Multilateral Diplomacy

While growing geopolitical rifts often complicate or block international cooperation, global and regional multilateral bodies including the United Nations,​ international financial institutions, G7 and G20 still play an important role in crisis management, alongside regional organisations​ like the European Union and African Union​. Crisis Group analyses diplomatic trends in multilateral forums, as well as the performance of international peacemaking, peacekeeping and conflict prevention efforts. Working closely with diplomats and international officials in New York, Brussels, Addis Ababa, Geneva and other international centres, we advise on mandates and strategies for mediation efforts and peace operations, as well as contributing ideas for institutional reform efforts.

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In The News

23 ژانویه 2024
The U.N. is losing credibility as big power tensions rise. The EurAsian Times

Richard Gowan

UN Director
2 ژانویه 2024
[U.N. diplomats] have never really shaken off the suspicion that Trump might return to power. Devex

Richard Gowan

UN Director
14 دسامبر 2023
Russian diplomats see the war in the Middle East as a huge opportunity to reset their position at the U.N. Reuters

Richard Gowan

UN Director
12 دسامبر 2023
The length and intensity of Israel’s operations in Gaza have left many UN members convinced that a ceasefire is essential. Doha News

Richard Gowan

UN Director
19 سپتامبر 2022
A lot of [the] time now, the U.N.’s role has been reduced to geopolitical ambulance-chasing. Foreign Policy

Richard Gowan

UN Director

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