
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Somalia Federal Govt (SFG) and local militias 28 Aug  reached agreement recognising Sheikh Ahmed Madobe as 2-year leader of interim Jubaland administration following months of clashes in Kismayo port, including at least 10 Al-Shabaab militants reportedly killed in clashes with Kenyan troops 21 Aug and fighting between Al-Shabaab and Ras Kamboni militias. UN and AU welcomed agreement but hundreds 30 Aug protested in regional capital Baidoa against SFG. Regional Puntland president Farole 5 Aug accused SFG of tampering with Somali provisional constitution, announced regional administration suspending cooperation with SFG until country’s “genuine” constitution restored. Puntland VP Shire late-Aug visited disputed borderlands between Somaliland and Puntland sparking condemnation by Somaliland officials. Clashes between govt forces and Al-Shabaab continued: heavy fighting reported 22-23 Aug in Janale town, Lower Shabelle region; Al-Shabaab 26 Aug attacked govt base in Bakol region. Gunmen 21 Aug killed 2 police officers in Mogadishu; radio journalist shot dead 20 Aug in Mogadishu marking 5th journalist killed this year.



Leaked diplomatic letter from FM Fawzia Yusuf to AU exposed rift between Federal Govt and Kenyan troops; govt accused Kenyan military of backing Ras Kamboni forces against other groups in deadly June clashes in Kismayo. PM Shirdon’s office 1 July called for replacement of Kenyan AMISOM forces in Kismayo with “more neutral AU force”. Al-Shabaab attacks and clashes with govt troops/AMISOM continued including suicide bomb attack on Turkish embassy in Mogadishu 27 July, killing at least 6 including Turkish security official; 10 killed in Baidoa 6 July; 3 killed in Al-Shabaab bomb attack on AMISOM convoy in Mogadishu 12 July. Govt 3 July offered amnesty for al-Shabaab defectors. Bakol Governor 6 July said Al-Shabaab leader Mukhtar Robow in talks with govt, Defence minister denied talks. Semi-autonomous Puntland region President Farole suspended local elections scheduled for 15 July following deadly violence in Qardho and Galkayo. Leaked UN Monitoring Group report on Somalia and Eritrea reported Eritrea directly supporting warlord Abdi Nur Siad in influencing govt, said govt corrupt; UN 24 July extended Group’s mandate to Nov 2014.



Arrest of senior Al-Shabaab commander Hassan Dahir Aweys threatens to divide Mogadishu between rival Hawiye clans, particularly between Aweys’s Habr Gedir and President’s Abgal clans; month also saw security situation deteriorate across country. Aweys 25 June surrendered to local govt forces after fleeing Al-Shabaab infighting in Barawe, Lower Shabelle, 20-24 June; several killed in Barawe clashes, including top commanders who reportedly challenged Al-Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane. Aweys 29 June agreed to talks with federal govt, but was arrested by security and intelligence forces upon arrival in Mogadishu. Security deteriorated with worsening crisis in Jubaland and increasing attacks by Al-Shabaab,including on presidential palace and UNDP compound in Mogadishu. In Jubaland, at least 15 killed 7-8 June in clashes between Ras Kamboni militia loyal to  Jubaland regional president Madobe and gunmen led by local leader Ifti Hassan Basto; 14 killed in clashes between Kenyan AMISOM troops/Ras Kamboni andSheikhaal clanmilitia in Hosingow, lower Juba 15 June; scores killed 27-30 June in clashes between Ras Kamboni and gunmen led by former defence minister Barre Adam Shire Hirale. Ras Kamboni reportedly took control of port city Kismayo 30 June, federal govt accused Kenyan AMISOM peacekeepers of siding with Ras Kamboni. MP Abdella Hassan Yarrow assassinated by unidentified gunmen in Mogadishu 23 June. Scores killed in heavy clashes between AMISOM/govt forces and Al-Shabaab in Middle and Lower Shabelle. Puntland police 4 June arrested Abdikafi Mohamed Ali, reportedly Al-ShabaaAb commander for Puntland. Al-Shabaab commander for Hiran region killed in gunfight 15 June. 



Kismayo conference on formation of Jubaland regional administration 15 May elected Ras Kamboni militia leader Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed Islam Madobe president of Jubaland. Somalia PM Shirdon said Kismayo conference not recognised by federal govt. UNSC 2 May approved UN Political Mission to Somalia (UNSOM), to support “peace and reconciliation”, assist govt and AMISOM in peace and state building, monitoring rights violations. Sporadic Al-Shabaab bomb attacks in Mogadishu continued including 10 killed and several injured in attack targeting Qatar Interior Minister convoy, Qatari delegation unharmed. Journalist shot dead in Kismayo 29 May. Clashes between Al-Shabaab and govt forces continued: 13 militants killed 14 May in Gedo region, 5 soldiers killed and 9 wounded near Baidoa, 10 soldiers killed in 16-18 May clashes in Bakol region. 1 killed, 14 injured in 25 May grenade attack in Baidoa market. Chief administrator of Howl Wadag District in Jowhar killed in suspected Al-Shabaab attack 31 May. U.S. extremist Abu Mansoor Al-Amriki reportedly killed 7 May by Al-Shabaab militants in Rama Addey, S Somalia.



