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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Following AU affirmation and U.S. criticism of May parliamentary elections, National Electoral Board (NEB) 9 June rejected opposition demands for rerun. Supreme Court 18 June dismissed case filed 15 June by Medrek opposition coalition against NEB, which alleged NEB had not properly investigated evidence of electoral fraud. NEB 21 June confirmed EPRDF election victory; ruling coalition won 545 of 547 seats, Medrek 1 seat, independent 1 seat. ONLF rebels 11 June said govt had killed 71 civilians in Somali Region since 18 May; govt rejected. U.S. journalist expelled 17 June for investigating rebel claims. Govt 24 June said faction of ONLF had agreed to make peace; ONLF denied.



Ruling EPRDF won 97% of seats in 23 May parliamentary elections according to provisional results. Opposition Medrek coalition accused govt of fraud, 26 May called for re-run. Chief EU observer 25 May said elections calm but conducted on “uneven playing field” favouring EPRDF; many reports of voter intimidation. Opposition, govt 26 May announced 2 opposition members shot in Oromia region. Govt 9 May claimed Medrek responsible for killing policeman. Govt 19 May confirmed ONLF insurgents had attacked Malqaqa (East) but denied rebel claims they had captured town, killed 95 soldiers. Govt denied ONLF 29 May claims they had seized Hilala gas field (Somali Region). Bus bomb 20 May wounded 13 in Sheraro near Eritrean border; no claims of responsibility. At least 7 killed 21 May in clashes near Ethiopian-Somaliland border (see Somaliland).



5 reported killed in 24 Apr bomb blast in Adi Haro, near Eritrea border; local govt officials blamed “Eritrean agents” attempting to “sabotage” 23 May elections. Opposition activist beaten to death 7 Apr; opposition said 2nd politically motivated attack in 2 months; dismissed by govt. Ruling EPRDF 28 Apr accused opposition of planning election-related violence, 2 Apr accused Voice of America of trying to destabilise country ahead of vote amid reports broadcast jamming expanded. EU 16 Apr launched electoral observer mission. 3 killed 5 Apr by unidentified gunmen in Ogaden; ONLF rebels denied involvement. Other Ogaden rebel group, UWSLF, 9 Apr announced laying down arms.



Candidate for opposition Arena-Tigray party in 23 May elections stabbed to death in Tigray 2 March. Ruling EPEDF rejected opposition suggestion attack “politically motivated”. Another Arena-Tigray candidate badly beaten by Ethiopian army members 1 March. PM Zenawi 19 March admitted govt jamming Voice of America broadcasts, accused station of “destabilising propaganda”. Late month reports detained opposition leader Birtukan Mideksa’s health had deteriorated. Zenawi 19 March denied Ethiopia blocking Eritrean participation in AU, said willing to meet with Eritrean president.



Opposition accused govt of repression ahead of national elections in May. 8-party opposition coalition Medrek 17 Feb announced some members were being prevented from registering as candidates at gunpoint and reported routine govt surveillance, harassment. Senior opposition UDJ official earlier condemned West’s failure to speak out against continued detention of UDJ leader Birtukan Mideksa.



Senior separatist OLF leader and 100 others surrendered to authorities in north Kenya base late month; reported that movement crippled by internal splits. OLF spokesperson denied reports of let-up in rebel activity.



Govt-opposition tensions continued to mount over controversial elections bill that opposition MPs say undermines authority of constitutionally-established election board; bill now before parliamentary committee. Independent paper Addis Neger closed early month, citing rising govt harassment ahead of May elections. U.S. criticism of govt increased, with U.S. embassy urging govt to review restrictive Charities Proclamation (due to come into effect Jan) and alleging govt institutions ethnically biased; rejected by govt. Eritrea 3 Jan alleged Ethiopia launched series of assaults along disputed shared border; Addis Ababa denied. Evidence of ongoing fighting between ONLF and govt forces in Ogaden region.



Ogaden separatist rebels (ONLF) 14 Nov claimed to have captured 7 towns in Ogaden region after 2 days of fighting in which 626 govt troops killed; denied by govt. 27 former and current soldiers of “Ginbot 7” group convicted on various charges including plotting coup in trials heavily criticised by rights groups; several members say confessions exacted under torture. 65 political parties 10 Nov approved new electoral code of conduct; 8 parties rejected, claiming ruling EPRDF had disregarded demands for discussions on national electoral board, release of political prisoners. Ex-president Negasso Gidada and ex-defence minister Seye Abraha late month defected from ruling party to opposition UDJ, Negasso citing need to work for national unity. Opposition coalition FDDE alleged govt manipulating food-for-work schemes to increase support for ruling party ahead of May polls.



Protests over electoral conditions ahead of 2010 polls increased; opposition 10 Sept alleged arbitrary arrests and harassment by govt hampering campaign. Ruling EPRDF party formally rejected President Zenawi’s June resignation offer, confirming his presidential candidacy. ONLF rebels 17 Sept warned oil firms not to enter Ogaden “war zone”. Further reports on Ethiopian involvement in Somalia: ONLF 22 Sept dismissed accusation of support for Somalia’s Islamist forces. Local report Ethiopian troops withdrew from Beledweyne in Somalia late Aug after seizing town 2 days earlier.

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