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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Al-Shabaab 20 Dec attacked AMISOM troops in Dayniile in heaviest fighting since their Aug withdrawal from Mogadishu; first elements of 900-strong Djiboutian AMISOM contingent arrived in Mogadishu 20 Dec. Al-Shabaab early Dec banned aid organisations, UN bodies for “fostering secularism”, “amplifying refugee crisis”. 3 aid workers killed 23 Dec in central Somalia. At least 10 killed 28 Dec in clash between Transitional Federal Govt (TFG) troops and al-Shabaab, lower Juba province. Parliament 13 Dec voted to impeach, replace Speaker Sharif Hassan Sheikh Aden; violence broke out between MPs 14 Dec when Deputy Speaker refused entry. At Somali national consultative constitutional conference 21-23 Dec, participants including senior TFG officials, representatives from Puntland and Galmudug states, civil society signed “Garowe Principles” agreeing to finalise constitution by April 2012, reform parliament Aug 2012. Well-known cleric killed 5 Dec in Bosaso; Puntland authority and al-Shabaab accused each other of assassination. Galkayo airport shelled 14 Dec; Puntland administration blamed groups based in Galmudug. 2 killed 26 Dec by gunman in Galkayo; 1 killed 25 Dec and 3 policemen killed 27 Dec by roadside bombs in Bosaso. 7 killed 17 Dec in clash between Ahlu Sunna militia and forces led by Somali MP Abdifatah in Abudwaq town, Galgudud, sparking fears Ahlu Sunna withdrawing support for TFG. Heavy fighting erupted 1 Jan between al-Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna in Galgudud.



At least 2 killed 8 Nov in Mogadishu grenade attack as al-Shabaab warned of increased assaults, claimed to have killed 15 govt soldiers in separate attacks. Al-Shabaab 2 Nov claimed 10 Kenyan soldiers killed in ambush on convoy near Dhobley; Kenya denied. At least 6 soldiers killed 12 Nov in grenade attack in Mogadishu’s Dharkenley district; landmine 12 Nov killed at least 9 al-Shabaab fighters in Bula Burde district, Hiran. Transitional Federal Govt (TFG), al-Shabaab 15 Nov both claimed victory in clashes in Hawin town, south. Kenyan troops backed by warships 20 Nov destroyed 2 al-Shabaab training camps in Badade district, Lower Juba. 10 killed by roadside bomb in Wagajir, Mogadishu 22 Nov; at least 7 killed 28 Nov in bomb attack on Mogadishu hospital. Suicide bomber killed 4 in 30 Nov attack on Mogadishu army headquarters. TFG President Sharif 16 Nov met with Kenyan, Ugandan counterparts, agreed to coordinated approach. Ethiopian troops 26 Nov reportedly reached Hiran. 3 al-Shabaab leaders, including former head of Union of Islamic Courts Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys targeted 13 Nov in missile strike on camp in Afgoye, U.S. denied involvement; 17 killed, 67 wounded 15 Nov in reported drone strike in Dhobley. Head of UN OCHA in Mogadishu 17 Nov said looting of aid major problem; 1 killed 11 Nov when soldiers fired on crowd at Mogadishu food distribution point; 6 killed, 25 wounded 17 Nov when govt forces reportedly opened fire, aid in Mogadishu camp. Al-Shabaab 28 Nov banned 16 aid groups, stole UN agencies from territory.



Many killed as clashes between Transitional Federal Government (TFG) forces and pro-govt militias and al-Shabaab continued. At least 11 civilians killed, 24 injured 1 Oct in clashes in Mogadishu; 29 al-Shabaab militants and over 50 govt-allied Ahlu Sunna militiamen killed in clashes in strategically important central town Dhusamareb. Suicide bomb attack in Mogadishu 4 Oct killed over 100 people in deadliest terror attack by al-Shabaab since 2010 Kampala bombing. TFG, AMISOM troops 16 Oct began operation to clear al-Shabaab from remaining Mogadishu strongholds. In attempt to drive back al-Shabaab from border zones and take Kismayo port, Kenyan troops entered Somalia 16 Oct. Kenyan air strike 30 Oct reportedly killed 5, wounded 45 in IDP camp in Jibil; Kenyan military claimed strike killed 10 al-Shabaab insurgents, no civilian casualties. At least 4 killed 18 Oct in car-bomb blast near foreign Ministry, following visit by Kenyan defence minister. Al-Shabaab 20 Oct claimed to have killed over 70 AU troops. 2 foreign aid workers and Somali colleague kidnapped 25 Oct near disputed city Galkayo on Puntland-Galmuduug border. UNSC 30 Sept extended AMISOM one year. UNHCR 5 Oct announced it was “very concerned” about escalating violence in south, particularly fighting in border town Dhobley. Residents in Kismayo, Dhobley, Afmadow claim over 50 killed in Somalia by U.S. drone strikes late Oct. U.S. military said drones being deployed from Ethiopia and Seychelles, but only for surveillance.