Series of Al-Shabaab suicide attacks in Mogadishu 14 April: over 35 killed, dozens injured in attack on Supreme Court compound; car bomb targeting Turkish/AU convoy on road to airport killed 4. Deputy chief prosecutor assassinated 24 April. Journalist shot dead 21 April in Mogadishu. Army 21 April carried out several operations in Bakool region, reportedly seizing Hudur and Garas Weyne towns from Al-Shabaab. AMISOM 3 April announced 241km route from Mogadishu to Baidoa clear for civilian use. President Sheikh 8 April admitted for first time involvement of security forces in violence against civilians. U.S. President Obama 8 April authorised provision of arms to Somalia, following UNSC partial lifting of arms embargo in March. Reports of Al-Shabaab leadership struggle continued: founding member Ibrahim al-Afghani in 12 April open letter to al-Qaeda leader Al-Zawahiri said Al-Shabaab facing strong internal discontent, opponents of Al-Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane often killed or imprisoned. Al-Shabaab 20 April said 127 “govt spies” killed since beginning of 2013.



UNSC 6 March extended AMISOM mandate by one year, authorised purchase of light weapons by govt for security forces. PM Shirdon 26 March joined Kismayo conference on formation of Jubaland State, 30 March declared it unconstitutional, said conference outcome will not be recognized by Somali govt. Govt 6 March signed agreement with Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama, group to be incorporated into Somali security forces. Somali forces 24 March recaptured Hudur, capital of Bakool region. PM Shirdon and Puntland President Farole 11 March signed agreement regulating relations between Somalia and Puntland autonomous region. Inter-ethnic clashes within govt forces 22 March resulted in 2 killed, 4 injured. Reported rape victim previously jailed for offending honour of the State freed by Court of Appeals 3 March, journalist who interviewed her freed 17 March. Bombings 1, 18, 21 March in Mogadishu killed 13. Unidentified gunmen 24 March killed journalist in Mogadishu.



Senior Salafi cleric killed 15 Feb in Garowe, Puntland; traditional elder killed in Dhusamareb 18 Feb; thousands peacefully protested against Al-Shabaab 24 Feb. Suicide car bomb attack targeting Puntland’s Deputy Police Chief killed 10 in Galkayo 11 Feb, Deputy Police Chief unharmed. Reported rape victim and journalist who reported on case both condemned to 1 year jail for “offending the honour of the State” 5 Feb sparking international criticism. President Sheikh 4 Feb reiterated govt ready for talks with Al-Shabaab if group renounces objectives. Security forces 3 Feb arrested 25 suspected Al-Shabaab in Beledweyne, 12 Feb arrested 217 in Mogadishu. Al-Shabaab clashes with AMISOM and govt forces continued including in Beledweyne, Janaale, Bairdoa, Gedo region and Jowhar. AMISOM investigation reported 7 civilians killed by AMISOM troops in Jan operation against Al-Shabaab in Leego village, Lower Shabelle region. Clash 23 Feb between pro-govt clan militias in Kismayo killed 11.



Month saw several major security operations in Mogadishu: 1,700 suspected Al-Shabaab militants arrested 15 Jan; 730 arrested 19 Jan. SRSG for children and armed conflict Leila Zerrougui 18 Jan called on AU to minimise child casualties following 15 Jan operations in Leego village, Lower Shabelle region, that reportedly killed 7 civilians including 5 children; AU 17 Jan announced investigation. AMISOM/Somali forces continued to clash with Al-Shabaab militants. 6 reportedly killed 29 Jan in al-Shabaab suicide attack in Mogadishu near PM office. Journalist arrested and held without charge 10 Jan for investigating rape by security forces, another shot dead 18 Jan in Mogadishu. 2 French soldiers and intelligence officer held hostage by Al-Shabaab killed in rescue attempt 12 Jan; 17 Al-Shabaab militants also killed. U.S. 17 Jan officially recognised new Somali govt for first time since 1991. Govt 8 Jan reopened National Intelligence and Security Agency HQ. Ahlu Sunnah Islamist Party and Galmudug administration 7 Jan concluded preliminary agreement for establishing joint administration for central regions. Military 15 Jan clashed with Al-Shabaab in Galgala, Puntland. Puntland President Farole 11 Jan received U.S. Special Rep Swan, discussed security, regional stability. Farole’s mandate extended 8 Jan by one year.



At least 38 killed, 60 wounded in inter-tribal gun battle in Galgadud province 1-2 Dec. Somali govt protested Kenya’s 18 Dec order requiring Somali refugees in Kenyan cities to return to camps. Federal Govt cabinet ministers visited Kismayo 27 Dec, met leaders of Ras Kamboni militia controlling city. President Sheikh 21 Dec visited Kenya; joint communiqué with Kenyan President Kibaki expressed intention to cooperate on bilateral, regional issues. Al-Shabaab 16 Dec cut ties with U.S. extremist Abu Mansoor Al-Amriki, accused him of “spreading discord and disunity”. AMISOM and Somalian troops 9 Dec took strategic town of Jowhar, Middle Shebelle region. AU convoy caught in roadside bomb blast in Marko city 2 Dec shortly after visit by defence, interior and justice ministers. Ras Kamboni and govt forces spokesman 14 Dec denied reports of “heavy fighting” with al-Shabaab fighters in Kismayo. Political and constitutional disputes continued in Puntland: leader of Puntland opposition Midnimo 13 Dec called for dialogue with govt following demonstrations, rising political tensions prompted by one-year extension to Puntland President Farole’s term, originally scheduled to end 7 Jan 2013. 11 Puntland soldiers killed 4 Dec by suspected al-Shabaab militants near govt outpost in Galaga mountains.



Formation of new govt continued: 10-member cabinet sworn in 15 Nov, several junior posts not yet filled. 2 protesters shot 23 Nov during demonstration in Quardo during visit by semi-autonomous Puntland region president Farole. Charcoal reportedly being exported from Kismayo despite UN ban; IGAD/govt-supported task force prevented from investigating by AMISOM-allied Ras Kambooni Brigade militia due to “security concerns”. Sharp increase in fighting in Gedo region 24 Nov as al-Shabaab attacked and briefly held Bulo Xawo border town.

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