
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




U.S. Sec State Clinton 6 Aug threatened U.S. would “take action” if Asmara continues to support Somali Islamist rebels. 2 Eritrean rebel groups attacked military intelligence unit late July in southern town of Senafe, killing 13 soldiers and capturing 5. Reports of failed assassination attempt on President Isaias Afwerki 17 Aug, denied by govt. Hague-based International Claims Commission set up after 1998-2000 war concluded arbitration case 18 Aug, ordered Asmara to pay Addis Ababa $11m compensation for war damages.



U.S. 8 June joined AU call for Eritrea to halt arms support to Somali Islamist militia. U.S. Asst Sec State Carson 17 June announced U.S. ready to improve relations with Asmara “if they are transparent on Somalia”.



AU 22 May called for UNSC to impose sanctions on Eritrea following reports of arms support for Somali Islamist militia al-Shabaab. Govt strongly rejected allegations, claimed fabricated by U.S. CIA. Sanctions call echoed late month by IGAD states and UN representatives meeting at 20 May session on Somalia. Information Minister 4 May announced Eritrea does not recognize Somalian govt.



In wake of June 2008 border clashes, UNSC 14 Jan issued resolution praising Djibouti for military withdrawal to pre-confl locations, demanding Eritrea follow suit within 5 weeks and cooperate with diplomatic efforts. Asmara 15 Jan dismissed resolution as “ill-considered”, said cannot withdraw forces from its own territory.



Last UNMEE peacekeeping contingent left border 15 Oct; UNSG Ban 13 Oct transmitted final report of Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission (EEBC) on border dispute to UNSC. EEBC concluded that since no action taken by parties to demarcate on ground, boundary demarcated by coordinates. Eritrea reiterated acceptance of EEBC’s final ruling; Ethiopia did not respond.



Fighting erupted at Ras-Doumeira border area following increased tensions over disputed territory. 10-11 June clashes reportedly left at least 9 Djibouti soldiers dead, more injured both sides. AU, UN condemned Eritrea military action. Djibouti said incursions continuing. Eritrea blamed Djibouti for attack, denied border dispute and rejected dialogue.

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