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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Justice ministry 17 Dec registered opposition movement Za Svobodu after its fourth attempt to gain official registration. Police 10 Dec arrested 4 activists promoting Human Rights Day in Hrodna; 2 further detained for flying historical national flag in Brest. Opposition politicians banned from travel 10 Dec protested in front of Minsk presidential office. Ahead of new regulations in Jan, 2,000 small business owners in 16 Dec rally, tens of thousands of market vendors on strike 10 Dec. IMF late Dec gave Belarus $2.5bn loan to help deal with financial crisis fallout.

Europe & Central Asia


U.S. criticised President Lukashenka’s 14 Nov announcement to host Russian missiles countering U.S. missile-shield – foreign ministry 17 Nov denied plans.

Europe & Central Asia


In effort to prevent further isolation of Belarus, EU FMs 13 Oct suspended travel bans on President Lukashenka, senior officials for 6 months; External Relations Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner met with FM Martynau in Luxembourg. Supreme court upheld August 3-year sentence on U.S. lawyer Emmanuel Zeltser accused of espionage. Ahead of Nov merger of aerial defence system with Russia, Lukashenko 23 Oct accused NATO of fuelling tensions.

Europe & Central Asia


28 Sept parliamentary elections saw all seats won by pro-govt candidates – opposition claimed fraud, staged peaceful 500-strong protest. OSCE 29 Sept said elections fell short of OSCE standards despite minor improvements. U.S. announced further dialogue with regime, suspended sanctions against 2 joint-stock companies for 6 months; EU FMs 30 Sept discussed easing of visa bans. President Lukashenko 20 Sept warned Belarus will cease dialogue with West if elections not recognised.

Europe & Central Asia


Political prisoners released ahead of 28 Sept parliamentary elections. Former presidential candidate Alexander Kazulin discharged 16 Aug, after opposition party Hramada replaced him as party head; 2 further dissidents pardoned 20 Aug. U.S. lawyer Emmanuel Zeltser – arrested in March – sentenced 3 years 11 Aug on industrial espionage charges. U.S. State Dept official David Merkel in Minsk 22 Aug to discuss relations after May/June diplomatic row.

Europe & Central Asia


Some 50 injured in 4 July explosion at Minsk concert marking independence day, further unexploded bomb later found. President Lukashenka dismissed 2 leading security officials; police briefly detained 4 opposition activists.

Europe & Central Asia


Expelled U.S. Ambassador Stewart 18 June demanded release of political prisoners before easing of sanctions. Parliament 24 June adopted new media law tightening internet control, easing closure of media outlets. President Lukashenka, Russian President Medvedev 22 June discussed potential merger of countries.

Europe & Central Asia


In continued diplomatic row over sanctions 11 U.S. diplomats expelled from Minsk 3 May despite U.S. 1 May withdrew threat of Washington Belarus mission closure. Riot police 1 May detained 30 youth activists protesting against pro- govt rally.

Europe & Central Asia


Foreign ministry 30 Apr declared several U.S. embassy staffers “persona non grata”, in continuing economic sanctions dispute. EU Council 7 Apr extended visa bans by 1 year on 41 govt officials including President Lukashenka. Police forcefully dispersed protest against trial of youth activist Katsyaryna Salauyova in front of Polatsk court; arrested 2. Minsk authorities 21 Apr barred planned 26 Apr opposition rally.

Europe & Central Asia


Tensions with U.S.: Foreign Ministry 7 March demanded exit of U.S. ambassador, recalled envoy from Washington in dispute over Nov 2007 economic sanctions, travel bans. Embassy stopped issuing visas 21 March, cut staff after 25 March accusations of U.S. spy ring. Police violently dispersed 2,000-strong rally marking independence anniversary 25 March; detained some 30 journalists 27-28 March after cartoons insulting President Lukashenka.

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