
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




PM Meles Zenawi announced withdrawal of one third of troops from Somalia by 28 January, as part of 3- phase withdrawal to be completed in February; said would continue supporting Somali Transitional Federal Government but not indefinitely (see Somalia).



Addis Ababa rejected Somalia’s Council of Somali Islamic Courts (CSIC) 19 December deadline to withdraw all troops from Somalia; full-scale conflict followed (see Somalia).



Parliament, including opposition, backed PM Meles in war against Somalia’s Council of Somali Islamic Courts (CSIC) 23 November, responding to CSIC’s September call for jihad. Over 100 trucks carrying Ethiopian troops arrived in Somali city of Baidoa 24 November; more massing on border. Ethiopian soldiers killed in CSIC ambushes in Somalia (see Somalia section). Eritrean-backed Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) rebels called for mediation by African nations. Oromo media reported OLF killed 35 soldiers in south 13 November.



Threat of regional conflict intensified as Somali Islamist forces declared jihad against Ethiopia and amassed near border in response to its military support for Somali Transitional Federal Government. PM Meles Zenawi admitted “a few hundred” armed military trainers in Somalia and stated countries “technically” at war following jihad declaration. Leaked report into 2005 post-election violence confirmed government police killed 193 protesters in clashes; EU's chief election observer accused Western leaders of turning blind eye.



Police reported arrest of 9 suspected Oromo Liberation Front rebels for allegedly planning assassination of government leaders. United Western Somali Liberation Front rebel group kidnapped 2 ICRC engineers 20 September in eastern Ogaden, prompting suspension of ICRC operations in area for first time in 11 years; both released unharmed 5 days later.



Security situation tense in Ogaden region as military said it killed 13 ONLF ethnic Somali separatists crossing into Ethiopia, days after ONLF said “ready for talks”. Addis Ababa continued to deny any incursion of Ethiopian troops into Somalia.



Ethiopian troops crossed into Somalia to support weak transitional government in Baidoa, raising fears entire region could spiral into conflict. 19 reportedly killed in cattle-rustling dispute near resource-scarce border with Kenya, leading to cross-border raids and bilateral tensions.



Ethnic conflict in south escalated as 100 reported killed in land clashes between Guji and Borena groups and up to 90,000 displaced. Regional mediators sought to resolve separate inter-clan dispute that killed 39 in Daroor.



Alliance for Freedom and Democracy created 22 May in Netherlands, including diaspora members of 5 different groups united by opposition to government. Latest in series of unexplained explosions killed 4 in Addis Ababa 12 May and injured 42 in Jijiga 29 May. Government nominated interim city council to run Addis Ababa after April failure by CUD opposition to fill positions to run administration, prompting CUD parliament walkout. Treason and genocide trial for 111 opposition leaders continued.



Government said talks underway with opposition CUD party to resolve political impasse. CUD, which won all seats on Addis Ababa city council in 2005 election, failed to provide required number of elected councillors to take over administration before 18 April deadline set by government. Series of explosions set off by unknown culprits continued: 6 killed in blasts in Gedo and Jijiga. Cross-border cattle raids from Kenya and Sudan killed up to 25. Independent radio broadcasts began early April after government issued licences to 2 stations.

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