
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Catholic police officer killed by car bomb in Omagh 2 Apr. 3 arrested; group calling itself “the IRA” 22 Apr claimed responsibility for attack, vowed to embark on bombing campaign. Fears of further violence around 5 May elections for Northern Ireland Assembly, mid-May visit by Queen. Several large arms finds, foiled bomb attacks over month.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

3 Belfast police injured in grenade attack by suspected IRA dissident 6 Nov. Govt announced Independent Monitoring Commission to close.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

UK PM Cameron 6 Oct pledged to fight “increasing” dissident Republican threat. Real IRA car bomb exploded 5 Oct in Londonderry, sixth Republican attack this year. Police 11 Oct found dissident Republican explosives and arms dump in southern border area. 2 members of Real IRA jailed 1 Oct for attempting to import arms and explosives. Rioting 26-27 Oct in Protestant district near Belfast provoked by police searches targeting loyalist paramilitary group Ulster Volunteer Force.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

UK domestic intelligence agency 24 Sept announced “strong possibility” of dissident republican attack on mainland, raised threat level to “substantial” due to increasing activity and sophistication of attacks.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Spate of bomb attacks throughout month in attempt by dissident Republicans to derail peace process. No-warning bomb 4 Aug injured 3 children in Lurgan, police called bomb “obvious attempt to kill police”; hours later police investigating 3 other bomb alerts in same area attacked with petrol bombs; 3 men arrested 25 Aug. NI security forces 4 Aug defused car bomb targeting army major in Bangor, first attack directly targeting army since March 2009. 200lb car bomb exploded outside Derry police station 3 Aug, following telephone warning by man claiming to represent Real IRA; suspected Continuity IRA member same day threw bomb at police station in Co Armagh.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Over 80 officers injured as police came under attack during 4 nights of rioting in Belfast 12-15 July; 3 police officers shot 12 July; police deployed water cannons, rubber bullets; several arrests made. Disturbances came during height of marching season, traditional flashpoint for sectarian violence. 6 police officers injured 3 July in rioting by about 100 people in West Belfast. Latest in series of bombs targeting police stations exploded 21 July in West Belfast, no casualties; bomb believed to be targeting police exploded 11 July in County Armagh, no casualties.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Govt’s Saville report into 1972 “Bloody Sunday” killings by UK soldiers of 13 Catholic protesters in Londonderry published 15 June. Inquiry called actions of British paratroopers “unjustified”, said unarmed protestors posed no threat; PM Cameron apologised for killings. Security services 18 June detonated 136kg bomb outside County Tyrone police border post after warning from dissident Republicans.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Major security operation launched 5 May ahead of 6 May UK general election. 7 suspected IRA dissidents arrested 5 May after bomb exploded outside Lurgan police station. Police 6 May destroyed car bomb outside voting centre in Derry. New PM Cameron 20 May stated commitment to peace process and continued devolution. 6 police officers injured by petrol bombs near Lurgan 17 May.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Policing and justice powers 12 Apr devolved to power-sharing govt; David Ford of cross-community Alliance Party appointed justice minister following deal between Sinn Fein and DUP. Explosion on same day outside MI5 Belfast HQ, claimed by Real IRA; none wounded. Bomb defused 13 Apr outside police station in Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh. Bomb exploded outside same police station 23 Apr; 2 injured. Police confiscated 2 pipe bombs Lurgan 28 Apr; 2 suspected dissidents arrested. Police 30 Apr said stepping up security against dissident republican threat to disrupt 6 May UK election.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Northern Ireland Assembly 9 March approved bill on devolution of policing and justice powers from London to Belfast. Sinn Fein, DUP voted in favour; Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) voted against. Powers to be devolved 12 April. Suspected dissidents 21 March shot at police officers inspecting suspect device on Belfast-Dublin rail line after a series bomb scares disrupted rail service; no injuries.

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