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Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Russian foreign ministry 14 Oct urged parties to conflict to renounce use of force and find compromise, following recent escalation in violence along the line of contact; U.S. member of Congress also called for measure to de-escalate aggression.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Ceasefire violations along contact line continued, including reported use of heavy weapons and civilian casualties. NK de facto authorities 13 Sept held local elections, denounced as illegal by EU, U.S. and Turkey among others. Armenian and Azerbaijani FMs met in presence of OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs in New York 25 Sept; co-chairs expressed concern over rising tensions, discussed planned visit to region. Both sides held large-scale military exercises: following planned Armenian drills 3-6 Sept, Azerbaijan launched exercises involving 65,000 troops, 700 armoured vehicles and heavy weaponry 6-14 Sept. Sargsyan 7 Sept met with Russian President Putin, said Moscow will lend Armenia $200mn to modernise army.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Amid intensifying tensions along contact line and accusations of ceasefire violations on both sides, Azerbaijan defence minister 6 Aug said country prepared to use force to take control over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Tensions along contact line increased: Azerbaijan defence ministry 16 July announced “intense” military exercises with heavy artillery, told hospitals to be ready for “possible military action”; Armenia 2 July announced it received $200m Russian loan to buy weapons, modernise army. One Azeri, five Armenian soldiers reportedly killed in clash along contact line 25 July; Azerbaijan 29 July said it shot down Armenian drone near contact line, NK de facto authorities denied. European Council President Donald Tusk said status quo in NK unacceptable to EU, peaceful settlement a priority.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

European Court of Human Rights 16 June issued two decisions recognising that Armenia and Azerbaijan violated property and other rights of persons displaced during NK conflict in early 1990s.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

NK de facto authorities 3 May held “parliamentary elections”. Russian and Azerbaijani FMs 25 May met to discuss NK, said time to reach agreement.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Tensions, clashes along contact line continue, including two Armenian soldiers reportedly killed 7 April in two separate incidents; Azerbaijani soldier reported killed 16 April. Armenian FM met with Russian counterpart 7-8 April to discuss issues including NK conflict. President of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe 13 April said NK a “real concern” for Europe, called for dialogue.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Ongoing accusations by Armenia and Azerbaijan of ceasefire violations included: N-K de facto officials accusing Azerbaijani forces of 19 March attack in which three N-K soldiers killed; Azerbaijan saying N-K forces responsible for clash, twenty Armenian soldiers killed/wounded. Azerbaijan 23 March reported soldier with separatist N-K forces defected to Azerbaijani side; N-K de facto defence ministry confirmed. N-K soldier reported killed along contact line 30 March. EU progress report 25 March expressed concern over “unprecedented incidents and casualties” in N-K, rise in confrontational rhetoric, continued arms race. Armenia said it will participate in inaugural European Games held in Azerbaijan in June.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Sides continued to trade accusations of ceasefire violations. Azerbaijan authorities 6 Feb said soldier killed in shootout with Armenian troops near N-K 5 Feb. Talks on conflict held 16 Feb in Baku: Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov said Azerbaijan ready to start negotiations to prepare draft peace agreement on N-K; Iran FM said Iran ready to play mediation role.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Armenian President Sargsyan 26 Jan noted uptick in N-K violence, warned Armenia reserves right to use “preventative strikes” if threat perceived along its borders; also said Armenia open to negotiations, building trust. N-K authorities 29 Jan denied Azerbaijan claim that its forces shot down Armenian drone near region. Azerbaijan Defence Ministry 26 Jan said seventeen Armenian and three Azerbaijani soldiers killed in clashes in Jan, said Armenian troops violated ceasefire 124 times in previous 24 hours. N-K authorities 3 Jan accused Azerbaijan of killing two ethnic Armenian soldiers, 24 Jan said Azerbaijan violated ceasefire 1,800 times 17-24 Jan, fourteen Azerbaijani soldiers killed.

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