
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Federal parliament inaugurated 27 Dec despite reports of irregularities in delayed voting during month and presidential vote postponed to 24 Jan as Al-Shabaab sustained attacks against security forces and civilians. Electoral Dispute Resolution Mechanism (EDRM) 14 Dec nullified results for five parliamentary seats due to irregularities. Federal Indirect Electoral Implementation Team (FIEIT) 17-19 Dec suspended election of Somaliland parliamentary representatives in Mogadishu after Somaliland elders complained that polling station should be located in AMISOM base to avoid govt interference. Al-Shabaab 6 Dec captured Qeeyib village, Galguduud; car bomb attack 11 Dec killed 28 people and injured over 50 near Mogadishu port; militants 15 Dec carried out suicide bomb attack against Somali National Army (SNA) checkpoint in Afgoye, Lower Shabelle, killing six soldiers; same day launched two attacks in Mogadishu, killing six people. Al-Shabaab assassinated two senior officials in Bosaso 20 and 26 Dec, attacked Afgoye, Lower Shabelle 29 Dec, killing at least eight. Two civilians and soldier killed 22 Dec in explosion in Mogadishu. Puntland security forces 3-7 Dec recaptured Qandala, Bari region from pro-Islamic State militants.



Al-Shabaab continued to attack military and civilians across Somalia and, with parliamentary vote incomplete, electoral committee postponed presidential election planned for 30 Nov, set no new date. Suspected Al-Shabaab attacks included: suicide car bombing on Somali National Army (SNA) convoy in Mogadishu 5 Nov killed two soldiers; mortar attack in Mogadishu 16 Nov killed police officer; bomb blast near restaurant in Kismayo, Lower Juba 19 Nov injured five; car bomb 24 Nov in Mogadishu killed senior security official; car bomb at Mogadishu market 26 Nov killed at least twenty; roadside bombing in Galgala hills, Puntland 29 Nov killed four Puntland soldiers. Fighting in Galmudug state 28 Nov between Al-Shabaab and armed residents over tax dispute killed at least ten people. UAE-brokered ceasefire that began 1 Nov between Puntland and Galmudug Interim Administration (GIA) collapsed 6 Nov, and renewed fighting in Galkayo 7 Nov killed at least 40, injured hundreds and displaced thousands; Puntland and GIA signed peace agreement 17 Nov. Auditor General 19 Nov reported vote-buying and voter intimidation in federal parliamentary elections, which started late Oct.



Al-Shabaab sustained assaults against security forces and civilians in run-up to 30 Nov parliamentary elections. In Mogadishu, suicide car bomb 1 Oct near National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) prison killed five; mortar attack next to airport 8 Oct injured eleven civilians; car bomb outside market 10 Oct reportedly targeting senior official killed one, one suspect arrested; suicide car bomb reportedly targeting army convoy in Bondeere district 22 Oct killed four. In Lower Shabelle region, Somali National Army (SNA) and AMISOM 5 Oct launched assaults against Al-Shabaab near K-50 area killing eleven fighters and in Janaale killing six people; Al-Shabaab fired mortars at AMISOM in Qoryoley night of 14-15 Oct killing two civilians and 17 Oct; Al-Shabaab 18 Oct attacked SNA base in Afgoye district, killing 35 people, most SNA officers. Al-Shabaab also attacked civilians, SNA and AMISOM in Hiraan, Gedo, Middle Shabelle, Bay and Baidoa regions killing at least fourteen. U.S. ambassador 6-8 Oct met Galmudug Interim Administration (GIA) president and clan elders to address GIA’s claim that U.S. helicopter strike 28 Sept intended to target Al-Shabaab killed 22 GIA troops. GIA and Puntland forces 7 Oct clashed in GIA-controlled South Galkayo over construction of road that GIA says encroaches on its territory, eight killed. Islamic State-aligned militants 26 Oct seized Qandala, Bari region. Election process advanced slowly: Election Dispute Resolution Mechanism 7 Oct started working on rules and implementation of electoral process; Federal Indirect Electoral Implementation Team 5-18 Oct rejected lists of candidates for Upper House of all but one regional administration for failing to respect 30% women quota. Delegates from Hiraan and Middle Shabelle regions 4 Oct agreed that Jowhar in Middle Shabelle would be capital of merged Hir-Shabelle state, Hir-Shabelle state parliament 17 Oct elected Ali Abdullahi Osoble as state president, but some Hiraan politicians opposed to merger 10 Oct claimed to be establishing Hiraan state with capital at Bullo Burde.



