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Displaying 211 - 220 of 6955 articles
Commentary / Asia

Toward a Self-sufficient Afghanistan

Western sanctions on the Taliban regime for its restrictions on women’s rights are plunging Afghanistan into isolation, including from its neighbours. In this excerpt from the Watch List 2024, Crisis Group outlines ways the EU can support regional diplomacy and mitigate the country’s socio-economic crisis.

President's Take

President’s Take: Europe Has a Difficult Hand to Play in 2024

The new year brings the uncertainty of several key elections, including for the EU Parliament, to an already fraught global conflict landscape. In her introduction to the Watch List 2024, Crisis Group President & CEO Comfort Ero outlines some of the challenges the new EU leadership will face.

War of Attrition in Ukraine

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard talks with Olga Oliker, Crisis Group’s Europe & Central Asia Director, about Russia’s war in Ukraine, battlefield dynamics and whether Western support for Ukraine will hold. 

Q&A / Africa

DR Congo: A Full Plate of Challenges after a Turbulent Vote

Having won a second term in December’s divisive, chaotic polls, Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi faces the tasks of reuniting the country and addressing raging violence in the east. It is a tall order, but diplomacy – with domestic opponents and regional leaders – can help.

Also available in Français

Israel in Paralysis

A political crisis has gripped Israel as its Gaza campaign grinds on with no end in sight. Not only are more than 100 Israelis still captives of Hamas, but many feel held hostage by their own failed leadership.

Podcast / Africa

Ethiopia’s Push for Sea Access

This week on The Horn, Alan speaks with Ethiopia scholar Christopher Clapham about Addis Ababa’s bid for its own seaport, including its controversial recent deal with Somaliland, as well as the many internal crises facing Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

Why the War in Gaza Makes a Nuclear Iran More Likely

The Conflict Has Empowered Tehran—but Also Fueled Its Sense of Vulnerability

Podcast / Africa

Corne de l’Afrique : comment éviter le pire en 2024

Dans cet épisode d’Afrique 360°, Enrica Picco et Rinaldo Depagne reçoivent Roland Marchal, directeur de recherche au Centre de Recherches Internationales (CERI) de Sciences Po, pour parler de la montée des tensions dans la Corne de l’Afrique et des risques pour cette région en 2024.

Podcast / Global

Ten Conflicts to Watch in 2024

Which wars is Crisis Group worried about in 2024? This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard talks to Crisis Group’s President & CEO Comfort Ero and Chief of Policy Stephen Pomper about our publication “10 Conflicts to Watch”.

Podcast / United States

The Future of Republican Foreign Policy

In this episode of Ripple Effect, Stephen Pomper and Michael Hanna are joined by Kori Schake, Senior Fellow and Director of Foreign and Defence Policy Studies at the American Enterprise Institute, to discuss the main foreign policy debates animating the Republican primaries.

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