
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Al-Shabaab attacks continued including, in Mogadishu, 14 April attack on Ministry of Education that left at least seventeen dead including seven attackers; at least ten killed in bomb attack on restaurant 21 April; senior military officer assassinated in 23 April; former PM, two city council officials and senior prison officer assassinated 25-26 April. Sharp rise in attacks in Puntland: Al-Shabaab 5 April attacked two security checkpoints in Bossaso city; UNICEF staff transport attacked 20 April in Garowe killing at least nine. Kenyan jets 6 April bombed several Al-Shabaab camps in south. Formation of interim federal administrations in central Somalia made some progress amid continued opposition from local clans. State conference for Interim Central Administration commenced 16 April in Adado following objections from Dhusamareb elders over location; elders rejoined after Somalia Federal Govt President Hassan Sheikh’s 8 April declaration that Dhusamareb would be future Interim Central Administration’s capital. Selection of Interim Jubaland Administration parliament members concluded 15 April, marred by accusations 75-strong assembly stacked with current interim Jubaland President Madobe’s allies.



Al-Shabaab attacks continued: eight reportedly killed including five militants in 12 March attack on new Interim South West State presidential building in Baidoa; clan elder assassinated in Beledweyn town 6 March. Al-Shabaab 11 March captured Wanlaweyn town, 13 March briefly occupied Jalalaqsi town in Hiraan region. At least 24 killed in Al-Shabaab attack on hotel in Mogadishu 27 March. Two suspected Al-Shabaab camps in Torato and Ambereso, Lower Shabelle, hit by drone strikes 10 March; Al-Shabaab operative allegedly involved in Sept 2013 Westgate Mall attack reportedly killed by drone strike 12 March near Bardheere, Gedo region. Somalia Federal Government (SFG) and Ahlu Sunna wal Jamaa (ASWJ) Sufi militia agreed to ceasefire after Feb clashes in Guriel and Dhusamareb, Galgaduud region; Ethiopian AMISOM forces 24 March took control of area. Al-Shabaab attacks in Puntland continued, including attack on army patrol in Bossaso city 2 March. Armed gunman 30 March attacked Juba Intelligence HQ; multiple suspects arrested. Puntland President Gaas 6 March signed MOU on regional cooperation with President of Interim Juba Administration Madobe – on natural resources, finalisation of provisional federal constitution, and National Independent Electoral Commission (NIEC). Jubaland parliament inaugurated 7 March amid continued opposition from clans in Gedo region.



Parliament 9 Feb approved PM Abdirashidi Ali Shamarke’s third proposed cabinet list, ending months of govt paralysis following ouster of former PM Abdiweli early Dec. Al-Shabaab attacks continued throughout country including: 25 killed, 40 wounded in 20 Feb suicide attack on Mogadishu hotel; mortar rounds fired at presidential compound in Mogadishu 26 Feb; two army bases in Lower Shabelle region attacked 10 Feb. Al-Shabaab 9 Feb killed MP Abdullahi Qayed Barre in Mogadishu, 15 Feb killed govt official. Joint AMISOM/Somali National Army (SNA) campaign against Al-Shabaab continued including 3 Feb Kenyan airstrikes against several Al-Shabaab camps in Yontoy, Lower Juba region. Puntland forces 13 Feb clashed with Al-Shabaab in Madashoor area, claimed sixteen militants killed. Puntland officials accused Somaliland of supporting Al-Shabaab factions in Golis mountains after Al-Shabaab 3 Feb attacked police station in Bossaso; 7 Feb attacked home of senior Pun land police official: Somaliland denied accusations. Clashes erupted 10 and 25 Feb between SNA and Sufi militia Ahlu Sunna wal Jamaa (ASWJ) in Guriel, Galgaduug region, leaving at least fifteen dead. U.S. 24 Feb nominated first ambassador to Somalia since 1991, to be based in Nairobi.



