Zaur Shiriyev

Zaur Shiriyev

Former Analyst, South Caucasus

In The News

25 நவ 2023
Azerbaijan does not trust Western incentives for peace talks … [Azerbaijanis] would like to see more emphasis on issues such as investments and reconstruction. Nu.NL

Zaur Shiriyev

Former Analyst, South Caucasus
19 செப் 2023
[Azerbaijan] redrew the map in the 2020 war [over Nagorno-Karabakh] and now seeks a peace settlement with Armenia but on its own terms. Newsweek

Zaur Shiriyev

Former Analyst, South Caucasus
26 டிச 2022
The fate of the Karabakh Armenians is a core issue for ending the hostility between the two countries [Armenia and Azerbaijan]. No one has laid out what’s the best way. Foreign Policy

Zaur Shiriyev

Former Analyst, South Caucasus

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