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Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia 27 Oct held talks in Astrakhan, Russia. After meeting Russian President Medvedev expressed hope 2 sides will reach agreement on basic principles by early Dec. On eve of talks, Armenia claimed Azerbaijani forces opened fire along Nagorno-Karabakh (NK) line of contact killing 1 NK soldier. OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs and UN experts 7-13 Oct carried out second since 2005 Field Assessment Mission in occupied territories surrounding NK evaluating humanitarian, human rights situation. Azerbaijan made complaint to UNSG Ban after Armenia briefly raised NK flag at its UN mission in New York late Sept.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Clash on line of contact early month with NK reporting 2 Azerbaijani soldiers killed. During monitoring visit to region 6-9 Sept, OSCE Minsk group mediators denounced recent truce violations, announced plans to undertake fact-finding mission to Armenian-controlled territories around NK in Oct.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Following last month’s reports Russia put forward “new version” of Madrid principles in June, Russian FM Lavrov 27 Aug said Russia proposed adopting non-binding document on basic principles leaving out “two or three” uncoordinated issues. Armenian FM Nalbandian 18 Aug reiterated Yerevan ready for talks on “latest version”. Azerbaijani Defence Ministry reported 3 Armenian, 2 Azerbaijani soldiers killed 31 Aug when Armenian troops allegedly crossed line of contact.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Armenian, Azerbaijani FMs held talks on sidelines of OSCE ministerial meeting in Almaty 16-17 July with no progress. Resulted in statement by Minsk Group co-chair representatives, French FM Kouchner, Russian FM Lavrov, U.S. Deputy Sec State Steinberg, saying efforts by 2 parties insufficient to overcome differences, and reiterating Madrid principles as basis for settlement: return of occupied territories surrounding N-K, interim self-governance status for N-K and corridor linking it to Armenia, final status to be determined by legally-binding expression of will, international security guarantees. Armenia reported Russian President Medvedev had proposed “new version” of principles at 17 June St. Petersburg talks; 21 July expressed support for new framework. Azerbaijan 22 July said proposal unacceptable, violates Minsk Group format. U.S. Sec State Clinton in Azerbaijan and Armenia 4 July to revitalise stalled talks on N-K settlement.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

No breakthrough on stalled N-K talks after first direct negotiations since Jan between Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan, and Russia acting as mediator, on sidelines of St. Petersburg economic forum 17 June. Azerbaijani President Aliyev early month threatened to pull out from talks if Armenia continues “gaining time tactics”, 24 June reiterated intention to retake Armenian occupied territories by force failing agreement. Growing tension on N-K line of contact. 1 Azerbaijani soldier killed 17 June; 4 Armenian, 1 Azerbaijani soldiers killed, 4 Armenian soldiers wounded 18-19 June in worst ceasefire violation in over 2 years. Armenia claimed incident result of Azerbaijani reconnaissance mission entering Armenian positions. Event triggered international condemnation, statements by OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, EU High Rep. 1 Azerbaijani soldier reportedly killed in Armenian retaliatory attack 20-21 June.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

European Parliament 20 May non-binding resolution on new EU strategy in South Caucasus called for Armenian withdrawal “from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan”; welcomed by Azerbaijani MFA, criticised by Armenia. N-K 23 May held fifth parliamentary elections since de-facto independence. Ruling Free Fatherland party led results with 47% of vote. Azerbaijan 23 May denounced vote as illegal under Azerbaijani, international law. Armenian FM Nalbandian 24 May praised elections as sign of democratic consolidation. EU High Rep Ashton warned ahead of vote holding elections illegal, should not prejudice against peaceful settlement of N-K conflict.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Minsk group co-chairs visited Armenia, Azerbaijan and N-K over month; visit included talks with former Armenian President Kocharian, featured introduction of new Russian mediator, Igor Popov. Azerbaijani President Aliyev 14 Apr repeated endorsement of Madrid reconciliation framework and accused Armenia of obstructionism. Armenia and Azerbaijan early month submitted to UNSG Ban rival accusations of cease-fire violations on N-K line of contact.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Azerbaijani FM reiterated over month 15 Feb endorsement “with some exceptions” of updated version of reconciliation framework; 13 March accused Yerevan of obstructing process by evading response. Armenia 18 March retorted Azerbaijan’s “exceptions” outweighed acceptable provisions. Azerbaijani FM 18 March stated Baku will accept referendum on status of N-K only if held on entire Azerbaijani territory. Armenian President Sarkisian 23 March restated commitment to withdraw from 7 Azerbaijani districts around N-K in exchange for N-K security, self-determination. Armenian defence ministry claimed 1 sergeant killed in Azerbaijani ceasefire violation 1 March; 12 March reported killing 3 members of alleged Azerbaijani subversive grouping 3 March. Azerbaijani media 28 March reported 1 soldier killed in clash with Armenian forces in village bordering N-K.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Azerbaijani FM 15 Feb in unprecedented statement endorsed ”in general” updated version of reconciliation framework, so-called ”basic principles”, as proposed by Minsk group co-chairs Dec 2009; FM still ruled out possibility for N-K’s de jure secession, prompting Armenian FM accusation of obstructionism. Azerbaijan 18 Feb reported 3 soldiers killed, 1 wounded after exchange of fire with Armenian forces along line of contact in N-K; N-K military officials denied charges, reaffirmed commitment to ceasefire.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

In effort to maintain momentum, OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs visited Yerevan 20 Jan, Baku 21 Jan; new U.S. co-chair 18 Jan made first visit to N-K for meeting with de facto President Sahakian. Presidents of Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia met 25 Jan in Russian resort Sochi to discuss amendments to 2007 reconciliation framework, so-called “Madrid Principles”; reportedly reached verbal agreement on wording of preamble.

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