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Europe & Central Asia


Amid deepening economic crisis govt applied for IMF rescue loan; IMF 13 June said structural reforms needed. Govt 5 June secured $3bn loan from Russian-led bailout fund Eurasian Economic Community; 14 June secured $1bn in trade credits from China. Scores detained at anti-govt rallies 22, 29 June. EU FMs 20 June further expanded asset freezes and travel bans on individuals, also took measures against companies.

Europe & Central Asia


Several opposition figures given jail sentences for role in 19 Dec 2010 post-election protests, including several former presidential candidates, prompting international condemnation: EU FMs 23 May agreed to widen sanctions against Belarus over govt crackdown on opposition; U.S. President Obama 27 May said U.S. will pursue new sanctions. Amid ongoing economic crisis and dramatic currency devaluation, Russia 19 May offered $3bn loan, conditional on Minsk selling some national assets to Moscow.

Europe & Central Asia


13 killed, 149 injured in explosion in Minsk subway station 11 Apr. Several arrested in connection with blast, all from NW city Vitsebsk; President Lukashenka 13 Apr announced 2 suspects had confessed to staging attack, as well as 2 attacks in 2008, 2005; formally charged with terrorism late month. Also ordered security services to interrogate “political actors” over attack, stoking fears blast could be used as pretext for new crackdown on opposition. Opposition activist in west detained and questioned about attack 21 Apr. UNSC issued statement condemning “apparent terrorist attack”. OSCE 5 Apr expressed concern over govt harassment of media. EU FMs 12 Apr failed to agree on whether to impose tougher economic sanctions on Belarus following Dec 2010 post-election crackdown on opposition. Former opposition presidential candidate Andrey Sannikau went on trial 27 Apr over role in post-election protests. Amid continuing economic crisis, govt continued negotiations with Russia over proposed loan.

Europe & Central Asia


EU FMs 22 March agreed to expanded list of Belarusian officials subject to visa bans, asset freezes. Several people sentenced to jail, hard labour for role in 19 Dec post-election protests; authorities late month softened charges against 2 former presidential candidates for their role in protests.

Europe & Central Asia


Trials of 42 opposition activists detained in crackdown on 19 Dec post-election demonstrations started 17 Feb; activist Vasil Parfyankou sentenced to 4 years’ jail for participating in mass demonstration. 2 Russian citizens among defendants. International condemnation of post-election crackdown continued, including OSCE, UN. Russian FM Lavrov 2 Feb said post-election crackdown “unacceptable”, also criticised Western sanctions. 1 Feb donor conference hosted by Poland secured €87mn in pledges to aid Belarusian human rights, democracy.

Europe & Central Asia


Continued crackdown on opposition activists and supporters, presidential candidates and journalists following 19 Dec protests against rigged presidential election, with KGB and police searching dozens of homes and offices. International condemnation of crackdown gained pace: EU FMs 31 Jan reimposed and expanded travel ban and asset freeze on Lukashenka and other top officials, U.S. confirmed plans to strengthen existing sanctions. Lukashenka 20 Jan said would respond to renewed EU sanctions with “harshest” retaliatory measures; 29 Jan released to house arrest 7 detainees arrested during Dec protests, including former presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu. Russia 20 Jan said will provide loan to Belarus to build first nuclear power plant, said Belarus will continue to receive subsidised oil supplies.

Europe & Central Asia


Govt crackdown on opposition protesters following flawed presidential election saw dozens injured by police, hundreds arrested. Lukashenka declared victor over 9 other candidates in 19 Dec poll, reelected to fourth term with 79.6% of vote. Tens of thousands protested in Minsk same day accusing authorities of massive electoral fraud, tried to storm govt. Police forcibly dispersed crowd, detained over 600 including 7 presidential candidates, later charged with organizing disorder. Crackdown on protesters widely condemned by international community; U.S., EU said reviewing relations with Minsk. OSCE 20 Dec reported serious flaws in vote, said govt must account for arrests of candidates, journalists, rights activists, said electoral commission “lacked impartiality”, criticised “flawed vote count”, “heavy-handed response” to opposition protest. Govt 31 Dec announced OSCE office in Minsk to close as its mandate “had been fulfilled”. Run-up to poll marred by attacks on opposition campaign workers, detention of activists. Lukashenka 28 Dec appointed Mikhail Mlasnikovich new PM. Lukashenka and Russian President Medvedev 9 Dec scrapped duties on Russian oil exports to Belarus, signed economic agreements. In sidelines of OSCE summit Belarus 1 Dec agreed to give up its stockpile of highly enriched uranium by 2012.

Europe & Central Asia


OSCE experts 23 Nov backed local authorities’ conclusion that Sept death of opposition journalist Aleh Byabenin was suicide.

Europe & Central Asia


Venezuelan President Chávez during mid-month visit signed oil deal with President Lukashenka. Opposition movement “Moving Forward” deregistered by Minsk court on charges of falsifying registration data. OSCE experts arrived late month to assess case of opposition activist Aleh Byabenin found dead Sept.

Europe & Central Asia


Prominent opposition activist Aleh Byabenin found dead 3 Sept; authorities reported suicide, but European Parliament President and OSCE called for investigation. Parliament 14 Sept approved 19 Dec date for presidential election; President Lukashenka 24 Sept announced will seek fourth 5-year term. Opposition leader Alyaksandr Milinkevich 17 Sept announced will not participate in elections, claiming they will be rigged.

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