UN-backed meeting including representatives from Transitional Federal Institutions (TFI), Puntland, Galmudug, pro-govt Ahlu Sunna militia, 6 Sept endorsed roadmap to end transition, restore stability. UN 5 Sept said famine spread to Bay region. Authorities 17 Sept banned foreign aid workers from entering famine-hit areas controlled by al-Shabaab over security concerns. AMISOM peacekeepers 2 Sept shot dead Malaysian journalist in Mogadishu in unknown circumstances, 27 Sept announced deployment of 3,000 extra troops from Djibouti, Sierra Leone. Early-month fighting in Galkayo between Puntland forces and militia from autonomous Galmudug region left at least 27 dead; Puntland security ministry alleged its forces repelled 2-day attack by al-Shabaab militants; Galmudug denied supporting Islamist group, said fighting between 2 sub-clans. Puntland President Mohamud and Galmudug President Alin 5 Sept agreed ceasefire following UN mediation. Unknown gunmen killed Puntland paramilitary commander Mohamed Muse 2 Sept, MP Abdurrahman Hajji 20 Sept. Karkar region 11 Sept declared secession from Puntland, new leader Mohamed Jama said move in response to failure of Puntland authorities in fulfilling mandated duties. Al-Shabaab clashed with pro-govt militia during heavy fighting on Kenyan border in Gedo region, at least 26 killed; 24 Sept claimed it had shot down drone near Kismayo.



Al-Shabaab 6 Aug partially pulled out from Mogadishu as part of “tactical withdrawal”; senior al-Shabaab official Sheikh Aweys said difficult circumstances, rift amongst leadership to blame. TFP member Khalif Jire Warfa assassinated 31 July by masked gunmen in Mogadishu. AMISOM 9 Aug appealed for additional 3,000 troops to secure capital, protect food aid. UNSC announced Sept consultative meeting for Somalia “road map” establishing benchmarks for govt over coming year. Month also saw famine spread to Jubba, Bay, Gedo regions. Militia 5 Aug attacked Badbaado camp killing 7 IDPs, looted food aid. Turkish PM Erdogan 19 Aug visited Mogadishu to draw attention to famine. Heavy fighting 31 July in Gedo region between al-Shabaab and pro-govt militia Ahlu Sunna, at least 20 killed. In Puntland, military 6 Aug clashed with Somaliland troops in Sool region (see Somaliland). Series of attacks continued with 1 Aug explosion in Garowe during celebrations of region’s establishment leaving 1 dead; roadside bomb 13 Aug in Galka’yo wounded at least 2 soldiers; assassination of high ranking security official 23 Aug.



UN 20 July declared famine in al-Shabaab-controlled regions of Bakool and Lower Shabelle, 25 July began food deliveries to Mogadishu; called for $300mn aid over 2 months. Tens of thousands fleeing worst-hit parts of South. Splits apparent within al-Shabaab over ban on aid; after initially lifting ban on foreign aid agencies, al-Shabaab 21 July maintained ban for groups “involved in political activities”, dismissed scale of famine. Continued clashes in Mogadishu amid AMISOM advances: al-Shabaab commander Ahmed Godane admitted group losing ground; TFG claims in final preparations for offensive against rebels in Lower Juba, Gedo regions. Uganda 1 July announced it would deploy 3,000 extra troops to AMISOM. Amid fears of increasing ties between al-Qaeda in Yemen and al-Shabaab, suspected U.S. drone strikes continued 6 July with attack on training camp in Lower Juba; U.S. 7 July admitted detaining senior al-Shabaab official in Gulf of Aden acting as al-Qaeda go-between; CIA reportedly using secret detention facility in Mogadishu. Parliament 11 July endorsed June Kampala Accord between TFG President Sheikh Sharif and Speaker Sharif Hassan. New cabinet finally approved 23 July after numerous rejections by president and speaker. In Puntland, authorities 24 July reached preliminary ceasefire with Islamist leader Mohammad Said Atom.