Al-Shabaab continued to launch attacks against security forces and civilians. Militants 15 Sept captured towns of Galacad and Budh, Galmudug state, displacing thousands, 21 Sept claimed to have captured Mogokori town, Hiraan region following withdrawal of Ethiopian AMISOM contingent. In Mogadishu, militants 18 Sept carried out suicide attacks using vehicle-borne explosives against military convoy, killing Somali National Army (SNA) general and seven bodyguards. Al-Shabaab suffered setbacks: U.S. airstrikes in Torotorow, Lower Shabelle 5 Sept killed four militants; AMISOM, SNA and Jubaland Interim Administration forces 9 Sept killed 24 militants and retook villages of Biroole and Bulo Gadud, Lower Juba region; National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) 16 Sept arrested three Al-Shabaab militants sympathetic to Islamic State from Puntland in Baidoa, Bay region; SNA and AMISOM 17 Sept retook from Al-Shabaab El Wak town, Gedo region on Kenyan border; AMISOM and SNA 26 Sept killed three militants in Kismayo, Lower Juba region. Al-Shabaab 20 Sept warned Somali elders against taking part in parliamentary election and threatened to attack polling stations; govt 25 Sept postponed parliamentary elections planned to start 24 Sept to 30 Oct due to dispute over candidate selection process and delayed presidential polls to 30 Nov.



Al-Shabaab continued attacks against civilians and police, and govt postponed elections. In Mogadishu, militants tried unsuccessfully to assassinate MP with hand grenade 8 Aug; suspected Al-Shabaab killed local govt official 12 Aug in drive-by shooting; militants 25 Aug attacked beach restaurant killing at least ten and detonated car bomb prematurely outside Turkish embassy; AMISOM and Somali National Army (SNA) 28 Aug arrested two suspected Al-Shabaab militants in joint operation; suicide car bombing 30 Aug outside presidential palace checkpoint killed 22 people and partly destroyed nearby hotel. Elsewhere, Al-Shabaab militants fired mortars in residential areas of Baidoa, Bay region 6 Aug, killing one; militants 21 Aug carried out twin suicide attacks in market and next to local govt HQ in Galkayo, Mudug region, killing at least twenty and injuring 30; militants’ roadside bomb 26 Aug injured three in Bardhere, Gedo region; Al-Shabaab 29 Aug launched assaults on four SNA checkpoints in Muri and K-50 neighbourhoods, Lower Shabelle, killing at least six. U.S.-assisted SNA troops 10 Aug attacked Al-Shabaab checkpoint in Saakow, Middle Juba region, killing three militants; SNA 12 Aug killed one Al-Shabaab commander and arrested three militants in Beledweyne, Hiraan region; SNA and AMISOM 16 Aug recaptured from Al-Shabaab four locations close to Bardhere, Gedo region. AMISOM 22 Aug said eight militants killed when Al-Shabaab ambushed its convoy near Baidoa, Bay region; SNA and AMISOM 27 Aug killed seven Al-Shabaab militants 15km from Burdhubo, Gedo region. Govt 7 Aug announced new electoral timetable: legislative elections scheduled between 24 Sept and 10 Oct, presidential vote 30 Oct. Talks to merge Hiraan and Middle Shabelle regions collapsed 18 Aug after Middle Shabelle elders refused to select proposed state’s congress before presidential vote.



Al-Shabaab continued to launch attacks against civilians and clash with security forces. Group carried out twin suicide attacks using vehicle-borne IEDs near Medina Gate checkpoint in Mogadishu close to Aden Ade International Airport and AMISOM base 26 July, killing at least fifteen people; Al-Shabaab claimed one bomber was former MP Salah Nuh Ismail aka Salah Badbado. Militants 2 July launched mortar attacks in Baidoa, Bay region, killing four; suspected militants 5 July threw hand grenade in Mogadishu market, injuring nine; suspected Al-Shabaab bombing outside police station in Mogadishu 13 July wounded one; Al-Shabaab suicide bombers and gunmen 31 July attacked police Criminal Investigations Department in Mogadishu killing at least five civilians and a soldier. Somali National Army (SNA) 4 July regained control of villages near Qansahdhere, Bay region; 9 July overran Al-Shabaab base in Gobanle, Lower Shabelle; 30 July reportedly retook control of Garas Weyne area, Bakool region. Al-Shabaab 11 July raided SNA base in Laanta Buuro near Mogadishu, killing ten soldiers; same day retook port city Marka, Lower Shabelle; 17 July clashed with AMISOM in Awdinle, Bay region, fourteen civilians and four militants killed. Al-Shabaab Emir Ahmed Diriye aka Abu Ubaidah 12 July reiterated group’s commitment to al-Qaeda. Al-Shabaab member Mohamed Dahir aka Timo Jilac 21 July surrendered to police in Galmudug. Puntland and Somaliland forces 18 July clashed in contested Sanaag region (see Somaliland).



