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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

Rebel commander and deputy leader Shamil Basayev killed with 3 other militants in Ingushetia 10 July; circumstances disputed, with Russia claiming special operation victory and rebels saying explosives-truck accident. Rebel leadership rejected subsequent Russian offer of amnesty in return for disarming, but reaffirmed offer of unconditional peace talks. European Court of Human Rights in landmark decision condemned Russia over disappearance in 2000 of Khadzhi-Murat Yandiyev. At least 19 killed in clashes, including 13 rebels near Daghestan border 12 July.

Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

Rebel leader Abdul-Khalim Sadulaev killed by pro-Moscow forces 17 June. Rebels named Doku Umarov new leader and notorious field commander Shamil Basayev as deputy. Exiled rebel foreign minister Akhmed Zakayev appealed for release of 4 Russian diplomats taken hostage in Iraq in later killed.

Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

Russian President Putin intervened to defuse mounting power struggle between Chechen President Alkhanov and PM Kadyrov by holding 5 May Moscow meeting. Kadryov’s involvement in rights violations under scrutiny after Council of Europe anti-torture watchdog prevented from visiting Kadyrov’s home village, suspected site of prisoner abuse, and rights group alleged secret prison network used to detain and torture civilians. 9 soldiers reported killed in insurgent ambushes 17, 23 May.

Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

PM Kadyrov reportedly disbanded personal guard, consisting of thousands of former rebels, 29 April. UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres visited Grozny to assess situation. 2 policemen killed in 15 April ambush.

Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

Kremlin-backed strongman Ramzan Kadyrov approved as new PM by parliament 4 March. At least 7 Russian soldiers reported dead in clashes with rebels.

Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

PM Sergei Abramov resigned over ill health, paving way for likely takeover by current caretaker PM, pro-Kremlin hardliner, Ramzan Kadyrov. Chechen rebels claimed responsibility for military barracks collapse, which Russia said caused by domestic gas explosion: 13 killed. At least 16 soldiers and 4 rebels, reportedly including senior rebel commander, killed in series of clashes. Rebels conducted major leadership reshuffle, ordering most ministers abroad to return; move said to reflect ideological split between leader and radical elements. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour expressed concern over abuses in Chechnya during visit to republic; President Putin warned UN against politicising rights issues. Chechen government banned Danish aid workers in response to Danish newspaper cartoons of Prophet Mohammed.

Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

At least 16 soldiers and several militants, including senior rebel commander Supian Abdulayev, reported killed in clashes and landmine explosions.

Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

Russian President Putin made surprise visit for opening of new parliament, in which Kremlin-backed Unified Russia party won 33 of 58 seats in November elections. Russian and Western rights activists accused EU of whitewashing reality with optimistic assessment of poll. Ramzan Kadyrov, first deputy PM, elected chief regional representative of Unified Russia.

Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

Preliminary results of 27 November parliamentary elections indicated pro-Moscow United Russia Party victorious with over 61% of vote. Human rights activists criticised poll as rubber-stamping exercise by Kremlin and local pro-Russian elite; EU hailed it as “important step towards broader representation” in region. Chechen President Alkhanov said ready to talk with exiled separatist leaders. Violence continued as Russian soldier and 3 suspected militants killed in clashes, while mayor of Avtury killed by unidentified assailants. Russian military admitted killing 3 civilians 16 November while in separate incident, 6 injured in allegedly accidental army mortar attack on village.

Europe & Central Asia

Chechnya (Russia)

Chechen rebel forces, directed by deputy leader Shamil Basayev, and local Islamic extremists claimed responsibility for unprecedented attack on southern town of Nalchik in nearby Kabardino-Balkaria republic. Rebels killed 2 pro-Moscow police in Terskoye.

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