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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Tensions over opposition Renamo’s proposal for creation of autonomous provinces increased following 3 March shooting of constitutional lawyer Gilles Cistac, who had been working on proposal. Peaceful protest against murder 7 March blocked by armed police. Renamo 16 March submitted “Bill on Provincial Municipalities” to National Assembly, proposed provinces where party won/claimed to have won majority be governed autonomously; Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama 14 March announced party would seize autonomy regardless of outcome of parliamentary vote. Former President Armando Guebuza 29 March resigned as Frelimo party leader, replaced by current President Nyusi. Dialogue on disarmament remained stalled.



Discussions 7-9 Feb between President Philippe Nyusi and opposition Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama eased deadlock following disputed Oct elections. Dhlakama called on Renamo MPs to end parliamentary boycott, 10 Feb announced Renamo will present Parliamentary Proposal for creation of autonomous provinces where Renamo won/claimed to have won majority. Under proposal Dhlakama would become president of Provincial Council, Renamo would govern autonomous regions. Dhlakama 27 Feb reiterated threat to overthrow govt if proposal not passed. Dialogue on disarmament remains stalled.



President Filipe Nyusi inaugurated 15 Jan, appointed cabinet 17 Jan. Opposition Renamo leader Afonso Dhlakama continued to reject Oct election results, reiterated threat to establish secessionist “Republic of Central and Northern Mozambique”. Parliamentary session opened 12 Jan, boycotted by Dhlakama and 89 Renamo representatives. Govt-Renamo dialogue on disarmament stalled: Renamo 5 Jan refused to submit list of soldiers for integration into armed forces as required in Sept agreement.



Opposition Renamo leader Afonso Dhaklama early-Dec threatened to establish parallel govt in provinces where Renamo won majority in Oct elections if ruling Frelimo rejected call for “caretaker govt”, 29 Dec threatened violence if constitutional court validated poll results. Frelimo 12 Dec said establishment of caretaker govt would allow Renamo to take power “through the back door”. Constitutional Court 30 Dec validated Frelimo and President Nyusi’s victory. Govt-opposition dialogue stalled 2 Dec over disagreements on disarmament and demobilisation: Dhaklama 9 Dec agreed to submit list of Renamo’s “residual forces” for integration into security forces.



Afonso Dhlakama, leader of Mozambique opposition party Renamo, continued to deny legitimacy of Frelimo victory in Oct elections, called for annulment, late Nov threatened to establish own govt after Frelimo dismissed his call for creation of caretaker govt. Impasse raised concerns over implementation of Sept peace agreement, delayed DDR progress.



Elections held 15 Oct, low voter turnout of 51%; ruling Frelimo party announced winner with 57% of vote, decline of almost 18% since 2009 vote; Renamo won 33.8%, significant increase. National Elections Commission divided, approved poll results by 10-7 vote; opposition CNE nominees and some civil society members voted against. Opposition parties rejected results, claimed irregularities, evidence of rigging: Renamo demanded negotiations with view to establishing govt of national unity. EU observer mission confirmed opposition monitors absent from large percentage of polling stations; SADC observer mission said polls “generally free, fair and credible”.



President Guebuza, RENAMO leader Dhlakama 5 Sept signed peace deal in Maputo, paving way for RENAMO militants’ integration into security forces and party’s greater say in election oversight; parliament 8 Sept ratified deal. International military observers expected to monitor ceasefire, disarmament. Dhlakama 4 Sept left Gorongosa hideout; 16 Sept started presidential campaign. Clashes between Mozambique Liberation Front (FRELIMO), Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) supporters in southern Gaza province 23-24 Sept; MDM 27 Sept accused police of illegal night arrests in northern city of Nampula.



Govt, RENAMO 24 Aug signed ceasefire; paving way for amnesty for RENAMO militants and integration into security forces; RENAMO leader Dlhakama expected to leave Gorongosa hideout to meet President Guebuza 5 Sept. Campaign for mid-Oct presidential elections started 31 Aug.



Govt, RENAMO 29 July reached consensus on RENAMO integration in security forces and RENAMO pledge to future disarmament; peace agreement signature expected early Aug; RENAMO leader Dlhakama 29 July welcomed progress, left Gorongosa hideout. RENAMO spokesperson Antonio Muchanga arrested 7 July, Dlhakama 10 July called arrest provocation.



RENAMO 2 June suspended May ceasefire; intensified attacks along north-south highway in central Sofala province; dozens of soldiers and civilians killed in June. Peace talks resumed 30 June, still deadlocked over RENAMO’s demand for parity in security forces and status of foreign observers. RENAMO 24 June declared leader Dhlakama candidate in Oct 2015 presidential elections.

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