
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.



China (internal)

Some 200 arrests in Lithang, Sichuan province, after protests triggered by arrest of man calling for return of Dalai Lama and release of Gendun Cheokyi Nyima, second-highest Tibetan leader. 54 local leaders replaced with non-Tibetan cadres since late July.


China (internal)

Video footage emerged of Chinese border guards shooting dead 2 Tibetans and wounding 7 others from group of 70 crossing border into Nepal, raising international concern.


China (internal)

Beijing court dismissed charges New York Times employee Zhao Yan leaked state secrets, but sentenced him to 3 years for fraud. Hong Kong journalist for Singapore’s Straits Times Ching Cheong jailed in mainland China for 5 years for spying. Authorities accused of clamping down on lawyers and rights advocates representing those aggrieved about land seizures, environmental abuses, religious persecution and population controls.


China (internal)

Closed trial of New York Times researcher Zhao Yan, accused of leaking state secrets, ended in Beijing 16 June; verdict delayed until 25 July.


China (internal)

PM Wen Jiabao promised to uphold land rights of farmers at annual National People’s Congress. Talks with Japan failed to resolve issue of overlapping claims on gas fields - exacerbated by Japanese PM Koizumi’s continued visits to Yasukuni shrine.


China (internal)

Beijing moved to prevent future rural unrest through plan to give aid to poor farmers. Former Communist Party chief He Feng jailed for life after hiring thugs to beat up rural protesters.


China (internal)

Beijing admitted policy of land seizures is “historic error” that led to increased rural unrest. Community in Guangdong Province claimed 2 killed by police during protest.


China (internal)

Rural unrest worsened as police opened fire on rioters in Guangdong province protesting land seizures for state projects; villagers claimed 20 killed. Trial began over similar June incident in Heibei province. UN rapporteur on torture accused officials of interfering with his investigation; stated torture in prisons widespread but in decline.


China (internal)

Exiled World Uighur Congress warned Beijing’s treatment of Uighurs in Xinjiang risks turning area into “time bomb”: China’s top security official reportedly warned of new crackdown on separatism in region.


China (internal)

Special riot police units planned for 36 cities in response to various incidents of civil unrest, including “illegal mining” riots in Guangxi province and burning of factories and police cars in protests against toxic waste in Zhejiang province. Germany-based World Uighur Congress said authorities in Xinjiang province arrested 38 for studying Koran.

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