Video - A Short Window to Resuscitate South Sudan’s Ailing Peace Deal
Video - A Short Window to Resuscitate South Sudan’s Ailing Peace Deal
On the Horizon: March - August 2024
On the Horizon: March - August 2024
Video / Africa 1 minute

Video - A Short Window to Resuscitate South Sudan’s Ailing Peace Deal

Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for South Sudan Alan Boswell recounts what he found during his recent field trip to South Sudan.

A negotiated 100-day extension for naming a unity government has averted a crisis imperilling a ceasefire between South Sudan’s main belligerents. The extension of the deadline for the unity government’s formation was necessary but does not in itself guarantee progress.

Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for South Sudan Alan Boswell recounts what he found during his field trip to South Sudan and touches upon Crisis Group's recommendations for this 100-day period.

A Short Window to Resuscitate South Sudan’s Ailing Peace Deal


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