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Europe & Central Asia


Prominent political prisoners released: former legislator Klimau 20 Feb; Zhoda editor Zdzvizhkou 22 Feb after European Parliament resolution 24 Feb demanded further releases. Imprisoned candidate Kazulin allowed 3-day leave for wife’s funeral 26 Feb after threatened hunger strike. Opposition leader Milinkevich briefly detained for questioning 18 Feb.

Europe & Central Asia


4,000 protested small business regulations 10, 21 Jan; 42 detained before released 25 Jan. 10 youth activists arrested and jailed 17 Jan after demonstration in solidarity with political prisoners. Leader of liberal United Civil Party Anatoly Lebedko banned from travel after Dec meeting with U.S. President Bush; youth activist Barys Haretski also denied outward travel. Former deputy editor of newspaper Zhoda Alyaksandr Zdzvizhkou sentenced 3 years for Feb 2006 publication of controversial Danish “Muhammad” cartoons. Popular Front activist Dzmitry Zhaleznichenka hospitalised 28 Jan following 3-day hunger strike protesting expulsion from university and army draft.

Europe & Central Asia


Pro-democracy protesters in Minsk reportedly beaten by police ahead of Russian President Vladimir Putin visit, 12 December. Defamation case against independent paper Novy chas began 5 December. Further protests against presidential decree restricting family members employed in small businesses: 80,000 market vendors reportedly held strikes in major cities 19 December.

Europe & Central Asia


U.S. issued economic sanctions against state-controlled petrochemical company Belnaftakhim 13 November. 1,000 rallied in peaceful “Social March” against reduction of state benefits 4 November. Presidential decree restricting number of family members employed in small businesses prompted 2,000-strong protest 19 November; 2 jailed after promoting planned 10 December rally.

Europe & Central Asia


At least 8 opposition activists arrested before 14 October European March for Freedom in Minsk; 6,000 held peaceful pro-EU rally. Ministry of Justice and Supreme Court denied registration of opposition group Youth Front, women’s party Hope and Milinkevich’s Movement for Freedom.

Europe & Central Asia


Leading opposition figure Andrey Klimau sentenced 2 years in prison for internet article critical of President Lukashenko. Wave of arrests ahead of planned 14 October European March for Freedom, including 2 deputy heads of opposition parties. At least 29 youth activists arrested after protesting court trials in Minsk and Baranovichi; further 19 detained to prevent festival marking historical battle in east 8 September.

Europe & Central Asia


U.S. expanded travel sanctions on Belarusian officials 7 August. Minsk responded with restrictions on U.S. officials 22 August. 30 opposition activists briefly detained 19 August after police raid on book reading; author and leader of Youth Front, Paul Sevyarynets, sentenced 15 days prison. 50 people detained after 22 August raid on theatre performance. 7 opposition parties face potential suspension following government warnings of legal irregularities.

Europe & Central Asia


Opposition-organised Sovereignty Day events 27 July led to arrests, detention of activists and politicians. President Lukashenka dismissed KGB Chairman Stepan Sukhorenko and First Deputy Head Vasily Dementey 17 July; appointed presidential security service chief Yury Zhadobin.

Europe & Central Asia


EU suspended trade preferences 21 June, citing Minsk’s failure to reform labour rights. U.S. renewed sanctions against President Lukashenka and 9 officials. UN Human Rights Council took Belarus off special watch list, reportedly under Russian pressure, despite last rapporteur’s warning of 2006 deterioration.

Europe & Central Asia


Opposition coalition, Political Council of United Pro- democratic Forces, voted out leader Alexander Milinkevich; 4 co-leaders to serve on rotating basis. 2 opposition activists serving 3-year sentences for organising 2005 mass protests released early 22 May, for good behaviour. Iranian President Ahmadi-Nejad, on 21-22 May visit, granted Belarus Iranian oil reserve access; President Lukashenko said signalled “strategic partnership”. Belarus denied seat on UN Human Rights Council; outvoted in favour of Bosnia & Herzegovina 18 May.

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