
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.




Round-the-clock curfew imposed on north eastern town of Moreh, where clashes between Kuki and Meitie ethnic groups killed 11 and led to closure of Myanmar border post. Maoists called 2-day strike 26-27 June in Bastar, Chhattisgarh state, to protest fuel and resource exploitation. Maoists also blamed for 1 July attack on 2 Bihar police stations and blew up railway station 27 June in West Bengal state.



Violence spiked again in Assam state, as suspected United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) rebels launched further attacks, including series of market bombings, and ethnic clashes broke out in east. Bombing by Maoists in Chhattisgarh killed 10 policemen 29 May.



In Assam, state government said prepared to enter peace talks with United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA), rebel group blamed for dozens of deaths this year. 3 shot dead in Manipur state 23 April, likely People's United Liberation Front in-fighting. Naxalites in Jharkhand state killed 8 members of breakaway faction in gun battle 10 April. In Chhattisgarh, Maoists killed 2 farmers apparently for selling land to steel company; police killed 2 Maoists in targeted strike 15 April; state extended ban on Maoist party.



Up to 400 Naxalite Maoist rebels launched 15 March attack on Chhattisgarh police station, killing dozens of officers and escaping with arms, raising fears of increased Naxalite violence. Talks between New Delhi and ULFA separatists remained in deadlock, amid reports of continued attacks on migrant labourers in Manipur state.



Reports of widespread attacks in Assam continued as army struggled to rout ULFA separatist forces after January escalation in violence; peace negotiations with Delhi remain on hold. Guwahati train station hit by small blast 9 February as high-profile National Games began in Assam; games otherwise peaceful. ULFA reportedly seeks plebiscite on autonomy with international supervision. In Manipur, suspected separatists killed 15 soldiers 24 February following tense state elections that saw Naga rebels attempt to prevent participation of mainstream Indian parties. Earlier ambush on election vehicle killed 4 police, 2 civilians 9 February. Indian officials announced Myanmar military mobilisation against Manipuri and Assamese separatists fighting from Burmese bases.



Army deployed 13,000 troops to Assam state in response to escalation in attacks by separatist ULFA movement. Series of shootings 5-7 January carried out by suspected ULFA rebels killed over 70 across state, mostly Bihari migrant workers and local police; followed by small blasts later in month killing several. Intercommunal riots in Bangalore 21 January.



Leader of NSCN-IM Nagaland separatist movement arrived in Delhi 20 December for peace negotiations, but no major progress expected. PM Manmohan Singh said ready to restart peace talks with ULFA separatists on condition that it cut ties with ISI, while ULFA-suspected violence continued, including 2 blasts in Assam state 21 December.



Violence escalated in Assam, raising fears of new offensive by ULFA separatist rebels. Assam capital Guwahati hit by series of bombings 5 and 23 November killing 16; ULFA also suspected of train bombing in neighbouring West Bengal state 21 November that killed 12. Delhi announced deployment of 2000 extra troops to region. At least 3 killed in late month violence by “low-caste” Hindus in Maharashtra state prompted by desecration of statue of revered constitution framer B.R. Ambedkar in Kanpur.



New round of peace talks held 17 October between government and northeastern Nagaland separatists NSCN (IM faction) failed to yield progress on negotiations over autonomy for Naga people. Violence continued in Assam state, where Indian soldiers stepped up campaign against ULFA rebels and others.



Army launched operation against ULFA separatist rebels in northeast Assam state 24 September, ending peace process that began with August ceasefire. Operation reportedly launched in response to 2 killings by rebels. Bomb blasts killed over 35 in Malegaon, Maharashtra state 8 September as Muslims left mosque; protests followed but little violence. Government continued fighting Maoist rebels, killing 5 in clashes in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh state and sacking 29 Chhattisgarh police who refused to fight. In talks with Myanmar, India urged action to root out Indian insurgents based in the country.

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