
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Tensions with Eritrea intensified with reported 15 March cross-border attack on Eritrean military bases by Ethiopian troops (see Eritrea). AU 9 March announced Ethiopian troops in Somalia to be replaced by AU by end of April 2012; Ethiopian soldiers, al-Shabaab fighters 10 March clashed in Yurkud, scores killed; troops 22 March captured key strategic town of Hudur, SW, 23 March captured El Bur. Govt 20 March condemned fighting in Ethiopian Somali region, said Somaliland chiefs smuggling arms ,across border into Ethiopia. 19 killed, 5 kidnapped in bus attack by gunmen in Gambella, SW. Afar rebels 6 March said 2 German hostages captured 18 Jan released.



Rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front 16 Feb accused army of killing 16 civilians in 12 Feb attack in Gunagado district, Degahbur, SE Ogaden region. Over 100 killed 28-29 Feb in clan battle in Raas village, Somali Regional State. Survival International 23 Feb accused govt of committing “flagrant and violent” human rights abuses in Omo Valley, stealing tribal land. Senior opposition Unity for Democracy and Justice official Andualem Aragie beaten by violent cellmate mid-Feb; former president Gidada appealed to Human Rights Commission to provide protection for opposition leaders held on terrorism charges, 27 Feb said Aragie in urgent need of medical attention. Five UN Special Rapporteurs 2 Feb criticised use of anti-terrorism legislation to stifle free speech, prosecute journalists and opposition. Troops in Somalia 21 Feb gained control of Yurkud, strategic town in Gedo region, 22 Feb took al-Shabaab stronghold of Baidoa.



5 tourists killed, 4 abducted 16 Jan by gunmen in Afar region; govt said group “armed and trained” by Eritrea, would respond to Eritrean “terrorist” activity if international community failed; group said govt blocking hostage release. Court 24 Jan confirmed terrorism charges against opposition Unity for Democracy and Justice party leader Andualem Arage, dissident blogger Eskinder Nega and 6 others. Court 26 Jan gave sentences ranging from 14 years to life to 3 journalists, politician and aide for terrorism-related offenses. Suicide bomb killed unknown number of Ethiopian soldiers in central Somalia town Beledweyne, captured by Ethiopian forces and allied militias 31 Dec (see Somalia).



Opposition Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) leader Gizachew Shiferaw 11 Dec resigned; new UDJ leader, ex-President Negasso Gidada, 12 Dec accused govt of creating dictatorship. Amnesty International 16 Dec said govt using anti-terror laws to silence opposition, over 114 arrested since March. Court 28 Dec sentenced to 11 years in prison 2 Swedish journalists found guilty of helping, promoting outlawed Ogaden National Liberation Front rebel group. 300 senior officers including 13 generals retired from army 26 Dec as part of leadership succession plan.



IGAD 25 Nov said Ethiopia had agreed to back efforts to defeat Somalia’s al-Shabaab; heavily armed troop convoys reported crossing into Somalia. 25 people, including senior Unite for Democracy and Justice Party politicians and 6 journalists, charged 10 Nov with terrorism; Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International 21 Nov called on govt to stop using anti-terrorism laws to stifle dissent. Teacher died after 11 Nov self-immolation at public meeting to protest repression. Court 3 Nov dropped participating in terrorism charges against 2 Swedish journalists; still charged with supporting terrorist group, entering Ethiopia illegally.



Refugees from Sudan’s Blue Nile state continued to enter Ethiopia in increasing numbers. Trial began 21 Oct of 2 Swedish journalists charged with terrorism after travelling with rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front. Survival International 6 Oct reported around 100 members of Mursi and Bodi tribes arrested and jailed for opposing the controversial Gibe III dam; security forces also accused of intimidating indigenous communities living on land proposed for development in Lower Omo Valley.



Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) early Sept claimed it had killed 25 soldiers escorting Chinese oil workers near Jijiga in Ogaden region, warned of more attacks on Chinese-owned companies. Following new anti-terrorism law, authorities 5 Sept announced arrests of 29 people with alleged links to Oromo Liberation Front, including 9 Oromo opposition party members, for plotting bomb attacks; further arrests included senior opposition Medrek official, prominent journalist. Court 8 Sept charged 2 Swedish journalists detained July while accompanying ONLF rebels with promoting terrorism. Govt expelled Amnesty International delegation following meeting with opposition party leaders late Aug. Washington Post 21 Sept reported U.S. building secret drone base in Ethiopia for regional counter-terrorism operations.



Renewed clashes 5 Aug between Ethiopian Merille and Kenyan Turkana tribesmen (see Kenya). President Zenawi 21 Aug held talks with Sudanese President Bashir in Khartoum to defuse tensions over S Kordofan, Blue Nile States (see Sudan).



UN report 28 July accused Eritrea, Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) of direct involvement in Jan bomb plot against AU summit in Addis Ababa (see Eritrea). Deployment of 4,200-strong Ethiopian peacekeeping force began in Sudan’s Abyei region 13 July. Govt 3 July reported soldiers had killed 15 ONLF fighters in Ogaden region; 2 Swedish journalists accompanying rebels wounded, detained. 2 local journalists continue to be held following arrest late June, in connection with alleged Eritrean plan for sabotaging telecoms, power. Opposition Medrek 20 July claimed 2 party officials beaten, detained by authorities. Drought lead govt 11 July to request $398mn aid for 4.6mn people needing emergency assistance.



Court 8 June sentenced 14 alleged Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) members in connection with alleged bomb plot against January AU summit; Eritrean govt accused of involvement. Following 20 June peace deal between N and S Sudan in Addis Ababa, both sides accepted Ethiopian deployment of 4,200 peacekeepers to Sudan’s Abyei region (see N Sudan). Authorities 2 June lifted death sentences of at least 23 former Derg officials.

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