Al-Shabaab stepped up attacks against civilians and security forces: in Mogadishu militants 1-2 June stormed hotel, killed at least eighteen people including two MPs; suspected Al-Shabaab 5 June shot dead female journalist; militants 7 June shot dead two National Intelligence and Security Agency officers; militants 25 June detonated suicide car bomb then stormed hotel, at least fifteen people killed including minister and militants; suspected Al-Shabaab launched mortar attacks in several districts, no reported casualties. Al-Shabaab claimed 21 June killing of Middle Shabelle security chief in Jowhar. In Halgan, central Hiraan region, Al-Shabaab 9 June overran base of Ethiopian AMISOM contingent, forcing soldiers to retreat to bases in Wabha and Adan Yebal. Roadside bomb 30 June killed at least eighteen people in Lafoole, Lower Shabelle. Somali Special Forces 1 June killed senior Al-Shabaab commander Mohamed Dulyadeyn in Lower Juba and U.S. drone strike 3 June killed Al-Shabaab military instructor Ma’alim Adan Hassan in Lower Shabelle. National Leaders’ Forum 25 June agreed electoral timetable: legislative elections in Aug, presidential in Sept. At least 40 civilians reportedly killed 5 June in clashes between Ethiopian Liyu Police and herders in Gashamo contested border district, prompted protest against Liyu Police in Galgadud region (see Ethiopia). Militia loyal to former Bari regional commissioner clashed with Puntland security forces 22 June, no reported casualties.



Al-Shabaab continued to launch regular attacks despite Somali National Army (SNA) and AMISOM offensive and U.S. drone strikes, but lost territory. Al-Shabaab 1 May attacked SNA base in Middle Shabelle, killed at least fifteen soldiers; IED killed two security officials in Puntland 6 May; suicide attack on traffic police HQ in Mogadishu killed five police 9 May; militants ambushed convoy of Kenyan AMISOM troops and Jubaland militia 24 May in Lower Juba, killed one Jubaland militant and wounded seven; militants 31 May killed two soldiers in Puntland. SNA and AMISOM forces 6 May repelled Al-Shabaab assault in Gedo region, three militants, one SNA killed; SNA 12-15 May retook three villages in Lower Shabelle, no casualties reported. Somali Federal Govt President Hassan Sheikh 22 May endorsed plan for electoral process ending months of dispute.



Al-Shabaab kept up urban attacks and made limited territorial gains: killed at least eighteen civilians and two National Intelligence Service Agency (NISA) officers in five attacks in Mogadishu including mortar attack near presidential compound; 4 April retook Janale town, Lower Shabelle from AMISOM forces; 14 April killed four govt officials in Afgooye, Lower Shabelle. Al-Shabaab 26 April ambushed military convoy near Baidoa, killed at least eight Somali National Army (SNA) troops and injured thirteen. U.S. drone strikes 31 March killed officer in Amniyat, Al-Shabaab’s internal security and intelligence wing, in Jilib, Middle Juba and 11-12 April killed at least twelve militants in Yontooy, Lower Juba. Kenya Air Force 22 April bombed Al-Shabaab positions in Lower Juba; SNA and AMISOM 20 April killed 25 militants in Galguduud. 16 April AMISOM killed four civilians mistaken for militants in Bulo Marer, Lower Shabelle; Ethiopian forces (EPDF) 23-25 April reportedly clashed with local militia in Da’adheer, Galguduud, nineteen civilians killed. Islamic State- faction claimed first IED attack on AMISOM convoy near Mogadishu 24 April, reportedly damaging vehicle. Puntland 3 April accepted “4.5” clan-based formula for 2016 elections on condition that 2020 elections will use one-man-one-vote system. Seven killed 14-17 April in fighting between rival clan militias over tax collection in Marka, Lower Juba. Conference to merge Hiraan and Middle Shabelle regions started 12 April in Jowhar, Middle Shabelle, most Hiraan elders took part but leading elder boycotted.



U.S. and clan militias both intensified anti-Al-Shabaab operations in south-central, while insurgents tried to capture territory further north. Al-Shabaab 3 March attacked Somali Federal Government (SFG) defence minister’s convoy near Kismayo, no casualties reported; 7 March detonated bomb outside Beledweyne airport, at least six injured; 14 March seized Garacad port town from boats in Puntland; 31 March killed at least six in suicide attack in Galkayo. Puntland forces 16-20 March pushed back insurgents, reportedly killing 55. Al-Shabaab 20 March attacked Somali National Army (SNA) base in Lower Shabelle region, claimed to have killed 74 soldiers and seized nine vehicles; SNA claimed only six soldiers killed. U.S. claimed that its 5 March strikes on Al-Shabaab training camp in Raso, Hiraan region killed 150 militants; 8 March provided air support to SNA attack on Al-Shabaab base in Awdigle, Lower Shabelle region. Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) reportedly killed 34 Al-Shabaab militants, seized weapons near Ras Kamboni, Lower Juba region in 19 and 20 March attacks. Somali National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) 22 March arrested 24 suspected Al-Shabaab members in Mogadishu IDP camp. Some 28 reportedly killed 1-2 March in Ahlu Sunna wal Jama’a militia infighting over cooperation with Gal- mudug Interim Administration (GIA). GIA and Puntland forces clashed over grazing land 13 March, eleven killed. Gunmen 30 March killed at least two Turkish citizens and four Somalis in Mogadishu.

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