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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Deadly clashes between govt forces and Islamist militants in Mogadishu continued. Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a (ASWJ) militia said they had fought alongside army in first instance of direct cooperation with govt forces. At least 30 reported killed in 1 May blasts at Mogadishu mosque; no immediate claim of responsibility. UN 13 Apr urged govt forces, AU troops, insurgents not to shell densely populated areas. Al-Shabaab 11 Apr announced it had seized Gal’ad in centre of country after clashes with ASWJ, which last month signed power-sharing deal with govt, left 11 dead. Late month reports al-Shabaab advancing on pirate strongholds in centre, north. Parliamentary crisis continued: MPs tried to force speaker to step down; first parliament session since Dec scheduled for 18 Apr postponed for “technical reasons”. EU 7 Apr launched mission to train 2,000 govt soldiers. EU Naval Force 1 Apr reported recent surge in pirate activity.



In Mogadishu, at least 60 reported killed in 10-12 March clashes between govt forces and Islamist militia al-Shabaab. Govt 15 March signed agreement with Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a (ASWJ) militia, trading govt posts for support in long-planned Mogadishu offensive. Asst Sec State Carson 12 March denied early month reports U.S. coordinating govt offensive. Hundreds participated in ASWJ-led Mogadishu protest against al-Shabaab 29 March. Infighting amongst Islamist rebels continued: senior al-Shabaab commander Sheikh Daud Ali Hasan shot dead near Kismayo 21 March. Around 30 killed early-mid month in central Somalia clashes between rival clans over land and water rights. Monitoring Group on Somalia, created by UNSC to monitor sanctions, 9 March reported up to half of international food aid diverted to contractors, militants and local UN staff; President Sheikh Sharif 16 March rejected report; UN Somalia aid chief Mark Bowden 25 March criticised findings as “sensational”. EU Naval Force disrupted 18 pirate attacks off coast during month.



In Mogadishu, at least 21 civilians killed in shelling by Islamist militia al-Shabaab 7-11 Feb. Al-Shabaab early month began moving hundreds of reinforcements into capital, 12 Feb proclaimed “all out war” against govt. UNHCR 17 Feb reported thousands fled city over previous 2 weeks. 5 killed in shootout between security forces over non-payment of salaries 11 Feb. 4 killed in suicide bomb targeting military convoy and defense state minister 15 Feb; minister escaped unharmed. Reports of numerous clashes in southern and central Somalia. UN official in south reported that new rules imposed by U.S. to prevent fl of humanitarian aid to Islamist militia were imposing “impossible” restrictions on aid deliveries. Al-Shabaab 28 Feb ordered World Food Program to halt operations. Reports of several successes in international anti-piracy operations; Danish special forces under NATO command recovered 2 trawlers off Gulf of Aden early month.



Fighting between Al-Shabaab, rival Hizbul Islam and pro-govt militia Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca surged in central Somalia early month, with at least 138 killed and 63,000 newly displaced in 2 weeks of clashes for strategic control over Dusamareb, Baladwayne, and Dhobley. At least 20 killed, including civilians, in heavy militants attacks on govt and AMISOM bases in Mogadishu 29-31 Jan. Al-Shabaab early month claimed it was exchanging fighters with Yemeni rebels, 29 Jan announced it had united with smaller Kamboni rebel group and joined international al-Qaeda jihad. Govt 2 Jan announced discovery of 2 Yemen arms shipments destined for militia. UN’s WFP 5 Jan withdrew staff and suspended aid in South indefinitely due to insecurity and al-Shabaab demands for payment; cuts to affect some 1m people. Insecurity continued in semi-autonomous Puntland; 2 MPs shot dead over month. Large UK cargo ship seized 2 Jan in one of several bold piracy attacks. EU 25 Jan agreed to deploy new “EUTRA” mission to train 2,000 Somali troops in Uganda; training to commence spring 2010. Tensions with Nairobi increased following arrest of 12 Somali MPs by Kenyan authorities during unrest that followed arrest of radical cleric Abdullah el-Faisal (see Kenya).



At least 22 killed, including 3 govt ministers, in devastating suicide attack on Mogadishu university graduation ceremony 3 Dec, triggering wide condemnation; al-Shabaab denied responsibility. 14 civilians killed in capital 19-20 Dec in shelling between al-Shabaab and govt troops. Heavy fighting also reported between rival Islamist militias in and around Beledweyn late month and in Dhuusa Marreeb 3 Jan, reportedly killing at least 47. President Sheikh Sharif early Dec replaced police commander Qeybdid following international pressure for his removal over corruption; army chief of staff General Dhumaal also removed. 500 soldiers returned mid-month from 6-month French-led military training program in Djibouti. Al-Shabaab 17 Dec banned UN agencies from south for “disrupting justice”. Security continued to deteriorate in Puntland with further bombings targeting public officials and accompanying rise in vigilante action; authorities blame “immigrant” Rahanweyn ethnic group for attacks, arrested hundreds. UNSC committee 11 Dec said UN officials investigating Somali businessmen suspected of channeling funds to insurgents were receiving death threats. Piracy attacks continued off coast.



