
Tracking Conflict Worldwide

CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Sinn Fein, DUP 5 Feb reached deal over devolution of policing and justice powers, preventing collapse of 2007 power-sharing govt. Agreement creates new post of Justice Minister for Northern Ireland, sets 12 April as date for transfer of powers following N Ireland Assembly vote 9 March. 100kg bomb exploded outside Newry courthouse 22 Feb causing no casualties; no claims of responsibility. Irish National Liberation Army, IRA splinter group, 8 Feb announced it had decommissioned its weapons; came 1 day before expiration of Independent International Commission on Decommissioning (IICD). 2 men arrested 16 Feb in connection with March 2009 murder of police officer in Co Armagh released 1 day later.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Sinn Fein, DUP 31 Jan said “considerable progress” made in talks to break deadlock over devolution of policing and justice powers, parades. Followed 25-28 Jan crisis talks in Belfast chaired by UK PM Brown, Irish PM Cowen to prevent collapse of 2007 power-sharing govt after mid month breakdown in DUP-Sinn Fein negotiations. Brown 28 Jan threatened UK, Ireland would impose own solution transferring police and justice powers in May if parties failed to resolve outstanding issues by 29 Jan; deadline passed with parties still locked in talks. 1 police officer injured in dissident republican car bomb attack 8 Jan. Ulster Defence Association (UDA) 6 Jan said it had completed decommissioning its weapons.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

ntelligence services early month described threat level from republican dissidents as “severe”. Pipe bombs thrown into 2 cars in Londonderry 6 Dec; 50-strong crowd attacked attendant police with petrol bombs. Police discovered 500kg bomb in lorry in South Armagh late Dec. Deal on devolution of policing and justice powers to Belfast remained elusive, despite ongoing meetings between British, Irish govts.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Independent Monitoring Commission 4 Nov reported dissident republican threat at highest level for almost 6 years; Real IRA and Continuity IRA working more closely together, seeking to launch attacks on mainland Britain. Several incidents over month blamed on dissident republicans: mortar bomb found by police in Armagh 18 Nov; gun attack on police officers in County Fermanagh 21 Nov, several men arrested including reserve soldier in Irish Army; 180kg bomb left outside Policing Board HQ in Belfast 21 Nov; unexploded pipe bomb found 30 Nov near police station in Strabane. Deal on devolution of justice and policing appeared under threat with unionists pressing for maintenance of Ulster’s fulltime reserve police force.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Ulster Defense Association 8 Sept pledged to give up arms within 6 months. Army diffused 272kg Europe Report N° 201, Cyprus: Reunification or Partition?, 30 Sept. 2009. Negotiating Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders must join forces and embrace a collaborative, federal reunification of the island in the next few months, or see their efforts overtaken by the unstoppable dynamic of a hostile partition. 10 bomb found close to border with Ireland 8 Sept; dissident republicans suspected. Failed pipe bomb attack on car in Londonderry 21 Sept also blamed on dissident republicans.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Over 20 police injured during mid-month disturbances surrounding loyalist Orange Order parades; Sinn Fein blamed dissident republicans from Real IRA.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Independent Monitoring Committee (IMC) on paramilitary activity released report 7 May warning dissident republican threat high but not able to mount substantial terrorist campaign; peace process challenged by March killings but not unravelling; Provisional IRA remains inactive. One killed, one wounded 24 May by loyalist mob during post-football match violence.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

In wake of March shootings of security forces, Real IRA 12 Apr warned of possible attacks in Britain. Deputy First Minister Martin McGuiness informed of death threat by dissident republicans 23 Apr. 11 Apr arson attack on Sinn Fein offices in Derry blamed on dissident republicans.

Europe & Central Asia

Northern Ireland (UK)

Return of violence feared as dissident Republicans mounted attacks on security forces. 7 March Real IRA gun attack on Massereene British army barracks County Antrim killed 2 soldiers, injured 4, including 2 civilians. First killing of British army personnel in NI since 1997, roundly condemned by all parties. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Officer shot dead 10 March in Continuity IRA gun attack in Craigavon, County Armagh – 1st ever murder of PSNI Officer, 1st police killing since 1998. Attacks came days after PSNI Chief Hugh Orde announced undercover British military intelligence forces being redeployed to NI amid fears of imminent attack, and warning that dissident threat highest since 1998. Thousands protested against killings 11 March in Belfast, Derry, Newry. 11 arrested for attacks, with small- scale violence in Craigavon 14 March during arrests. 17 year old charged 24 March with PSNI Officer murder; another man charged 25 March; 3rd charged with withholding information 26 March. 1 charged 27 March with British soldier murders.

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