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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Opposition groups early month held week-long conference in Addis Ababa, agreed to establish parliament in exile; followed June formation of military coalition to overthrow current govt.



UN USG Pascoe 20 July informed UNSC Qatar had confirmed Eritrean troop withdrawal from disputed Ras Doumeira and Doumeira island in Djibouti and deployed military observers. Eritrean representative called for lifting of 2009 sanctions, withdrawal of Ethiopian troops from Eritrean territories as decided by Ethiopia-Eritrea Boundary Commission.



Eritrea and Djibouti signed agreement 6 June to resolve border dispute by negotiated settlement, mediated by Qatar. AU and UNSC welcomed deal. Eritrean troops early month reportedly withdrew from Doumeira and Doumeira Island on border. Ethiopia 28 June said Eritrean behaviour in region not reassuring, deal should be treated with skepticism; UNSG Ban same day noted Eritrea’s “constructive engagement” with neighbours, but urged compliance with UNSC resolution 1907 imposing arms embargo and other sanctions on country.



RSADO rebel group 24 Apr said they had killed 18 soldiers in 22 Apr joint attack with ENSF rebels in Kelay in south. U.S. President Obama 13 Apr announced freeze on assets of presidential advisor Yemane Ghebreab over alleged links with Somali insurgents. Ethiopia 15 Apr announced opening of new camp in Tigray to accommodate increase in Eritrean refugees.



UN Somalia Monitoring Group 16 March reported Eritrea continuing to support Somali Islamist rebels in violation of 2008 arms embargo, noted support had recently “diminished or become less visible”. Foreign Ministry 17 March called report “baseless and unfounded”.



RSADO rebel group 16 Feb announced it had killed 17 soldiers in further attack on military bases in Dankalia, remote south east. Eritrean diaspora launched coordinated protests in U.S., Switzerland, Australia against UN sanctions 22 Feb; Asmara denied accusations from rights groups it had coerced Eritreans to participate.



RSADO and ESF rebel groups 1 Jan alleged had killed 25 govt soldiers in twin attacks on military camps in Kokobay and Kermet areas; no comment from govt. AU Peace and Security Council 28 Jan reiterated condemnation of Eritrea’s role in destabilising Somalia, voiced support for UN sanctions.



UNSC 23 Dec imposed sanctions, including arms embargo, asset freezes and travel bans on top Eritrean officials over alleged govt support to Somali insurgents; govt continued to deny allegations. Asmara 3 Jan claimed Ethiopian troops launched successive assaults along disputed shared border, claimed to have repelled attacks and killed 10 Ethiopian troops; Addis Ababa denied. RSADO and ESF rebel groups 1 Jan alleged had killed 25 govt soldiers in twin attacks on military camps Kokobay and Kermet areas; no comment from govt.



Regional bloc IGAD 19 Sept urged global sanctions on Eritrea for backing Islamist rebels in Somalia. Following 17 Sept visit to Asmara by EU Special Representative to Sudan Torben Brylle, EU expressed deep concern over human rights abuses, called for release of political prisoners. Earlier in month Eritrea, EU signed €122m agreement on development programs through to 2013.

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