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South China Sea

Chinese foreign ministry 9 April issued statement defending ongoing reclamation and construction activities in SCS. U.S. Sec Defense Carter 1 April said China’s activities in SCS seriously aggravating China-U.S. tensions. IHS Jane’s released new images 15 April indicating China building 3km airstrip on Fiery Cross Reef. Vietnam Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong met Chinese President Xi in Beijing 7-10 April, pledged to increase cooperation; highest level political exchange between countries since China deployed oil rig in disputed waters May 2014. Philippines and U.S. 20 April launched biggest joint combined military exercises in fifteen years; Chinese state media said drills “inappropriate”. At ASEAN summit, Philippines President Aquino 27 April criticised China’s “excessive and expansive” claims in SCS; ASEAN leaders in statement expressed “serious concerns” over land reclamation, said it “has eroded trust and confidence”; urged Code of Conduct consultations “be intensified”. Chinese foreign ministry 29 April accused Vietnam and Philippines of illegal reclamation and construction in Spratly islands. U.S. Navy 10 April reported Beijing sending additional patrol ships to SCS.


South China Sea

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman 11 March suggested that ASEAN SG Le had damaged image of regional body with earlier comments rejecting China’s nine-dash line. Vietnamese PM Dung reiterated importance of drawing up code of conduct during visit to Australia 18 March; also called for “self-restraint“ and refraining from military force. ASEAN defence ministers 16 March issued a joint declaration expressing commitment to freedom of navigation and overflight in SCS. Philippines 26 March said it would resume repair and reconstruction works in SCS. Top U.S. official in 31 March speech in Australia said China creating “great wall of sand” in SCS, “serious questions” about its intentions.


South China Sea

Regional countries continued to express concerns over Chinese land reclamation in SCS. New satellite imagery from IHS Jane’s came to light 15 Feb showing large increase in size of Chinese construction at Hughes Reef in contested Spratly Islands; Chinese land reclamation efforts also continue at Fiery Cross Reef, Gaven Reefs and Johnson South Reef. Philippines filed formal protest to Chinese embassy 4 Feb accusing Chinese vessel of ramming three Philippine fishing boats in area of Scarborough Shoal in SCS 29 Jan; Chinese Foreign Ministry said fishing boats were illegally lingering. Philippines also accused China of land reclamation activities on Mischief Reef in Spratly Islands. Philippines continues to try and shore up regional support for its position in international arbitration case against China; Supreme Court judge delivered lecture in Kuala Lumpur 15 Feb on invalidity of China’s SCS claims.


South China Sea

China 6 Jan announced it has established four armed police departments in Sansha City on Woody Island, part of Paracel/Hoang Sa Islands, over which Vietnam also claims sovereignty. China says Sansha City municipal govt, which it created in 2012, administers islands. Vo Cong Chanh, chairman of Hoang Sa District People’s Committee, said China’s actions illegal and threaten security, safety, freedom of aviation and navigation, put regional peace and Sino-Vietnamese relationship at risk. Vietnamese foreign ministry 8 Jan said China’s construction of military base on Fiery Cross Reef in Spratlys is violation of Declaration on Conduct of Parties in SCS.


South China Sea

China released position paper 7 Dec explaining extensively for first time its stance on case initiated by Philippines through Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, although reiterating its refusal to participate. States that court has no jurisdiction; UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) cannot be used to decide South China Sea (SCS) sovereignty issues; China in 2006 declared it doesn’t accept compulsory settlement procedures provided for by UNCLOS; Philippines has breached existing agreements to settle SCS dispute. Vietnam submitted statement to tribunal listing three objections to China’s stand and lending support to Manila’s case. China ignored 15 Dec deadline to submit defence to Permanent Court of Arbitration. U.S. House of Representatives 3 Dec passed resolution calling for peaceful resolution of territorial disputes in South and East China Seas; U.S. State Dept 5 Dec published report contesting validity of Chinese nine-dash line claiming most of SCS and offering support for aspects of Philippines case. Satellite data emerged late Nov showing large-scale Chinese land reclamation project on Fiery Island Reef, part of disputed Spratly Islands. U.S. called for Beijing to stop, pursue diplomatic engagement with other claimants; Beijing stated its “indisputable sovereignty” over islands. China late Dec told Vietnam all disputes would be settled amicably via talks.


