
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Series of explosions in Addis Ababa killed 1 and led to fears of continued unrest. Eritrea denied Ethiopian claim Eritrean-backed “terrorists” responsible. Court dropped charges against 18 of 129 opposition members on trial for treason and genocide. 395 prisoners arrested during 2005 post-election unrest freed, bringing total released to 11,600. EU report reaffirmed May 2005 parliamentary elections did not meet international standards.



Trial of 129 opposition members charged with treason after November 2005 rioting opened 23 February. EU Development Commissioner Louis Michel met with PM Zenawi in effort to restore dialogue; visited jailed opposition and reported many needed urgent medical attention, including CUD party Chairman Hailu Shawel.



UK suspended $88 million in direct aid over human rights concerns following November 2005 unrest related to disputed May 2005 elections; called for independent investigation into abuses in Oromia region. Government freed another 3,000 prisoners jailed during violent November election protests, after earlier release of 9,000. 129 opposition members facing charges including treason and genocide denied bail; defence lawyers boycotted proceedings, claiming government preventing them from meeting clients. 6 soldiers killed in clashes with Oromo Liberation Army.



Prosecutors charged 131 jailed opposition leaders, reporters and aid workers with crimes ranging from treason to genocide, many carrying death penalty, in connection with November protests over disputed May elections. Donors to withhold $375 million in direct aid in response to crackdown on opposition. 3 Oromo students killed in police response to continued public unrest. Opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy MPs ended boycott of parliament, called for dialogue, in attempt to resolve dispute with ruling party over elections and detention of leaders.



Opposition protests over disputed May elections sparked massive crackdown by security forces; at least 46 dead. Over 8,000 detainees later released after calls from U.S and EU, but as many as 3,000 remain in custody, including top opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy party officials. PM Zenawi said opposition leaders and newspaper editors would face treason charges - which carry death penalty - for role in protests.

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