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CrisisWatch is our global conflict tracker, an early warning tool designed to help prevent deadly violence. It keeps decision-makers up-to-date with developments in over 70 conflicts and crises every month, identifying trends and alerting them to risks of escalation and opportunities to advance peace. In addition, CrisisWatch monitors over 50 situations (“standby monitoring”) to offer timely information if developments indicate a drift toward violence or instability. Entries dating back to 2003 provide easily searchable conflict histories.


Europe & Central Asia


Opposition activist Andrei Kilmau arrested 3 April for online article criticising President Lukashenko: first arrest for online dissidence.

Europe & Central Asia


Over 10,000 protestors marking Freedom Day and calling for President Lukashenka’s ouster clashed with police 25 March. Dozens arrested, including chairman of the Belarusian Popular Front, Vintsuk Vyachorka, but no mass arrests typical of previous protests occurred.

Europe & Central Asia


30 opposition Youth Front members briefly detained 4 February after police raid on meeting: further 10 held after pro-European 14 February march in Minsk. Opposition leader Milinkevich said would not attend planned 17-18 March congress, criticising internal squabbling. U.S. imposed financial sanctions on 6 more officials 27 February.

Europe & Central Asia


Local elections held 14 January; opposition under intense pressure from authorities: leader Alyaksandr Milinkevich detained twice, at least 30 activists arrested, and only 200 opposition candidates registered. Decision to expel Belarusian Helsinki Committee from state-owned offices reversed, apparently under EU and U.S. pressure. Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly President Rene van der Linden called for political prisoner releases and dialogue during 3-day visit. Minsk signed defence cooperation memorandum with Iran 22 January. Relations with Russia cooled after first gas then oil supplies subject of dispute between Minsk and Moscow: Druzhba pipeline briefly shut down 8-10 January.

Europe & Central Asia


Jailed opposition leader Alexander Kazulin ended 54-day hunger-strike 12 December. Around 20 pro-Kazulin demonstrators detained; Russia blocked U.S. proposal to discuss hunger-strike in UN Security Council. Parliament passed bill for prevention and combat of extremism; KGB said necessary ahead of “events” planned by opposition. U.S. Congress passed law for stronger sanctions and aid for opposition. EU said suspending preferential trade tariffs if no improvement in labour rights.

Europe & Central Asia


Youth opposition activist Zmitser Dashkevich given 1.5-year prison sentence for participation in unregistered group 1 November; EU condemned decision. Germany called for immediate release of opposition leader Alexander Kazulin amid reports of serious decline in his health; Kazulin is on hunger strike. EU repeated its offer to Minsk of EU Neighbourhood Policy participation, conditional on democratic reform. Lukashenka asserted he had won 93.5% of vote in March presidential elections but official figures of 83% had been released to make results more believable to West.

Europe & Central Asia


President Lukashenko set regional and local legislative elections for 14 January; opposition leader Alexander Milinkevich said opposition would contest elections despite tougher campaign rules. EU parliament awarded Milinkevich annual Sakharov rights prize. EU extended travel ban on 31 officials to include 4 judges and prosecutors involved in recent trial of leading opposition activist Alyaksandr Kazulin; latter serving 5-year sentence, hospitalised 31 October.

Europe & Central Asia


Thousands rallied in Minsk, demanding release of opposition presidential candidate Alexander Kozulin, election observers and opposition activists jailed after protesting rigged March election. Minsk court rejected appeal to Kazulin’s 5½- year prison sentence. EU to consider extension of visa ban to officials involved in trial; EU member states rejected sanctions to expel Belarus from preferential trade system within 6 months if government does not guarantee freedom of speech and assembly. Special rapporteur Severin recommended UN probe into rights abuses in report to UN Human Rights Council.

Europe & Central Asia


OSCE and EU condemned sentencing of 4 election monitors to between 6 months and 2 years in prison for “infringing on rights and interests” of citizens. 2 released after serving 6-month pre-trial detention. Diplomatic row erupted with Latvia after Minsk accused embassy official of involvement in pornography. Poland called for release of 3 ethnic Pole activists detained ahead of Union of Poles in Belarus meeting 18 August.

Europe & Central Asia


Regional court sentenced opposition leader Alexander Kozulin to 5½ years for organising unauthorised rally. EU, U.S., OSCE criticised decision. 40 people detained after protest outside Russian embassy against Russian support of President Lukashenko.

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