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Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Armenia and Azerbaijan continued to accuse each other of violating ceasefire. Facing domestic opposition over speculation of his govt’s concessions to Azerbaijan (see Armenia), Armenian President Sargsyan 1 Aug asserted that there would be “no unilateral concessions” in N-K peace process. Russian President Putin 8 Aug met with Azerbaijani and Iranian presidents, 10 Aug with Armenian president, with talks focused among others on N-K settlement.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Azerbaijan and Armenia repeatedly accused each other of violating ceasefire. Nagorno-Karabakh (N-K) defence ministry 23 July reported one soldier killed and one wounded in shooting from Azerbaijan’s side of line of contact. Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) 4 July adopted statement reaffirming confidence in OSCE Minsk Group format and work of mediators in conflict zone, reiterated necessity to implement agreements between presidents reached in Vienna in May and St. Petersburg in June. U.S. Sec State Kerry 9 July held meeting with Azerbaijan and Armenia presidents in Warsaw, and Russian FM Lavrov 11-12 July with Azerbaijan leaders in Baku. Armenian capital Yerevan rocked by armed opposition group’s seizure of police HQ for two weeks in protest at govt’s handling of N-K conflict and speculation of its possible concessions to Azerbaijan (see Armenia).

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

As Azerbaijan and Armenia both reported continued violations of ceasefire by other side along line of contact in N-K, Azerbaijani President Aliyev 7 June warned April ceasefire not stable, status quo not acceptable. Baku authorities 16 June stated they viewed visit of Nagorno-Karabakh de facto president to Brussels as provocation. Russian, Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders meeting in St Petersburg 20 June adopted trilateral statement.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Violations of 5 April truce continued early month, including Yerevan and Baku accusing each other of firing at their positions. Armenian govt 5 May approved opposition-drafted bill calling for Yerevan to recognise independence of N-K; deputy FM said it would only be brought to vote if Azerbaijan launched new attacks. Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents met in Vienna 16 May to discuss conflict, in talks mediated by Russian, U.S. and French FMs in capacities as OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. Presidents earlier met with EU foreign policy chief Mogherini. U.S., Russia and France 17 May issued joint statement reporting Armenian and Azerbaijani presidents’ renewed commitment to ceasefire; also reported OSCE ceasefire monitoring to be scaled up and OSCE investigative mechanism to be finalised; and agreement on next round of talks with aim to resuming negotiations on a comprehensive settlement. One Azerbaijani soldier and one N-K fighter killed in clashes same day; sides blamed each other for outbreak of fighting.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Heavy fighting erupted between Armenian-backed separatists and Azerbaijani forces in separatist region in early hours of 2 April, claiming dozens of lives in most serious escalation since 1994 ceasefire; reported dead mostly Azerbaijani servicemen, N-K forces and two Armenian servicemen, as well as around a dozen civilians. Each side accused other of instigating outbreak of fighting, which included rocket attacks, tanks and helicopters, and destroyed homes and infrastructure including Azerbaijani power station. OSCE Minsk Group 2 April called for end to hostilities, and entire group met 5 April to push for de-escalation. Clashes continued across line of contact despite declaration of Russian-brokered truce 5 April, with both Azerbaijani and Armenian-backed sides accusing each other of violating ceasefire, underlining risk of further fighting. N-K de facto authorities reported several fighters killed by Azerbaijani gunfire in several incident during month; Baku said Azerbaijani soldier killed 14 April, one civilian killed and eight injured by artillery strike from N-K 28 April. Russian PM Medvedev visited both countries to urge end to conflict early April; Iran also offered to help mediate tensions. Minsk Group co-chairs visited Baku and Yerevan to put process back on track.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Armenia and Azerbaijan exchanged accusations of ceasefire violations during month. Azerbaijan reported its army fired on Armenian positions in NK 10 March, claiming over ten Armenian soldiers killed; N-K authorities denied Azerbaijani claims that their forces were targeting civilians in Aqdam area, accused Azerbaijani forces of violating ceasefire and denied sustaining losses. Baku reported two Azerbaijani soldiers killed by Armenian army 27 March, Armenia denied, said Azerbaijan attacked villages.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

U.S. intelligence chief 9 Feb warned Azerbaijan’s military build-up and deteriorating economy raise risk of conflict escalating. Azerbaijan and Armenia continued to trade accusations of ceasefire violations. Baku reported multiple deaths, including: Azerbaijani soldier killed in clash near Armenian border 3 Feb, three Armenian soldiers also allegedly killed; at least five Armenian soldiers killed 12 Feb in clash near N-K. Armenia and N-K de facto officials refuted claims; N-K officials reported Azerbaijani forces 12 Feb killed civilian, and one N-K soldier killed 18 Feb. At OSCE-organised seminar 18 Feb Armenian official said country will move to more active deterrence in dealing with Azerbaijani troops in N-K. OSCE monitoring mission of N-K and Azerbaijan contact line 18 Feb reported no ceasefire violations.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Armenia and Azerbaijan continued to accuse each other of ceasefire violations; Nagorno-Karabakh de facto authorities reported Armenian soldier killed by Azeri troops along line of contact 9 Jan. Iran 27 Jan again offered to mediate between Yerevan and Baku to resolve dispute.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

N-K de facto officials reported one of their soldiers killed in clash with Azerbaijani forces 4 Dec; Azerbaijan accused NK forces of attempted attack on its positions, said one of its officers wounded. Azerbaijan reported one officer killed in shootout along contact line with NK 7 Dec. Baku 9 Dec reported it had used tanks to shell NK positions for first time in 21 years, in response to Armenian mortar fire; one Armenian soldier killed. Armenian and Azerbaijan presidents met in Berne, Switzerland 19 Dec to discuss NK conflict, first meeting since Oct 2014, under OSCE Minsk Group auspices; no concrete progress reported. UNSG Ban urged sides to cooperate with Minsk Group on de-escalation of conflict, avoid new violence. Sec Gen of Collective Security Treaty Organization 28 Dec said NK conflict source of great concern.

Europe & Central Asia

Armenian-Azerbaijani Conflict

Azerbaijan continued to trade accusations of breaking ceasefire along contact line; OSCE sent monitors to front line. Azerbaijan said its forces shot dead two Armenian soldiers and wounded several in response to what it claimed was attempted attack on its positions 12 Nov; 30 Nov said Armenian forces killed an Azerbaijani soldier in shootout. OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs travelled to region later Oct, met with leaders in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh, discussed concerns over mounting tensions. Armenian officials 19 Nov announced presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to meet in Dec. Russian President Putin 11 Nov formally agreed to begin negotiations on joint Russian-Armenian air defence system.

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