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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Tensions between govt and opposition Renamo increased following 20 Jan alleged assassination attempt of Renamo Sec Gen Manuel Bissopo by unidentified gunmen in Beira; Renamo leader Dhlakama alleged Frelimo was responsible for attack. Attack followed press conference at which Bissopo denounced alleged atrocities committed by defence and security forces against Renamo members and supporters in recent weeks. Dhlakama 14 Jan said his decision to seize control of six northern provinces from March 2016 is “irreversible”; ruled out possibility of talks with President Nyusi. Renamo gunmen 28 Jan clashed with security forces in Zero village, Zambezia province, no casualties reported. UNHCR 15 Jan reported significant increase in recent weeks of people fleeing intensified clashes between govt and Renamo, seeking refuge in Malawi.



Parliament 7 Dec rejected opposition Renamo’s proposed constitutional amendment to allow leader Dhlakama to appoint governors in provinces where he won most votes in Oct 2014 presidential election. In first media interview since security forces forcefully disarmed his bodyguards in Oct, Dhlakama 17 Dec threatened to “democratically” seize control of six northern and central provinces, Sofala, Manica, Zambezia, Tete, Nampula and Niassa, from March 2016. Dhlakama ruled out dialogue with President Nyusi, stating all channels had been suspended. Margarida Talapa, head of ruling Frelimo’s parliamentary group, 17 Dec urged Renamo deputies to persuade Dhlakama to accept President Nyusi’s repeated invitations for dialogue.



Govt continued hardline approach to opposition Renamo: PM do Rosário 5 Nov threatened to forcibly disarm Renamo’s armed wing. President Nyusi 19 Nov continued calls for dialogue and called for restraint in disarming Renamo, rejected Renamo Gen Sec Manuel Bissopo’s demand for shift from national to international mediators. Fighting between security forces and Renamo gunmen in central provinces of Sofala and Zambezia continued, govt said clashes part of continued operations to disarm Renamo.



Renamo leader Dhlakama 4 Oct said he is prepared to resume dialogue with govt following Sept Renamo-police clashes. Security forces 9 Oct detained Dhlakama at his home for several hours immediately following his return from hiding; disarmed and arrested his sixteen bodyguards. Low-scale clashes between security forces and Renamo gunmen continued with incidents reported early-Oct in Manica and Tete provinces, reports of casualties not confirmed. Ruling Frelimo 21 Oct called for urgent disbandment and disarmament of Renamo.



Series of violent incidents reported between police and Renamo militia in central Manica province following late-Aug breakdown of govt-Renamo peace talks and continued Renamo boycott of talks. Police 25 Sept reported Renamo leader Dhlakama’s convoy opened fire on minibus taxi; ensuing gun battle with police reportedly left some twenty dead, including at least thirteen members of Dhlakama’s convoy. Earlier in month, four Renamo members wounded when unidentified gunmen 12 Sept reportedly opened fire on Dhlakama’s motorcade. Dhlakama accused ruling Frelimo party of attack; Renamo Gen Sec Manuel Bissopo 17 Sept said party would seek revenge.



Low-intensity govt-Renamo conflict in central provinces continued. Suspected Renamo gunmen 22 Aug ambushed police unit in Moatize district, Tete province; Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama 21 Aug called on veterans and demobilised soldiers to help install local govts by force in central provinces. Renamo 24 Aug suspended weekly talks with govt following clashes with police.



Govt 13 and 27 July accused opposition Renamo of violating Sept ceasefire, launching attacks against police units 3 July and attacks against army 27 July in Tete province. Malawian press 27 July reported some 678 Mozambicans have fled across border into Malawi seeking asylum since 3 July. Renamo 6 July reiterated demands for greater stake in provincial affairs; leader Afonso Dhlakama threatened to expel provincial governors and district administrators from Manica, Sofala, Tete, Zambezia, Nampula and Niassa provinces.



Tensions between President Nuysi and opposition Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakhama escalated after talks failed to resolve outstanding disagreements around devolution and security sector reform. Renamo forces and police clashed 14 June in Tete province: Dhlakhama 23 June said he ordered his forces to confront govt troops, claimed 45 soldiers killed; police said one killed. Renamo MP Jose Manteigas 15 June announced Renamo will establish own police and armed forces, Dhlakhama at risk of assassination. Despite increased tensions, govt and Renamo 23 June signed agreement on separation of party and state, following 108th round of dialogue.



Opposition Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama 23 May issued ultimatum to President Nyusi, giving him 35 days to reverse 30 April parliamentary vote against autonomous provinces proposal or Renamo would take provinces “by force”. Mandate of international observation mission tasked with overseeing demobilisation of residual Renamo  forces (EMOCHM) ended 16 May; mediators 12 May said Renamo-govt disarmament talks failed.



President Nyusi 13 April reiterated commitment to dialogue with opposition Renamo but emphasised need for tangible results. Nyusi same day called for national unity amid increased support for Renamo’s proposal for “autonomous govt” in northern and central provinces. Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama 6 April reiterated threat to “govern by force” if national assembly rejects proposal for autonomous provinces, 9 April announced Renamo troops headed south toward Maputo, advised govt troops to keep distance. Clashes 3 April between Renamo and govt forces in Gaza threatened peace, but violence contained. Dialogue on disarmament remained stalled.

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