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Displaying 6731 - 6740 of 6955 articles
Report / Europe & Central Asia

Macedonia’s Name: Why the Dispute Matters and How to Resolve It

On 16 November 2001, Macedonia’s parliament passed a set of constitutional amendments that were agreed in August, when Macedonian and Albanian minority leaders signed the Ohrid Framework Agreement.

Report / Asia

Myanmar: The Military Regime’s View of the World

Since coming to power in 1988, the most recent military rulers of Burma/Myanmar have effectively resisted external demands to turn over power to a democratic government.

Report / Asia

Myanmar: The Role of Civil Society

Around the world, much hope has been placed in the prospect that civil society – the loose groupings of non-government actors in political processes – would act as a major force to change or remove undemocratic governments. This has particularly been the case in Myanmar where there has been an expectation that students or monks might force the military government from power. This has not been realised; indeed civil society is at its weakest state in decades.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Bosnia: Reshaping the International Machinery

After six years and billions of dollars spent, peace implementation in Bosnia and Herzegovina remains far from complete. Reshaping (‘recalibrating’, in local jargon) the international community (IC) presence is vital if the peace process is to have a successful outcome.

Also available in Bosnian
Report / Asia

Afghanistan and Central Asia: Priorities for Reconstruction and Development

It is widely recognised that Afghanistan cannot be left as a failed state that might again shelter terrorists and breed instability across the region. Rebuilding the country will require an immense commitment of resources and attention by the international community for some time to come.

Report / Asia

Central Asia: Drugs and Conflict

The problems associated with drugs in Afghanistan and Central Asia have steadily worsened over the past two decades. Opiates have fuelled conflict throughout the region and are likely to have been a significant source of financial support for terrorist organisations with a global reach.

Report / Europe & Central Asia

Kosovo: Landmark Election

On 17 November 2001, people from Kosovo turned a page in their history by voting in multiparty elections for new self-government institutions. The conduct of the election was generally judged to have been a clear improvement on the municipal elections of October 2000.

Also available in Albanian, Serbian
Report / Africa

The Inter-Congolese Dialogue: Political Negotiation or Game of Bluff?

More than two years after the signing of the  Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement, the Inter-Congolese Dialogue officially opened in Addis Ababa on 15 October 2001, under the facilitation of Sir  Ketumile Masire, the former President of Botswana.

Also available in Français
Report / Europe & Central Asia

Bin Laden and the Balkans: The Politics of Anti-Terrorism

The global focus on Islamist extremist-inspired terrorism resulting from the 11 September atrocities has raised the question of the potential for such terrorist activity in, or emanating from, the Balkans.

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