ENOUGH – ‘the project to abolish genocide and mass atrocities’ – has enjoyed an enthusiastic reception since it was launched in March. U.S.-based, and primarily focused on mass action, ENOUGH aims to work with an intensely engaged activist constituency to promote a policy agenda based on the ‘three Ps’: peace, protection of civilians and punishment of the guilty, and to build greater consensus around the steps that must be taken to prevent mass atrocities and genocide in the future. The crises on which it is initially focusing are those in Darfur, the Congo and Uganda.

In order to build on ENOUGH’s early momentum, we have agreed that the core group of Crisis Group staff who have been working in Washington DC with our partners at the Center for American Progress (CAP) to establish this project – John Prendergast, supported by Colin Thomas-Jensen and Julia Spiegel – will, while continuing to be employed by Crisis Group, take leave from their current Crisis Group work and, until the end of 2007, be engaged full-time on the ENOUGH Project.

The International Crisis Group and ENOUGH have distinct but complementary roles. Crisis Group’s methodology is focused on detailed field analysis, the formulation of complex policy responses, and high-level advocacy aimed directly at policy-makers and those in the media and elsewhere who influence them, rather than at the grassroots activity and building of campaign structures which are at the heart of ENOUGH’s present strategy. But Crisis Group remains wholly supportive of mass action whenever and wherever this is necessary to mobilise an effective response to actual or feared atrocity situations – thus our continuing support for the ENOUGH initiative and allocation of significant resources to it.

We look forward to a long and productive period of working together, and with our partners and donors, to advance our common goals: ridding the world of violent conflict, genocide and other mass atrocities.

To receive information and materials from ENOUGH in the future, please visit – if you have not already – www.enoughproject.org.


Former President & CEO

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