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Q&A / Asia

Plugging a New Gap in Monitoring Sanctions on North Korea

Russia used its Security Council veto to terminate a UN panel monitoring sanctions on North Korea, complicating efforts to contain Pyongyang’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Christopher Green, Richard Gowan and Maya Ungar delve into the consequences.

Egypt’s Gaza Dilemmas

From the onset of the Gaza war, Cairo has worried about the risks it creates for Egypt, from refugee flight to economic shocks. Foreign partners should keep working for a ceasefire – the best way to prevent spillover – while pushing Egyptian officials toward reform at home. 

Also available in Arabic
Video / Global

Mapping Conflict

In this video series, Crisis Group experts use satellite imagery to examine developments in local and regional conflicts.

Q&A / Africa

What’s at Stake in Kenyan President William Ruto’s State Visit to the U.S.?

The Kenyan president is the first African leader invited for a state visit to the U.S. in fifteen years. In this Q&A, Crisis Group expert Meron Elias examines what both sides hope to gain from a trip that comes amid sharpening geopolitical competition in Africa.

Statement / Africa

South Sudan on Edge as Its Neighbour’s War Disrupts Oil Exports

Income from oil exports is critical to keeping South Sudan’s factious elites together. The war in neighbouring Sudan has led earnings to fall precipitously, threatening instability in Juba and highlighting anew the need to bring the Sudanese conflict to a close.

Podcast / Africa

War and Hunger in Gaza and Darfur

This week on Hold Your Fire!, Richard speaks with Crisis Group’s experts Alan Boswell, Shewit Woldemichael, Rami Dajani and Rob Blecher about escalating violence in Sudan’s North Darfur region, Israel’s looming offensive in the southern Gazan city of Rafah, the potential human toll and diplomatic efforts to avert both. 

Statement / Asia

War in Western Myanmar: Avoiding a Rakhine-Rohingya Conflict

The Arakan Army has greatly expanded the territory it controls in Rakhine State, on Myanmar’s border with Bangladesh, seizing many areas inhabited by Rohingya Muslims. With the regime keen to foment inter-communal strife, Rakhine and Rohingya leaders should act swiftly to calm tensions. 

Also available in Bengali, Burmese

How Iran Seeks to Exploit the Gaza War in Syria’s Volatile East

Armed groups aligned with Tehran have launched attacks aimed at compelling the U.S. to withdraw troops from Syria – and from Iraq. A ceasefire in Gaza is the best way to calm tensions, but Washington and its local partner can take ameliorative steps in the meantime.

Also available in Arabic
Q&A / Africa

What Future for Military Intervention in Mozambique?

The southern African mission in Mozambique is slated to wrap up in July, but some troops will remain, as neighbouring countries worry that the jihadist insurgency in Cabo Delgado is rebounding. In this Q&A, Crisis Group experts Meron Elias and Pauline Bax explain the concerns.

Israel has made Gaza the deadliest place for aid workers

Only a ceasefire can stop the killing of aid workers and civilians in Gaza. Even without one, Israel could take measures to protect them. Here are some of them.

Also available in Arabic

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