s ethnic armed groups are securing on the battlefield the autonomous homelands they have long sought. Al Jazeera

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar
27 āļ…āļ´āˇŠâ€āļģāˇš 2024
Myanmar isn't a well-functioning, centralized state that has suddenly fallen into atomizationâ€Ļ It's always been fragmented to some extent or another. Deutsche Welle

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar
16 āļ´āˇ™āļļ 2024
The [Myanmar] military is clearly facing significant manpower shortages, which is why it is introducing a draft for the first time in its history. Reuters

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar
30 āļĸāļą 2024
The military [in Myanmar] might not have the ability to vanquish its opponents, but it retains an enormous capacity for violence, especially against civilian targets. VOA

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar
13 āļ¯āˇ™āˇƒāˇ 2023
When the Myanmar military feels under pressure, its normal response is to ramp up the level of violence. The Wall Street Journal

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar
13 āļąāˇœāˇ€āˇ 2023
If combat persists [in Rakhine State], it will open a significant new front for the regime [in Myanmar], which is already overstretched. Reuters

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar

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