
Conflict Tracker
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CW map June 2024

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.

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In The News

12 Jul 2024
With the United States reinvigorating its core alliances and partnerships in Europe and Asia … China seeks to demonstrate that it can assemble coalitions of its own. Voice of America

Ali Wyne

Senior Research and Advocacy Adviser, U.S.-China
11 Jul 2024
India’s most trusted … bilateral relationship is probably with Russia. It’s been at the heart of India’s foreign and strategic policy for a long time. Andalou Agency

Praveen Donthi

Senior Analyst, India
31 May 2024
Myanmar’s ethnic armed groups are securing on the battlefield the autonomous homelands they have long sought. Al Jazeera

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar
19 May 2024
[China and Taiwan] are far away from a basis for dialogue that both sides can accept. New York Times

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
27 Apr 2024
Myanmar isn't a well-functioning, centralized state that has suddenly fallen into atomization… It's always been fragmented to some extent or another. Deutsche Welle

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar
26 Apr 2024
[U.S.] Secretary Blinken's meetings in China underscored both the continuation of the tactical thaw in bilateral relations and the accumulation of fundamental stresses. Buisness Insider

Ali Wyne

Senior Research and Advocacy Adviser, U.S.-China

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Our People

Pierre Prakash

Program Director, Asia
Pierre Prakash

Huong Le Thu

Deputy Program Director, Asia
Huong Le Thu

Samina Ahmed

Project Director, South Asia and Senior Asia Adviser

Ibraheem Bahiss

Analyst, Afghanistan

Margarite Clarey

Senior Advocacy and Communications Officer, Asia
Margarite Clarey

Praveen Donthi

Senior Analyst, India

Georgi Engelbrecht

Senior Analyst, Philippines
Georgi Engelbrecht

Christopher Green

Senior Consultant, Korean Peninsula
Christopher Green

Richard Horsey

Senior Adviser, Myanmar
Richard Horsey

Amanda Hsiao

Senior Analyst, China
Amanda Hsiao

Thomas Kean

Senior Consultant, Myanmar & Bangladesh
Thomas Kean

Alan Keenan

Senior Consultant, Sri Lanka
Alan Keenan

Michael Kovrig

Senior Adviser, Asia
Michael Kovrig

Graeme Smith

Senior Analyst, Afghanistan
Graeme Smith

Matthew Wheeler

Senior Analyst, South East Asia
Matthew Wheeler

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