How We Work

Independent. Impartial. Inclusive.

Our staff members (approximately 150) and consultants are drawn from a broad spectrum of backgrounds including academia, civil society, diplomacy and media. Crisis Group staff are based all over the world and cover some 70 actual and potential conflicts.

Learn more about our global operations

Our Methodology

Crisis Group's Claudia Gazzini speaks with an oil engineer loyal to Ibrahim Jathran outside of Zueitina, one of the oil ports under Jathran's control and among those shut down since summer 2013, March 2014. CRISIS GROUP
Field Research
Our North East Asia Adviser Michael Kovrig talks to CNBC's Squawk Box in 2018.
Sharp Analysis
Crisis Group Board member, Mo Ibrahim, and Crisis Group’s Africa Program Director, Comfort Ero, speaking at the event, The Changing Face of Conflict, 27 April 2015. CRISIS GROUP/Don Pollard
High-level Advocacy
Learn more about our methodology

Crisis Group has more than twenty years of experience in working to prevent, manage and resolve deadly conflict.

Field research

Our expert analysts engage directly with all parties to a conflict as they conduct research on the ground, share multiple perspectives and propose practical policy solutions.

Sharp analysis

We publish comprehensive reports and timely commentaries to inform decision making and shape the public debate on how to limit threats to peace and security.

High-level advocacy

We work with heads of government, policymakers, media, civil society, and conflict actors themselves to sound the alarm of impending conflict and to open paths to peace.

In Darfur, for example, International Crisis Group was ringing the alarm bell … They gave us insight. We didn’t always agree with them. It’s not their role to come into agreement with us. It’s their role to reflect ground truth

General Colin Powell

Former U.S. Secretary of State

Latest Updates

Podcast / United States

U.S.-India Relations in a World Between Orders

In this episode of Ripple Effect, Michael and Steve talk with Crisis Group trustee and former Indian National Security Adviser and Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon about India’s views on the U.S. election and how New Dehli navigates a rapidly changing world order.

Houthi Strikes, Red Sea Shipping and Yemen’s War

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group’s Yemen expert Ahmed Nagi, about the recent uptick in attacks from Houthi rebels on vessels in the waters around Yemen and what they mean for global shipping and the war in Yemen.

¿Vientos de cambio en Venezuela? El chavismo enfrenta su mayor desafío electoral

Los venezolanos acudirán a las urnas el 28 de julio. Las encuestas indican que unas elecciones limpias darían la victoria a la oposición en el país suramericano asolado por la crisis económica. Crisis Group habló con chavistas para explorar cómo responderán a las posibilidades de perder el poder. 

Also available in English
Podcast / Africa

L'expansion de la Russie en Afrique

Dans cet épisode d’Afrique 360°, Enrica Picco et Rinaldo Depagne reçoivent Tatiana Smirnova, chercheuse à l’Université de Sherbrooke à Montréal, et Maxime Audinet, chercheur à l’IRSEM, pour parler de la nouvelle stratégie d’implantation russe en Afrique.

Commentary / United States

Meltdown Looms for the West Bank’s Financial Lifelines

Israel’s threatened termination of a banking waiver would paralyse financial activity in the West Bank, causing an economic meltdown and risking the Palestinian Authority’s collapse – with dire consequences for West Bank Palestinians – and maybe for Israel, too. The U.S. should press Israel to change course.

Also available in Arabic

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