South China Sea

China took steps to manage ongoing SCS tensions through engagement with ASEAN and member states. President Xi’s informal meeting with Philippines President Aquino 11 Nov marked first presidential meeting between the two countries since 2011; Xi stressed China expects Philippines to return to previous bilateral consensus – interpreted as suggestion for Manila to withdraw international arbitration it initiated against China in Jan 2013. Aquino expressed hope that meeting would initiate “new beginning” in bilateral relations. In Myanmar 13 Nov Chinese Premier Li stressed China’s willingness to sign treaty of friendship and cooperation and discuss of ASEAN-China defence hotline; offered to host informal ASEAN-China defence ministers’ meeting in 2015. China and ASEAN agreed to series of “early harvest” measures on SCS, including hotline platform among search and rescue agencies and hotline among FMs for maritime emergencies, adoption of first list of commonalities for consultations on establishing Code of Conduct in SCS. China further advocated “dual-track” approach to SCS issues, in which claimant countries would resolve specific disputes through peaceful consultations while China and ASEAN jointly uphold peace and stability in the region. China and Vietnam continued diplomatic talks focused on strengthening communication and high-level exchange, with presidents discussing maintaining maritime stability and implementation of dispute negotiation mechanism during APEC summit. China continues reclamation activities, including building airstrip, on Fiery Cross Reef, reported 20 Nov; U.S. again called for construction freeze, China rejected as “irresponsible”.


South China Sea

Tensions continued over competing claims to disputed territories. China continued land reclamation and construction projects: Chinese state media 7 Oct revealed completion of military airstrip on Woody Island in disputed Paracel Chain; Vietnam 9 Oct condemned move as violation of Vietnamese sovereignty. Chinese, Vietnamese representatives met in Nanning 9-10 Oct, discussed joint maritime development; Vietnamese Defence Minister Phung Quang Thanh 16-17 Oct met Chinese counterpart Chang Wanquan in Beijing, Vietnam said agreement reached on setting up emergency hotline to deal with maritime disputes. Taiwan 15 Oct said Chinese naval chief Wu Shengli visited disputed Paracels late Sept.


South China Sea

Maritime disputes continued despite diplomatic efforts to set framework to avoid further escalation. U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice 9 Sept met Chinese Vice Chairman of Central Military Commission Fan Chanlong, voiced concerns over 19 Aug U.S.-China jet interception. Indian oil company ONGC Videsh Ltd. and Vietnam Oil and Gas Group 15 Sept signed agreement to cooperate on oil and gas exploration in disputed waters despite Chinese objection. Philippines 11 Sept attempted to undermine Chinese claims to entire South China Sea by revealing historical maps depicting Hainan as southernmost point of Chinese territory. U.S., Philippines 29 Sept began their annual joint military exercises close to disputed territories.


South China Sea

U.S.-Philippine joint communiqué issued 9 Aug at ASEAN foreign ministers meeting in Myanmar called for parties in S China Sea disputes to “exercise self-restraint”; Chinese FM Wang Yi said tensions exaggerated. Communiqué followed plans revealed 7 Aug by Chinese state media to build lighthouses on 5 islands in South China Sea, including in waters claimed by Vietnam. Vietnam Politburo member Le Hong Anh 26 Aug met Wang Jiariu Director of International Department of Central Committee of Communist Party of China (CPC) to smooth bilateral relations. Chinese fighter jet 19 Aug intercepted U.S. submarine-hunting plane 135 miles east of Hainan Island; U.S. lodged formal complaint through diplomatic channels. Chinese Foreign Ministry 20 Aug rejected Philippine complaint 2 Chinese survey ships present in Reed Bank, said area Chinese territory. Philippine court 5 Aug found 12 Chinese guilty of illegal fishing in Philippine waters, sentenced to 6-12 years jail.


South China Sea

Philippines FM 18 July called for meeting with Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam to encourage unity over disputed territories in the South China Sea. 6 Vietnamese fishermen detained 3 July by Chinese ship; Chinese coast guard 15 July deported 13 fishermen on one ship, another vessel seized; Vietnamese PM Nguyen Tan Dung approved 16tn Vietnamese dong budget to build 32 new vessels and support fishermen. China 15 July announced contentious oil rig to be moved from disputed waters to avoid typhoon season; U.S. Senate 10 July passed resolu- tion calling for withdrawal of rig, followed by 14 July phone call between Obama and Xi.

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