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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




U.S. and Human Rights Watch further criticised new NGO law. UK characterised Ethiopian govt’s reaction to food crisis as “deny and delay”. Aid workers in Somali region reported govt actively frustrating efforts to reach worst- affected.



28 Sept bomb explosion in capital of Somali region killed 4, wounded 22; ONLF accused by govt, denied responsibility. 2 foreign aid workers kidnapped in Ogaden 22 Sept; ONLF also denied. U.S. expressed concern 18 Sept over draft law regulating NGO activities, said trying to influence govt to reconsider. Unity for Democracy and Justice party granted official recognition to contest 2010 elections. Govt reported over 50 Oromo rebels surrendered in Oromia early month.



Govt circulated draft law on NGOs, law criticised for curbs it would impose on freedom of rights groups. Editor of major weekly Reporter arrested 22 Aug after publishing article critical of labour practices; released on bail 27 Aug.



4 opposition parties united 1 July to protest “diminishing political space”, as parliament passed repressive media law. Govt 12 July announced arrest of 8 “Eritrean-trained” OLF and ONLF rebels, suspected of planting April, May bombs in capital. Ogaden rebels claimed 33 soldiers killed in early July clashes, accused govt of blocking aid to region.



Addis dismissed 12 June Human Rights Watch accusations of war crimes in campaign against Ogaden National Liberation Front as “groundless”; satellite images released same day show burned, destroyed villages in Ogaden region. UNICEF 26 June said 4.6m suffering severe malnutrition in country.



Ruling EPRDF 19 May won almost all local council, parliamentary seats after most opposition boycotted Apr poll. Bomb exploded 20 May near foreign ministry killing 6: police blamed Eritrean-backed rebel group OLF; suspects reportedly arrested 26 May. Further bombings 28 May in Oromo and Somali regions killed 6. Police 24 May claimed over 20 killed in border clashes between Oromia and Benishangule states. Govt 24 May denied UN weapons sanctions committee accusations Ethiopian arming Somali rebels. Supreme Court 26 May sentenced in absentia ex- President Mengistu Haile Mariam to death.



Opposition reported 17,000-plus candidates and 2 main parties withdrew from local elections – with some parliamentary by-elections – due to beatings, intimidation. 3 killed in 14 Apr bomb blasts at 2 Addis Ababa gas stations, perpetrators unidentified.



Arrest of over 300 police officers on suspicion of links to separatist Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) reported 18 Feb. ONLF claimed 43 soldiers killed during 2 weeks of fighting 27 Feb, dismissed by government.



Government reported “many” U.S. and European citizens of Ethiopian Somali origin arrested, accused of assisting Ogaden rebels. Splits continued to widen in main opposition party, CUD.



Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) rebels reported killing 215 government soldiers in 13-16 December fighting in region; denied by government.

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