
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Against background of ongoing militia violence, delegates meeting at IGAD Somalia reconciliation process in Nairobi agreed on Arbitration Committee to receive and arbitrate disputes relating to appointment of 275 members of new national parliament. Each of 4 major clans to have 5 members, and minor clans total of 5 members, in committee of 25. 12 appointed 22 June, remainder unclear due to absences from meeting and debate within Dir group. Clans will select MPs in next phase.



Reconciliation conference sponsored by IGAD (regional association of 7 East African states) of 40 Somali groups and representatives of neighbouring countries started Nairobi 21 May after earlier attendance and financial worries. Interim leader Hassan initially refused to attend, planning rival talks in Jowhar, north of Mogadishu. Progress stalled since 29 January. IGAD ministers set July as target for end of talks threatening “punitive measures” against foot-draggers. Fighting between rival Mogadishu militias killed 100; ended 31 May.



Fitful peace talks now set to resume 6 May after numerous delays and refusals by some faction leaders to attend.



Clashes between rival clans over land and water in central Somalia killed at least 80. Third and final phase of Somali peace talks due to start in Nairobi, but currently stalled, with numerous faction leaders refusing to attend.



UN and Kenya warned disaffected parties against obstructing 29 January peace agreement, saying anyone doing so would be held accountable. Warning followed criticism of agreement by some faction leaders. Agreement approved by Transitional National Assembly in Mogadishu 8 February. Peace talks now in third and final phase in Nairobi – involving selection of parliamentarians and formation of interim government.



Main warlords and politicians signed peace agreement 29 January. Deal provides for creation of appointed parliament which would elect president – but remains to be seen if political will exists to implement deal. Self-declared autonomous republic Somaliland not party to agreement. Inter- clan conflict killed at least 21 in central Somalia mid-January. Somaliland warned self-declared autonomous region Puntland to withdraw its forces from disputed region of Sool. Puntland accused neighbouring Djibouti of arming Somaliland.



More than 60 killed and thousands displaced in fighting between rival clan militias in central Somalia mid December. UN Security Council to set up unit to investigate breaches of arms embargo. Increased tension between self declared autonomous republic Somaliland and self declared autonomous region Puntland over territory claimed by both.



UN urged Somalia’s neighbours to uphold arms embargo against country. UN panel also claimed al Qaeda using Somalia for training and arms smuggling. 3 days of fighting between rival clan groups in central Somalia left over 50 dead.



Peace talks in Kenya splutter on, but many key parties not attending or represented. Talks unlikely to be successful unless these participate. President Hassan, of Transitional National Government (TNG), controlling small area of Mogadishu, previously abandoned talks: now accuses Kenya and Ethiopia of derailing talks. TNG delegate murdered in Nairobi 20 October: motive unknown. One Italian and two British aid workers shot dead in self- declared republic of Somaliland: assailants unknown.



Delegates at peace talks in Kenya adopted charter for new government on 15 September. President Hassan of Transitional National Government (TNG), which controls small area of Mogadishu, abandoned talks and has rejected charter. TNG’s mandate expired on 13 August. Breakaway Somaliland not represented at talks.

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