Following sustained power struggle within Transitional Federal Govt (TFG) over extension of TFG and parliament mandates and election timetable, 9 June Kampala Agreement between President Sheikh Sharif and Parliamentary Speaker Sharif Hassan saw deal on 1-year extension of TFG and Parliament, elections to be held before 20 August 2012. PM Abdullahi Mohamed forced to resign 19 June as part of deal despite popular protests in his support; President Sharif 23 June nominated Abdiweli Mohamed Ali new PM. Most MPs opposed agreement, called for impeachment of Speaker for abuse of power. In Mogadishu, AMISOM troops continued push towards Bakara market. Ugandan AMISOM Commander killed 6 June; Minister for Interior Abdishakur Farah assassinated 10 June in suicide bombing reportedly by niece. Ongoing fighting in Gedo, Hirran regions between Al-Shabaab and pro-TFG militia Ahlu Sunna; govt reported Canadian Al-Shabaab member killed in Juba region. Al-Qaeda leader in E Africa Fazul Mohammed shot dead 8 June at govt checkpoint, in possession of plans to attack Western targets. Al-Shabaab 17 June declared allegiance to new al-Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri. Airstrike 24 June on training camp near Kismayo reportedly killed 2 senior al-Shabaab officials. In Puntland, inter-clan violence continued with 21 June attack on mosque in Bari region, 4 dead; authorities 22 June arrested 40 clan elders, blamed Al-Shabaab for insecurity.



Month saw continued power struggle within Transitional Federal Government (TFG), deepening divisions between President Sheikh Sharif and Parliamentary Speaker Sharif Hassan over extension of TFG and Parliament mandate, and election timetable. TFG 9 May barred MPs from travelling abroad; U.S. expressed concern over stifling of political discussion, UN 25 May warned TFG it risks losing international support. Pro-TFG militias supported by AMISOM and regional states continued to make significant gains in south, centre. Heavy fighting continued in Mogadishu and on Kenyan, Ethiopian borders. Fighting reported between Ras Kamboni Brigade and al-Shabaab 23 May around Haawina in Jubba Valley. In Mogadishu, TFG and AMISOM troops closed in on al-Shabaab stronghold of Bakara Market. Renewed fighting raised tensions in Puntland, as militants loyal to Mohammad Said Atom attacked govt forces in Galgala Mountains leaving at least 26, mostly insurgents, dead. Puntland authorities 10 May warned rebels against declaring independence in breakaway region Ras Assayr. Aid groups 13 May warned of potential humanitarian crisis resulting from extreme droughts, insecurity.



Transitional Federal Govt (TFG) 24 Apr unilaterally announced plans to postpone elections to 2012 saying insecurity is top priority; move despite 19 Apr call by UN SRSG Augustine Mahiga to hold elections for president, speaker of parliament by Aug 2011 when TFG mandate expires. At least 30 killed 20-21 Apr during heavy fighting between govt troops and Al-Shabaab in Busaar, near Kenyan border. Unidentified gunmen 16-17 Apr fired on worshippers at mosque in Puntland; at least 6 killed, dozens injured. International Maritime Bureau 14 Apr said piracy at all-time high with 50% increase in attacks in first quarter compared to 2010, noted dramatic rise in attackers’ use of violence. UNSG Ban, FM Mohammed Abdullahi Omar 18 Apr appealed for comprehensive response during piracy conference in Dubai.



Heavy clashes between govt forces supported by AU peacekeepers (AMISOM) and militant Islamist al-Shabaab continued in Mogadishu. 4, 15 March al-Shabaab attacks against govt and AU bases triggered heavy shelling of militant-controlled areas; casualties on both sides including civilians. Reports 5 March indicated at least 50 AMISOM troops killed, some 150 injured during major offensive against militants in Mogadishu in Feb. Burundi deployed additional troops to AMISOM in line with pledges. Fighting intensified in towns bordering Ethiopia and Kenya, with unconfirmed reports 24 March that Kenyan troops crossed border, engaged in fighting. Political dispute between parliament speaker Sharif Hassan Aden and President Sharif Ahmed re-escalated: Parliament rebuffed calls from President Ahmed to reverse its Feb decision to extend Transitional Federal Government (TFG) mandate; meanwhile cabinet 27 March extended mandate of President Ahmed and cabinet ministers for further 12 months beyond Aug; said extension necessary to continue governing through current military offensive.

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