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Intense fighting between govt-allied forces and militant Islamist Al-Shabaab inflicting casualties on both sides, dozens of civilians killed, injured. Transitional Federal Govt (TFG) forces and AMISOM 19 Feb attacked Al-Shabaab positions sparking 2 days intense fighting; at least 20 killed, dozens injured as stray mortars hit IDP camps. 6 AMISOM troops killed, 12 wounded in 23 Feb fighting in Mogadishu. AMISOM, TFG and allied groups 24 Feb launched coordinated attack in Mogadishu and along Ethiopian, Kenyan border; Ethiopian troops reportedly involved in fighting, Kenya closed border. In response, Al-Shabaab moved additional forces to Mogadishu and Beletweyn, 27 Feb warned of retaliation against Kenyan govt. In other violence suicide car bomber 21 Feb killed at least 10 people near police training camp in Mogadishu. At least 5 reported killed, 10 wounded 15 Feb when govt forces opened fire on civilian crowd protesting against Al-Shabaab. Human Rights Watch 14 Feb stated all parties to armed conflict responsible for indiscriminate attacks on civilians since May 2010, killing or injuring thousands. Parliament 3 Feb extended TFG mandate for further 3 years. AU signalled support for mandate renewal set to expire Aug 2011; U.S., UN, other donors criticised move citing lack of adequate consultation.



Month saw increasingly strained relations between Puntland and Transitional Federal Govt (TFG). Puntland administration 16 Jan criticised TFG, urged UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) to “reconsider” its position regarding TFG. Move follows end-Dec approval of 4,000 additional AMISOM troops, and UNSG Ban’s 14 Jan call for further support to AMISOM. Reports emerged 20 Jan that former leader of Xe Services, previously Blackwater private military company, involved in anti-terror and anti-piracy training of Puntland forces by Ugandan offshoot of South African company Saracen International. Fighting continued in Mogadishu between govt forces and al-Shabaab including 21-22 Jan clashes which left at least 3 dead, 6 injured. At least 12 killed, more than 30 injured as civilians caught in 31 Jan violence in Mogadishu; details unclear but al-Shabaab not implicated in initial reports.



Insurgent faction Hizbul Islam 19 Dec announced decision to surrender to al-Shabaab militants, join forces; al- Shabaab 23 Dec warned strengthened force would redouble attacks against Uganda and Burundi. 1 Jan and 27, 28 Dec attacks against govt forces, AMISOM left at least 35 dead, more than 50 injured including civilians; followed heavy fighting between al-Shabaab and govt forces in Mogadishu 12-14 Dec killing over 25. Suspected al-Shabaab bomb targeting Kampala-bound bus from Nairobi detonated early 20 Dec; 2 killed, more than 40 injured. During Mogadishu press conference al-Shabaab 24 Dec called on al-Qaeda to “expand East African Jihad”, 27 Dec threatened attacks on U.S. soil. Analysts claim announcements propaganda, militants still divided. UNSC 22 Dec announced 4,000 AMISOM troop increase, extended mandate until 30 Sept 2011. Somaliland authorities 11 Dec seized plane carrying military supplies destined for Puntland; court 30 Dec sentenced 6 Russian crew to 12 months’ prison for violating UN arms embargo.



Parliament 27 Nov approved full 18-member cabinet, after earlier 22 Nov parliamentary session descended into chaos as MPs, divided over procedures, failed to vote on nominees chosen 12 Nov by new PM Mohamed Abdullahi. More than 20 civilians killed 17 Nov in 2 separate explosions and subsequent gunfire between AU peacekeepers (AMISOM), govt soldiers and al-Shabaab; at least 9 civilians killed 30 Nov in heavy clashes at Bakara market, southern Mogadishu. AMISOM apologised for 2 civilians killed, 7 injured 23 Nov when AMISOM convoy leaving airport accidentally fired on civilian group. Security Council 23 Nov renewed authorisation granted to states and regional organisations co-operating with Somalia’s transitional government to fight piracy off coast.



Fresh fighting between govt forces and al-Shabaab in centre and south of country, following Sept-early Oct spike in clashes in Mogadishu. Intense fighting mid-month including Beledweyne and Bula Hawo left at least 40 dead, more than 50 injured as govt and Islamist insurgents struggled for control over towns. UNHCR 26 Oct reported an estimated 60,000 fled towards Kenyan border to escape Bula Hawo fighting; 31 Oct reports alleged Kenyan police closed border. AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Ramtane Lamamra 21 Oct called on UNSC for additional support to boost AMISOM forces from 7,000 to 20,000 and impose naval, air blockade. Following Sept resignation of former PM, parliament 31 Oct endorsed appointment of new PM Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed with majority 297 out of 391.



