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/ Asia

Bangladesh on Edge after Crushing Quota Protests

Mass unrest has rocked Bangladesh in July, as students and others demonstrate against quotas for state jobs, and the government responds with deadly repression. In this Q&A, Crisis Group Asia Director Pierre Prakash explains what is behind the turmoil.

Video / United States

How the U.S. Has Justified its Use of Force Since 7 October

In this video Brian Finucane talks about how the Biden administration has worked around legal guardrails to engage in fighting without approval from the U.S. Congress.

Report / United States

Bending the Guardrails: U.S. War Powers after 7 October

Amid the Gaza war, the Biden administration has resorted to military force without asking Congress, further corroding the U.S. constitution’s checks and balances in this domain. Job one is a ceasefire but war powers reform is a vital task for the future.

Also available in Arabic

What Hope for a Gaza Ceasefire and What Happens Without One?

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group experts Mairav Zonszein, Michael Hanna and Rami Dajani about where things stand in Gaza, prospects for a ceasefire and what happens if the two sides cannot reach a deal. 

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On Our Radar

On Our Radar scans conflicts and crises around the globe every week and features some of the hotspots Crisis Group's analysts are closely watching. Whether an under-reported trend or a headline-grabbing development, our field experts explain why it matters or what should be done. 

Ukraine War Map: Tracking the Frontlines

Explore Crisis Group's map that shows movements of military units and fortification building below.

Also available in Russian, Ukrainian

A Three Border Problem: Holding Back the Amazon’s Criminal Frontiers

Organised crime is flourishing in the jungle expanse trisected by the borders of Brazil, Colombia and Peru, putting the populations and ecosystems of the Amazon’s heartland at serious risk. With donor aid, the three states should act fast before the illegal activity does irreversible damage.

Also available in Portuguese, Portugal, Español
Statement / United States

Aftermath of a Shooting

After a would-be assassin shot at former U.S. President and current Republican candidate Donald Trump on 13 July, the country’s political leaders, especially Trump himself, should avoid stoking division in order to reduce risks of violence as the November election approaches. 

Prisoners of the Past? Political Crises and Ethnic Tensions in the Western Balkans

This week on War & Peace, Olga is joined by Marko Prelec, Crisis Group’s consulting senior Balkans analyst, to discuss the political landscape in the Western Balkans, the risks of Bosnia and Herzegovina falling apart, simmering tensions between Kosovo and Serbia, and prospects for EU enlargement. 

The UN, An Organisation Close To Breaking Point?

UN secretary-general António Guterres conceived the upcoming Summit of the Future as an opportunity for visionary thinking about our global future. But member states have far more pressing concerns.

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