New PM Omar Abdirashidi Ali Shamarke 27 Jan announced his new cabinet list; withdrew previous proposed list following opposition by parliament ahead of scheduled vote. Al-Shabaab attacks continued: two killed in 10 Jan IED attack in Kismayo, Lower Juba; one killed 14 Jan in explosion targeting soldiers in Bossaso, Bari; five killed 22 Jan in bomb attack outside Mogadishu hotel hosting meeting of Turkish officials, day ahead of visit by Turkish PM Erdoğan. Al-Shabaab blockade of towns in south and central Somalia previously liberated in 2014 AMISOM-Somali National Army (SNA) offensive continued. AMISOM-SNA 23 Jan captured Bulo Jadid, Bulo Yusuf and El Jarmed villages in Bakol region. Five killed 27 Jan in clash between Kenyan forces and Al-Shabaab in Yontoy, Lower Juba region. Over twenty killed in clan clashes 21 Jan in Burdhinle and Hada-Ogle, Hiraan region. Several militants and four civilians reportedly killed 31 Jan in airstrike targeting Al-Shabaab in Dinsoor town, Bay region.



PM Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed 6 Dec lost parliamentary no-confidence vote, ending four weeks of political uncertainty; former Transitional Federal Government PM Omar Abdirashidi Ali Shamarke named premier 17 Dec and approved by parliament 24 Dec. Al-Shabaab fighters appear concentrated in regions bordering Kenya following recent AMISOM and Somali National Army offensives in south-central Somalia; Al-Shabaab 9 Dec retook Gadoon Dhawe village, Gedo region, despite Kenyan cross-border attacks. Al-Shabaab attacks continued country-wide including: fifteen killed, 30 injured 5 Dec in bomb attack on Baidoa restaurant; at least ten soldiers killed in attack on military base in Warmahan, Lower Shabelle, 15 Dec; Burhakaba District Commissioner and bodyguard killed in ambush near Baledogle, Lower Shabelle 6 Dec; eight Al-Shabaab gunmen 25 Dec infiltrated main AMISOM base in Mogadishu, Halane, killing three soldiers and civilian contractor. Senior Al-Shabaab leader commander Zakariya Ismail Hersi captured late Dec in Elwak, Gedo region; U.S. airstrike near Sakoow, Middle Juba killed top Al-Shabaab leader 29 Dec. Tensions over formation of interim federal administrations continued: govt troops 13 Dec clashed with pro-govt Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a (ASWJ) militias in Dhusamareb, capital of Galgadud region. New president of Interim South West Administration Sharif Hassan inaugurated 3 Dec, promised inclusive administration and reconciliation.



Political infighting between President Hassan Sheikh and PM Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed continued following PM’s 25 Oct attempted cabinet reshuffle: over 140 parliamentarians launched no-confidence vote against PM but internal disruptions to parliament prevented vote, stalemate ongoing. Infighting began to affect South West state formation process: PM 1 Nov recalled ministerial delegation tasked to monitor process, parliamentary speaker and interior minister at odds over mid-Nov election of Sharif Hassan as interim leader of SW state; Hassan’s election prompted unrest in region, one protester died. At least fifteen reported killed 28-29 Nov in inter-clan clashes in Galgaduud, central Somalia.



Joint Somali National Army (SNA)/AMISOM operation 3 Oct liberated Adale, Middle Shabelle; strategic port town and last Al-Shabaab coastal stronghold Barawe, Lower Shabelle, 6 Oct. AMISOM troops also advanced toward Jilib, Middle Juba; Puntland security forces 1 Oct dislodged Al-Shabaab from long-standing strong-hold in Galgala mountains. UNSG Ban visited 29 Oct, congratulated forces for advances against Al-Shabaab. Al-Shabaab attacks continued across country despite losses including: at least ten killed, fifteen injured in restaurant bombing in Mogadishu 12 Oct; seven killed near Beledweyne, Hiraan region, after SNA and Al-Shabaab clashed 21 Oct. Three-day dialogue in Garowe between Somali Federal Govt (SFG) and Puntland administration resulted in 12-point agreement announced 14 Oct. Political infighting between President Hassan Sheikh and PM Sheikh Ahmed emerged after president 25 Oct rejected PM’s cabinet reshuffle.