Month saw continued fighting between al-Shabaab militants and Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and AMISOM forces, suicide attack on airport targeting international delegations, internal govt tensions resulting in PM resignation. After brief lull in heavy fighting, al-Shabaab shelling resumed in Mogadishu 2 Sept. At least 9 people killed by suicide blast on airport 9 Sept; al-Shabaab claimed responsibility, declaring targets were UN, AU and IGAD delegations meeting President Sheikh Sharif; no delegation members harmed. UNSG Ban urged UN member states to provide urgent military, financial support to TFG, organised high-level meeting on Somalia 23 Sept. PM Sharmarke 21 Sept resigned following weeks of tension with President.



Fighting intensified in Mogadishu as al-Shabaab 23 Aug declared “new massive war” against internationally-backed govt, launching deadly attacks on MPs and AMISOM troops, while several killed in Puntland clashes. At least 80 killed and dozens injured during 23-30 Aug clashes triggered by al-Shabaab attacks on govt positions: al-Shabaab 24 Aug stormed Mogadishu hotel killing at least 35, including 6 MPs; 4 AMISOM peacekeepers killed 30 Aug during al-Shabaab shelling of presidential palace; 8 civilians killed, 25 wounded 31 Aug by roadside bomb. At least 10 suspected anti-govt militants killed 21 Aug as 2 separate explosive devices detonated prematurely; govt reported 3 Pakistanis, 2 Indians, 2 Afghans, 1 Algerian among dead. On Ethiopian border, 21 al-Shabaab killed 4 Aug during clashes sparked by govt attack on militia base. In semi-autonomous Puntland at least 30 Islamist militants led by Mohamed Said Atom and more than 5 govt troops killed during 5 days of clashes starting 8 Aug along northern coast; al-Shabaab continue to distance themselves from Puntland insurgents despite Atom’s pledged allegiance.



Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for 11 July bomb attacks in Kampala killing at least 85 (see Uganda), confirming group’s intent to drive foreign forces out of Somalia and demonstrating capability to export conflict to wider region. Al-Shabaab leader Sheikh Mukhtar Abu-Zubeyr 15 July threatened further Kampala attacks, warned Burundi would be targeted next. AU said it would increase AMISOM’s strength to 8,000 troops and allow forces to pre-emptively attack al-Shabaab. Guinea, Djibouti, Uganda and Burundi among countries ready to send more troops. Scores of civilians killed as renewed fighting broke out 18 July between al-Shabaab and govt forces north of Mogadishu. Reports emerged 21 July of AU internal documents issued Apr and June expressing concern over AMISOM’s indiscriminate shelling of residential areas. 13 alleged al-Shabaab killed in northern Puntland late July during clashes with govt forces pursuing southerners alleged to pose security threat to region. Also in Puntland, militia leader Skeikh Mohamed Saiid Atom 28 July declared allegiance to al-Shabaab and vowed jihad in semi-autonomous state; al-Shabaab spokesman in Mogadishu denied links. International Maritime Bureau reported attacks in Gulf of Aden dropped by nearly two-thirds in first half of 2010 compared to 2009 but rose in Somali basin and wider Indian Ocean.



Deadly fighting between AU-backed govt soldiers and Islamist militias continued in Mogadishu: at least 17 civilians reportedly killed 3 June; 2 AU peacekeepers killed same day; 12 people killed 18 June. 13 died in clashes between govt soldiers and police in Mogadishu 13 June; details unclear. At least 24 reported killed in early month fighting between al-Shabaab and pro-govt Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a (ASWJ) militia in central Somalia; thousands of civilians reportedly fled. ASWJ 9 June said they recaptured key town of Dhusomareb. Political uncertainty continued as 3 ministers, including defence minister, announced resignations 8 June citing govt’s failure to restore order. President Sheik Sharif 17 June ordered investigation into army’s use of child soldiers after highly critical UN report.



Deadly clashes between govt/AU forces and Islamist militias continued amid heightened political uncertainty. PM Sharmarke and govt reportedly lost vote of no confidence 16 May when parliament met for 1st time since Dec. President Sheikh Sharif 20 May reinstated Sharmarke after earlier calling for his resignation. Parliamentary speaker Madobe, reported rival of Sharmarke, resigned. Sharif Hassan Sheik Adan, reported ally of president, elected new speaker 28 May. In Mogadishu at least 30 killed, dozens injured in 1 May blasts; at least 14 killed when al-Shabaab insurgents attacked presidential palace 23 May. UNSG Ban 22 May urged international support for transitional govt at UN-sponsored Somalia conference in Istanbul. EU High Rep Ashton visited region 18 May to discuss piracy; several hijackings reported during month.

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