
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.



China (internal)

Authorities reported police 23 Aug shot dead up to 12 ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang region during raid on alleged training camp and munitions centre.


China (internal)

Authorities in Xinjiang region 27 Aug reported 22 ethnic Uighurs shot dead in police “anti-terror” raid on house 20 Aug. 1 policeman also killed, 4 Uighurs arrested.


China (internal)

State media reported 35 people killed in Turban prefecture in western region Xinjiang 26 June in clash between police and rioters. Govt increased security in area amid reports  of further unrest. 


China (internal)

21 people reportedly killed including 15 police and local officials in clash involving group of local residents in Kashgar, Xinjiang 23 April; circumstances unclear, authorities reported 19 members of “East Turkistan terrorist movement” arrested.


China (internal)

Govt reported 2 people killed by security forces confronting protesters in Tibetan areas of Sichuan province late month, tightened security measures in area.


China (internal)

4 Uighur men sentenced to death 14 Sept for role in killings during late July violence in Xinjiang province; 2 others jailed for 19 years. Uighur exile groups claim defendants tortured into giving confessions. Xinjiang official said militant groups responsible for July violence were home-grown, contradicting earlier claim by foreign-based Xinjiang-independence group East Turkistan Islamic Movement that they were behind attacks.


China (internal)

Police 3 Aug killed 2 people suspected of involvement in late July violence in Xinjiang province. Authorities reported one suspect trained in Pakistan, attacks planned abroad by “Islamic extremists” from East Turkistan Islamic Movement; Uighur activists and others rejected account. Beijing 11 Aug launched 2-month anti-terrorist campaign in Xinjiang.


China (internal)

Violence erupted in Hotan (Hetian), southern Xinjiang, 17 July, resulting in at least 18 Uighur ethnic minority deaths. State media reported group of armed domestic terrorists with explosive devices attacked local police station, took hostages, planted extremist banners. World Uighur Congress contested official account, claimed violence occurred at main bazaar in Hotan when over 100 Uighurs gathered peacefully to protest ongoing police crackdown and detention of Uighurs. In second outbreak of violence late month at least 15 people including police officer reported killed in separate incidents in Kashgar, Xinjiang, including 31 July bomb attack, 30 July truck hijacking.


China (internal)

7 people killed, 14 wounded in 19 Aug explosives attack in Aksu City, Xinjiang province; officials 20 Aug said 1 attacker killed, 1 arrested, both members of Uyghur ethnic group.

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