Offensive against Al-Shabaab continued: leader Ahmed Abdi Godane killed 1 Sept in U.S. drone strike in Sablale district; Sheikh Ahmad Umar appointed as successor 6 Sept. AMISOM 3 Sept captured town of Jalalaqsi, Hiraan; 33 militants killed in 12 Sep AMISOM attack on Al-Shabaab camps in Lagta Berta near Badhadhe, Lower Juba Region; joint AMISOM/SNA operation in Galgadud region 29 Sept recaptured several localities in El-Bur district. 45-day amnesty offered 3 Sept to al-Shabaab militants who would reject violence. HRW 8 Sept released report documenting sexual abuse by AMISOM forces; UN, U.S. called for investigation. Al-Shabaab attacks continued: at least 14 killed in suicide attack targeting AMISOM convoy in Mogadishu 8 Sept; senior Somali security official killed 13 Sept by Al-Shabaab gunmen in Mogadishu. Six pirates killed 25 Sept in gunfight, reportedly over ransom allegedly paid for release of German-U.S. journalist held hostage since 2012. Former warlord Barre Hirale 16 Sept withdrew from Juba peace process conference. SW3 and SW6 reconciliation conference 14 Sept opened in Baidoa, Bay region. President of Galmudug region 22 Sept sent letter to Somali Federal Govt (SFG) and international community protesting against Puntland’s decision to close down newly built airstrip south of Galkayo.



Al-Shabaab attacks continued: MP Aden Madeer killed 1 Aug in Mogadishu; clashes between SFG and Al-Shabaab in Bardale district 5 Aug killed at least 20; 12 killed in Al-Shabaab attack on high security prison 31 Aug in Mogadishu; at least 18 killed in 8 Aug attack on Somali army and AMISOM bases near Bulo Burte, Bay Region. President Hassan Sheikh 5 Aug announced new and imminent AMISOM/SFG military offensive against Al-Shabaab-controlled ports, including Barawe. AMISOM forces 14 Aug seized 3 villages in Hiran region, 20 Aug seized village in Gedo region, 25 Aug seized town in Bakol region, 30 Aug seized town in Lower Shabelle region. Military court 21 Aug sentenced 7 Al-Shabaab members to death for killing detained govt soldier. 13 killed 15 Aug in SFG/AMISOM raid to disarm Mogadishu militia loyal to former Wadajir district commissioner Ahmed Adow “Dai”. Forces of Marehan clan- warlord Barre Hirale and Jubaland militias clashed 5 Aug in Gobweyn, 10km from Kismayo; Hirale has vowed to capture Kismayo, decided 27 Aug to join Jubaland peace process. Shabelle Media Network, Sky FM shut down by govt 15 Aug, 3 journalists face trial. Puntland 19 Aug agreed to engage in mediation with SFG after autonomous region’s president Gas reacted angrily to 30 July agreement to merge Galmudug, Human and Heeb and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jamma administrations under one interim “central state administration”; participation conditional on presence of international stakeholders. At least 1 killed 25 Aug after security forces opened fire on demonstrators pro- testing scheduled visit to Baidoa in Baay Region by Somali PM and UN Special Envoy to Somalia Nicholas Kay.



Al-Shabaab attacks increased during Ramadan: some 40 govt and security officials killed throughout month including 5 killed 5 July in suicide attack on parliament entrance in Mogadishu; 2 lawmakers killed, 1 injured 3 and 23 July in capital; 4 killed 5 July in attack on restaurant in Balad Hawo, Gedo region; at least 4 members of Ras Kamboni militia killed 12 July in Kismayo. Somali Federal Govt (SFG) fired police and intelligence chiefs following 8 July breach of security at presidential palace by 3 Al-Shabaab militants; militants repulsed and killed by security forces. Mogadishu mayor Hassan Mohamed ‘Mungaab’ 26 July survived attempted assassination. Kenyan fighter jets 24 July bombed Jilib, Middle Juba; AMISOM claimed two “senior” commanders of Al-Shabaab killed in airstrikes. Tensions over contested federal state formation continued in south-central. Tribal violence over land continued in Hiraan region; over 21 killed 10-15 July in clashes between rival clan militias near Beledweyne. SFG 30 July announced formation of new semi-autonomous state consisting of Galgaduud and Mudug regions; Puntland authorities next day suspended co-operation with SFG, called on Puntland MPs and ministers in Mogadishu to return.

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