Fighting continued on several fronts, with clashes in Mogadishu, south’s Bakool region, and bomb attacks in north’s Galkayo city targeting govt sites and hotels 30 Oct-1 Nov reportedly leaving dozens dead. Clashes between govt troops and al-Shabaab forces surged again in Mogadishu 7 Nov. AlShabaab late month took control of 2 towns in lower Jubba following further battles with rival militia Hizbul Islam. Security deteriorated in Puntland: govt imposed brief curfews in all major towns following string of assassinations and bombings targeting govt officials. Tensions between Puntland and Transitional Federal Govt further increased, over allocation of donor funding and federalism. PM Sharmarke during early month interviews in UK stressed need to reach out to non “ideological” Islamist fighters, called for international anti-piracy policy to focus on livelihoods in coastal regions. Several piracy attacks over month. EU 17 Nov endorsed plans to deploy up to 2,000 military personnel to train Somali forces in Uganda. WFP announced risk of widespread famine in Dec after U.S. suspended aid deliveries over inadequate policing. Al-Shabaab 25 Nov demanded WPF halt imports, procure food locally, empty warehouses by 1 Jan.



FM Ali Ahmed Jama 3 Sept announced several senior figures in Islamist group Hizbul Islam had agreed to join President Sheik Sharif’s administration after negotiations. Heavy fighting continued across Mogadishu and south. Early month mortar fire into residential areas in Mogadishu’s port area killed at least 5 civilians; govt and AU troops control in city reportedly reduced to a few blocks. U.S. helicopters killed alleged terrorist Saleh Ali Nabhan and several al-Shabaab fighters in 14 Sept attack near Roobow village in south. Followed by defiant 16 Sept call by al-Shabaab leadership for foreign reinforcements and 17 Sept suicide attacks on AMISOM Mogadishu base, in which govt police chief and some 20 peacekeepers killed; Hizbul Islam leader Dahir Aweys urged further attacks. Some 17 others, mainly combatants, killed in fighting between al-Shabaab and govt forces outside of Yet town 21 Sept before al-Shabaab took control. Reports of fighting between al-Shabaab and Hizbul Islam in Kismayo late month. Reports Somali refugees crossing Kenyan border at rate of 7,000 per month.



Continued fighting in and around capital, as Dahir Aweys, leader of Islamist militia Hizbul Islam, 23 Aug rejected govt call for Ramadan truce and pledged to continue battle with al-Shabaab “brothers” against govt/AU forces. At least 60 killed in mid-month clashes across central Somalia as govt troops sought to advance on al-Shabaab-controlled territory, prompting fresh Islamist attacks on strategic Beledweyn town; al-Shabaab forces reportedly retook central towns of Balad Wayne and Bula Burte mid-month. Over 30 killed from 21 Aug in Islamist attacks on govt positions in Mogadishu and in fighting around key route to Afgoye town. Ethiopian troops late month reportedly captured strategic town Belet Wayne near Ethiopian border. President Sheikh Sharif announced imposition of emergency rule 19 Aug. TFG and Puntland officials 23 Aug signed deal on cooperation, stipulating that the region operate as counter-piracy base and increasing its diplomatic and economic independence. UN announced over half of Somalis require emergency assistance, as humanitarian situation continued to worsen.



Mogadishu and central Somalia hit by several bouts of intense fighting over month. At least 51 killed, 212 injured in Mogadishu over July, with fighting particularly heavy early month. Reports security director of transitional govt (TFG) killed 11 July. AMISOM 12 July began assisting TFG forces as govt made first serious advances against alShabaab; AMISOM denied reports troops moved to front line but acknowledged limited defensive action; govt continues to press for strengthened AMISOM mandate. In Hiran region: 31 killed in fighting between Al Shabaab and moderate Islamist Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca 22-23 July; govt claimed to have retaken Beledweyn town end month. UN Human Rights Commissioner Pillay warned bombings into residential areas, civilian executions by Islamist troops may amount to war crimes. TFG, AMISOM, UN Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) 26 July announced formation of new Joint Security Committee to support Somali security institutions. AU early month urged UNSC to impose sanctions on Eritrea over alleged support for Islamist forces; UNSC divided, but some members 9 July threatened to consider action. 2 French officials kidnapped by suspected al-Shabaab members late month.

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